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@Cardinal yes that sentence is incorrect. I can't say why though. To make it correct, write
> It's often that you hear such rumors these days.
Hmmm, but adding "very" before "often" makes it sound better.
You better ask a question regarding this sentence on ELL.
I second what Brillig said in his comment.
3 hours later…
> The communication between brain regions specialized in language is supported by rhythmic synchronization of brain cells. Moreover, different rhythms reflect different directions of information flow - a breakthrough in the research on communication between functionally specialized brain regions.
> Previous research into the visual brain has already shown that rhythmic activity between brain regions generates a protocol that enables more efficient processing of action potentials. "In this study, we demonstrate the same protocol for the network of brain areas involved in processing language. This is a remarkable finding, because language is a much more complex process than vision."
> Come out from your house, Gritsyu! (male name, endearing suffix "tsuy")
Take some gentle quiet steps!
Play for me on your reed pipe,
Play it softly and quietly!

Oh, that wooden fife,
Crafted out of oak
When I hear it play
My heart pains me.
> (now Gritsuy sings:)
Hey, my sirwals trail behind (sirwals: extremely wide trousers worn by Turks and Cossacks)
And cover up my tracks.
I have but three dollars in my pocket
And even those feel unwelcome there.

I will spend one dollar on dances,
Another on an evening party,
And will buy some honey for my honey
On the remaining dollar
@Cardinal Their explanation is wrong, but their conclusion is correct
I never knew about this medieval thing concerning snails.
Thanks @snailplane
I asked a question on this sentence.
I don't know Yasmika
I met him here yesterday
> The primary packaging of the investigational product contains the following information (clearly printed in the national language):
Is this okay? Or might this be misunderstood to mean "apparently printed in"?
What I want to say is that the printed letters should be legible, easily readable.
> , the primary packaging of the investigational product contains the following information (printed in the national language using a legible print):
> , the primary packaging of the investigational product contains the following information (in the national language, in a legible print):
Probably thus.
I think that Millay wins this round, hands down
@Cardinal I think it simply doesn't work with certain adjectives, and that's the best explanation you're gonna get. Everything else I think is unnecessary unless you're interested in linguistics. I don't know whether this is valid but usually if you find "It is often for us to hear..." unacceptable, the original doesn't work either. But maybe that's just one of the parsings of the sentence and I'm making some sort of logical error.
"Often " isn't an adjective . And the problem is that infinitive adjunct can follow an adjective, a noun, but never an adverb,imho.
It's confusing, because I suspect that there's a similar structure in your own language using an adverb in this position. Btw, we have the same.
It can be an adjective and I can't parse it as anything else in that sentence.
Even though it's still wrong. @V.V. What's the similar structure in your first language?
In mine you can't use an infinitive there but a for + infinitive construction.
@V.V. I agree. I didn't notice that often is not an adjective, but the main reason was that we can say "It's quite often that we bla bla" I guess I thought I can remove the "that clause" and replace it by an adjective.
By an infinitive I mean.
7 hours later…
> The non-specific solutions were prepared by diluting the polyclonal antibody with the blank solution to the concentrations of 12.5 and 500 ng/mL. (Is it right to use the here?)
Don't use it
Both versions work, but the one without 'the' flows better @Cowp
Articles kill me
@CowperKettle Killed people can't speak
Or chat
Or read.
Or put clown smileys. Next question please
@user178049 If it's important to you, you could ask that question at EL&U, simply because more people will see it, I think.
What is the other room English Learner for?
@Man_From_India For chat.
@userr2684291 Should I delete it and post it on ELU? Or can I just flag it? Actually, I'm not sure if such a question would be accepted on ELU; I don't often visit that site. So I just ask it on ELL because I'm familiar with it.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected: Meaning of a word by Jithu on ell.SE
It's raining the whole day. We have been washed from the surface (it seems)
Just unbearable.
@user178049 I'd leave it here for a couple of days, and if you don't get a satisfactory answer, request migration. That way you get the best of both worlds.
1 hour later…
@V.V. Rain is beautiful.
> On and on the rain will fall
> Like tears from a star, like tears from a star
> On and on the rain will say
> How fragile we are, how fragile we are
Not in such quantities, I believe.
Is there a ray of sun on this planet?

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