Hi. I need a quick translation from German to English. I have a software user interface option "Karte einziehen" that indicates that a "customer card" should be "captured" when the customer is leaving and the card is inserted in the card slot at the gate.
I am unsure what the correct translation is "Seize card" is probably not correct.
Maybe just "Collect card" but that sounds wrong to me as well.
I can never know for sure which word to use outside foresting and foraging.
I've always thought them to be interchangeable most of the time.
However, when it comes to berries or fruit we use gather and can't use collect. And when speak we about items or stuff like coins we use collect.
What ab...
This is a hard question for me to answer, but obviously there is a difference between the way these two verbs are used. While it's more common for one verb to license a select set of nouns after it, the other verb licenses other set of nouns. It's hard to generalize it!
I'm just writing some self introduction to a forum
Is this below sentences are correct?
The whole purpose of OpenMRS was fasinating to me. OpenMRS is built upon with great humanity values. I always wanted to help the people and make this world a better place. OpenMRS let me to do it with great pleasure. Write code, save lives.