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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

@Araucaria Oh, thank you for the explanation, and I would love to hear what he has to say if you can manage it :-)
@userr2684291 At least in the U.S., the plural option has become so common that some speakers actually think the singular version sounds wrong (!). Of course, both are in use, and I wouldn't agree with those speakers, but it's interesting to see how people think about the language.
MWDEU has a great summary on this topic, if I recall correctly.
Hello! @snailplane
Nice to see you around!
Hi :-)
@M.A.R. Let's try again
The ear is the organ of hearing and, in mammals, balance. In mammals, the ear is usually described as having three parts—the outer ear, middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear consists of the pinna and the ear canal. Since the outer ear is the only visible portion of the ear in most animals, the word "ear" often refers to the external part alone. The middle ear includes the tympanic cavity and the three ossicles. The inner ear sits in the bony labyrinth, and contains structures which are key to several senses: the semicircular canals, which enable balance and eye tracking when moving; the utricle...
@DamkerngT. what happened?
@M.A.R. Nothing much. My internet connect wasn't quite stable.
30 000 characters is the max for an answer? That's 15 pages! O_O
o/ BTW
Good evening
And once the bot dies, it dies. It has no watchdog looking after it.
Good evening!
Good evening to everyone.
Wow, piggybacking TRomano's answer boosted my answer beyond belief! It's now the fourth most upvoted answer of mine!
@CowperKettle even more for sites like PPCG
May I ask what is a ping or 'pinged'
@Alex89 Here. I'm pinging you. :)
This is another ping. @Alex89
hmmm... thanks, Damkerng T.
My pleasure! :D
I noticed that in the upper right corner some avatars are highlighted (bright hues). Are these the users who are present now in the chat?
Today there was a great demonstration in Yekaterinburg. I last saw such a big demonstration before 1991
@CowperKettle Was it related to those truckers you mentioned a couple weeks ago?
@Alex89 When I close the tab in my browser, the avatar goes dim
@DamkerngT. No, the demonstration today is against Dmitry Medvedev, who stole 1 000 000 000 dollars
The truckers will start their action in several hours' time
600 people have been detained in Moscow
several people were detained in Yekaterinburg
The whole Anti-Corruption Fund has been arrested by Putin's thugs
What a day!
Yes... schoolkids were detained, women etc.
But I'm glad that several thousand people came in our city to the square
They are sick f*cks..
And guess what? Not a single TV channel has reported that across Russia 100 cities have held demonstrations.
It's just not in the news. At all.
@CowperKettle I guess that would've been expected.
@DamkerngT. Yes. But the last time it happened, here, I was 10 years old and it was 1988.
I hope this regime goes the way of the Soviet regime.
I mean the last time I saw such suppression of information on TV, it was 1988.
It's probably similar in other parts of the world. Several times, local people didn't know what happened but CNN and alike knew.
Things are different these days, I think. With Twitter, Facebook, and all.
I took along an instruction on what to do when you're detained.. and some telephones of lawyer agencies.
But happily me and my friend were not detained
The guy on the right hold a sign saying "Stop treating us like shit"
The guy on the left holds a sign saying "We demand answers" (with the yellow duck)
@CowperKettle Phew!
There was a short snowstorm
I shot this near the monument to the founders of the city
We call this monument "Beavis and Butthead"
> Enough, Dima (vernacular for the name Dmitry), it's time to go
Next we went to a museum and I shot this snail made of stone
It looks very real!
Yes, my camera failed to focus.. it looks great
Local athletes were training nearby
A huge, huge crowd of protesters. We waited many minutes for them to pass by
Another photo from the museum
@CowperKettle It chose to focus on 18. :P
This painting is called "Moses", by a Ural painter. It was painted in 1913
@CowperKettle Hmm... oh! I see!
I was wondering who in the painting is supposed to be.
@DamkerngT. Moses, the Biblical prophet
And this one depicts some WWII era partisans
or "guerillas"?
The English translation says "Partisans at the rear of the enemy"
I would have translated this as "Partisans behind enemy lines"
Ah, that makes much more sense!
At the rear of the enemy evokes a very different imagery!
Yes, "at the rear of the enemy" sounds odd (0:
After 4hours I'm being charged w/administrative violation for participating in unsanctioned rally even tho I showed… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/846021567494701057
A Guardian journalist was detained
I hope he'll be freed soon.
(or released, or whatever)
He probably will be. They are afraid of dealing with foreign journalists
They want to intimidate the local population. They will let him go.
It's great that 80% were young people
They created secret groups on a non-Kremlin-controlled platform (Telegram) I guess
Even people on wheelchairs
@CowperKettle nods
I want to get Disciplined badge. I wish to ask, may I delete my own question which has one answer? And then I rollback it. Or this is a bad idea?
@Alex89 It's a bad idea
Thanks, M.A.R. Understood.
I got my Custodian today)
Does anybody know: in case when I choose sorting by votes in a question, and two answers or more have the same number of votes, which answer will be higher and which one lower?
@Alex89 That's chosen randomly
OK, nice. Thanks again.
Answer A would show up higher, but might show lower in the next hour. Who knows.
And today I also learned that if the author of the question reaccepts the answer (cancels accepting of the first accepted answer and then accepts another one), that results in –15 for the author of the first accepted answer.
Yep, as if it wasn't accepted in the first place
It's somewhat surprising to see Pullum himself recommending a book on Amazon, haha.
@userr2684291 Goodness
@M.A.R. Good heavens!
@userr2684291 Bad heavens!
@M.A.R. Heaven forfend!
@Alex89 Yes, but that's just the 15 you mistakenly gave them in the first place :) It doesn't deduct any more than they got for having the selected answer ...
@userr2684291 Is my exclamation so exclamatory that you need to exclaim?
@Araucaria thanks. Nice to see you.
@Alex89 Likewise :)
@M.A.R. Iwis.
@Araucaria May I ask what city are you from?
> Please note that votes for posts marked “community wiki” do not generate any reputation.
I'm feeling "as" is missing between "marked" and "community wiki" in the above sentence. Am I right?
@Pandya No.
@userr2684291 ok
How many #Putin regime police men does it take to arrest one brave Russian woman? https://t.co/yAF5FrXmVf
780 people detained thus far in Moscow alone
@Pandya Nope, it's fine
@CowperKettle Why?
@M.A.R. Peaceful demonstrations against corruption
It's illegal to demonstrate against the Prime Minister of Russia who allegedly stole over 70 000 000 000 rubles
Well, that might be biased since you're anti-Putin
You bet I am
I'm also anti-Hitler
I don't like the guy particularly, but he can't ruin my life because that's our own officials' job
Listen, the demonstration in my city, Yekaterinburg, was forbidden because "The title of your demonstration, Against Corruption, for Human Rights contradicts the Constitution of Russia"
"Please re-submit your application"
Oh well, the grass is poop-colored everywhere
An update. As of 12 minutes ago, more than a 1000 are detained in Moscow
The largest detainment of protesters ever since the USSR
В офисе ФБК прямо сейчас обыск без адвокатов, без понятых, без представителя организации!!! Рядом - 5 машин полиции, с сотрудниками внутри
Liubov Soboleva, a lawyer at the Anti-Corruption Fund, tweets: "this very minute, the police is conducting a search in our offices. Neither lawyers nor witnesses nor company representatives are present at this search."
So basically they may plant anything they want there. Porn, drugs, ammunition. And arrest all corruption fighters.
I used to send money to help fund the Fund
Another criminal arrested, along with his bicycle.
Man, it sounds even shittier than our system
the poster says: "sell your mansions and build new roads instead".
Prime Minister Medvedev is accused of pocketing money to buy grape farms in Toskana
Tuscany (/ˈtʌskəni/ TUSK-ə-nee; Italian: Toscana, pronounced [toˈskaːna]) is a region in central Italy with an area of about 23,000 square kilometres (8,900 square miles) and a population of about 3.8 million inhabitants (2013). The regional capital is Florence (Firenze). Tuscany is known for its landscapes, traditions, history, artistic legacy and its influence on high culture. It is regarded as the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and has been home to many figures influential in the history of art and science, and contains well-known museums such as the Uffizi and the Pitti Palace. Tuscany...
I beg your pardon. Tuscany
Well, it's more or less like that everywhere
A lot of money earned not rightfully
A lot of rich people who don't deserve that money
@CowperKettle Tuscany sounds like a nice place.
@CowperKettle Oh, no!
I feel like another wind of change is blowing.
@M.A.R. Hehe!
My question is very simple and one need not be proficient in both languages to answer my question. It is just a miniscule doubt that i want to clear. That's all. — Suraj tiwari 44 secs ago
Hmm... I don't know why he thinks so.
(I'm 90% sure that Suraj is a male name, as in Thai.)
(Su = good, raj is probably similar to raja = king)
@DamkerngT. Me neither. However, they tagged the question with , and there don't seem to be any guidelines governing it, so I'm guessing translating is on-topic.
Personally, I think we should allow only translation questions that the OP is able to elaborate the basic idea of the original.
Well, okay, you can't submit a whole text, as you'd expect, but that might be the only requirement I'm able to infer.
But IIRC, we've got a handful of French translation questions where the OP didn't have to elaborate much.
(I can remember only one such OP, to be honest. :)
@DamkerngT. Have they not, though?
@userr2684291 In this new question? He doesn't, at least not at the level he specifies.
"I want you to be always happy" or "I want to see you always happy"? -- Both are more or less understandable.
But which of them, or neither, means "main chahta hu tum sada khush raho"?
Translation can be tricky, if we want to be very precise.
Dam I just saw the meta policy about this
We can safely VTC.
Q: Translation Questions

DecoThis question has been closed as Off-Topic (I cast the final vote). There is this discussion on Area51 in regards to translation questions but there doesn't seem to be a definitive guide on whether we should consider these on-topic or not. The highest voted answer on there is: I don't think ...

Oh! Thanks for the pointer!
Oh, no! Why is it raining?
@DamkerngT. Haha.
Oh, it's official. They just issued an official warning. I hope we don't have another big flood!
Very, very cloudy.
ell.meta.stackexchange.com/posts/3484/revisions Was the correction made to the title just a blunder?
@userr2684291 I see no blunders
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/164899/… This post mentions diamond mods – are there any other types of mods? Do they consider (what I would regard as) normal users as moderators?
@M.A.R. Doesn't daily mean in a day?
Oh, it's my post edited by Catija. In Russian we use the adjective "дневной" and sometimes "ежедневный". I thought I should use The English adjective daily. But I am really not perfect, you know.
@userr2684291 Moderator in the general sense is anyone who helps with site moderation
Then a more common version is mod meaning diamond mods
@Alex89 I think it was okay to say daily.
Then there are SE devs and CMs and all, which have a special diamond and can mess up with sites' codes
@userr2684291 ''in a day'' isn't that bizarre to me either
@M.A.R. Yeah, but the title contains both.
Oh right
Anyhoo, haha.
It's a bit redundant really quite a bit
In which cases do moderators delete posts here?
@M.A.R. Personally, I myself thought it a tad bit redundant.
@Alex89 When they don't comply with our rules, which are well-documented in the help center and the meta site
@M.A.R. That's not really true, though. Some posts are closed, put on hold, etc., because they do(n't do) what you described.
I see now. If enough users cast their votes, the question receives the status "on hold". And if it is not reopened in five days, it becomes closed... Clear.
@userr2684291 Sure, my reply was a generalization, because there's a whole frigging site dedicated to answering that
And if a question or an answer is extremely off topic, or is offensive/abusive, or contains spam, then it can be deleted completely.
@Alex89 Yep. You actually got that much faster than users usually do
@Alex89 Yep
At my site (it was long ago), my first question was "Where could I read about rules of this site?". The question was very soon deleted by a moderator.
@Alex89 It's a really bad question.
maybe you are right
but we don't have any Meta, nor we have a chat
Well, in a new site, I would first get used to the UI, which would take a couple of hours
Then start looking around
what is UI
User Interface
The buttons and layouts etc.
Ultracrepidarian Interjections.
Don't listen to this userr.
Ulcer Intricacies
M.A.R. I don't know all the words but I think I can understand when someone is joking (kidding))
@M.A.R. ^
We have very nice User Interface. Here's mine: bolshoyvopros.ru/profile59611
@M.A.R. That's not my MO. I like to designate a special notebook in which I make notes as I learn about the site. I review what I learned every Saturday. After 7 weeks I'm ready to use the site.
@Alex89 I live in London, mostly.
London... that's great. Thanks.
@Alex89 That's not what User Interface means.
Oh, maybe you are right. It is my profile/account. Sorry(
I understand that UI are the page design and the buttons, and how you interact with the site?
@Alex89 Yeh.
Anybody there?
@user62015 Sorry, no. Try again later.
I solved some questions and it shows some of my questions were wrong but I am not sure why
Can I send you the link to check?
@user62015 You answer questions and solve problems.
You don't solve questions.
Anyway, @user62015, post questions which you're not sure about. If someone is interested, there's a chance they'll help you.
@userr2684291 MO? Molecular Orbital?
@M.A.R. Modus operandi.
But yeah, that works too.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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