> A month before they are born, fetuses carried by American mothers-to-be can distinguish between someone speaking to them in English and Japanese. Using non-invasive sensing technology for the first time for this purpose, a group of researchers has shown this in-utero language discrimination.
The power tariff had already (a)/ been increased twice in (b)/ the last 15 months and the Electricity Board had also levied additional monthly charges to consumers. (c)/ No error (d) @snailplane please help me
@snailplane is it common in transliterating Japanese to use the o with a bar? ō I mean. What does the bar indicate? That the vowel is longer than usual?
I have a table which lists the operation of a bio-layer interferometer. The last column is named in Russian "step repeats" and contains only numbers 1 (in each cell of the column). Which means that each step (each operation of the equipment) was only done once, without repeats.
We will be having an election of our Governor soon. Sverdlovsk Region governor. The Kremlin barred the leading candidate (the city mayor) from participating, because he is not pro-Putin.
And the pro-Putin candidate is looking at you from every billboard. A huge billboard right near my house.
@V.V. I know it's not for me, but even if we exclude all the trick question interpretations and assume it's an actual moving bus on Earth, we still need more context, such as its location, and whether it's driving forward.
Big L asked me a question in comments on ELU. His comment was to my answer dated by the year 2015, I believe. The question was about Russian logical problems. The OP couldn't understand the sentence.