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I don't get time to read ELL very often these days. But whenever I do, I see a sharp decline in quality questions.
Even most old folks have been very irregular these days, just like me :(
2 hours later…
@Man_From_India that's natural
3 hours later…
@DamkerngT. This is really amazing and a bit frightening.
Sawasdee khrap!
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer: What do they mean with "Hi, how are you doing"? by danylancaster on ell.SE
@SmokeDetector Hi
Will you able to help me?
@user62015 Hello! SmokeDetector is a bot (a computer program), not a real person, so it can't help you with English.
Every one of us should realize that any act of negligence will cause a great harm to our country's security.
But you are not a bot.......hahahahahhahaha
Just joking........
Every one of us should realize that any act of negligence will cause a great harm to our country's security. @DamkerngT.
Yes, I'm here :-) I was just deleting some spam.
@user62015 It would usually be cause harm, not cause a harm.
Will cause great harm
@Man_From_India I love good questions, and it'd be great if we could get better ones, but what we really need in my opinion is to make sure our answers are good.
We should introduce payments to answerers
$1 per each point
Good morning :-)
Good early evening (0:
\o all
Good evening!
1 hour later…
"They would usually be understood as meaning that the person he refers to is mentally strong, and the speaker are not as mentally strong as he is." Should it be "is" instead of "are"?
@snailplane nods
@snailplane What do you think about my answer here? I am new to this subject, so need your opinion.
A: "not as ... as I crave" or "not as ... as what I crave?

Man_From_India I wanted to build my knowledge through a variety of opportunities, but at my current school these opportunities aren’t as vast as (what) I crave. This is a comparative construction, containing a Comparative Phrase - as vast as (what) I crave. It is a Scaler comparison, It falls under Equali...

@userr2684291 I think so. The speaker are is just weird.
Good evening DT
how is it going?
1 hour later…
@Man_From_India It's going okay. How are you?
Word of the Day: military
Don't confuse military the adjective with military the noun.
And no, no, when it's an adjective, it may have nothing to do with military the noun.
> military (adj.) happening with precision and in a manner in which it's being done very, very clearly
Same with "minute".
The pronunciation is also different.
Not in the case of military, I think.
@DamkerngT. I can't find the definition in the OED.
Or in Webster's dictionary.
@userr2684291 The definition I quoted above was from five days ago. Maybe it's too new for OED. :P
The headline: "Trump Was Using..." – closes the tab.
"I know words. I have the best words."
@CowperKettle Do you know about this site? gallantlab.org/huth2016
I used to frequent PubMed, neuroscience.ru, and other neuro and psychiatric sites. It's interesting to read how the brain works
Now I only scan across headlines
Q: meaning of "Who do Dirk and Jake expect to see them in dreams?"

ProbablyThis is a example sentence from the linguistic course "The ling space". They've used this sentence to explain that the subject can shift when we change the sentence. Dirk and Jake expect to see them in dreams to "Who do Dirk and Jake expect to see them in dreams?" But what does it mean?

The analysis sounds somewhat weird to me.
"that the subject can shift when we change the sentence"
Let's see the original article (or website).
> So we want to start by looking at the second part of each of these sentences. Each of them have a second, infinitive verb in their latter half: "to see them in dreams." But in both cases, there's no immediately apparent subject in this sentence: we don't know from just the words that are there who exactly is doing the seeing. It's just not there.
Because it's a "ling space", I suppose it should be rigorous at least at a certain level.
He seems to confuse "sentence" with "clause".
And though I'm not 100% sure, I think analyzing Dirk and Jake expect to see them in dreams as a sentence with an infinitive clause with its own subject is a bit strange.
Maybe I should review the catenative construction.
Okay, after a quick review, I think it's much safer to simply say to see them (in dreams) is a complement.
@DamkerngT. I'm fine, thanks :-))
@DamkerngT. not only strange, it's wrong. That infinitive clause doesn't have an explicit subject.
And you are right that infinitive clause is only analyzed as a complement.
@Man_From_India Thanks!
Precisely, a subject is also a kind of complement. But this particular complement in this sentence is a complement of the verb - expect.
@CowperKettle At first I thought it's a bug
I am too impatient ——— ?
A. aren’t I? B. amn’ t I?
C. isn’t I? D. do I?
I chose A
You're right
@CowperKettle Fish mouth
Ever since they got married, they ——— here.
A. have been living
B. were living
C. had lived
D. had been living
Good evening all.
@V.V. \o
She is unhappy because he———any friends.
A. has
B. hasn’t
C. have
D. haven’t
Good evening, V.V.!
@user62015 What does VGE mean?
Very Good Evening!!!! @V.V.
I recall VGA
OK, weird acronym
Yes, Very Good Afternoon
It was popular in the 1990s
Until it was supplanted by Super-Very Good Afternoon (a.k.a. SVGA)
SVGA is backwards compatible with VGA though
A: "Confusing" Vs "Confused"

LingDamkerng, thank you for your explanation, which is interesting. So, could I please understand as such: "a confusing something may not be confused" because this something to one who might find it confused but to another who might not. In other words, a confusing something may confuse one but not a...

Thanking @Dam
Q: "We are going inside to the someone's heart" vs "We are going into someone's heart"

Adorable SpectacleWhen we love someone, what's more appropriate for use? "we are going inside her heart" or "We are going into her heart"?

"We're scuba diving into her heart"
You should (1)/ avail of every opportunity(2)/ to practise your skills (3)/ No error.(4)
avail yourself of
or improve your skills
@user62015 Dang, that sentence is like 300 years old
@user62015 Yes, this is prolly what they're looking for
But still important

indian english to make use of something:
Over a thousand learners have already availed the opportunity to study at our college.
To avail this offer, please click here.
No "of"
3 hours later…
First SE post I used mobile to post
The only downside was me not feeling like leaving fancy links to confusing Wikipedia pages
I need ideas for a 3-5 pg narrative, pg rated material please
Hullo @Nat! Welcome to our chatroom
@NatalieLauren what are your options?
I mean, what context?
Does it need to be modern? Happening in the medieval era?
Or something else?
Does it need to be emotional, inspirational, or what?
I perfer modern, but anything is cool
really any idea is game, it just has to pg rated and can be rapped up in 3-5 pg
Hmm, I like the premise behind Elephant man
A really smart guy that looks hideous because of an illness
But he/she does something to save a lot of lives or something similar
What do you think?
IDK, but i would perfer it to be a lot simplar, that sounds like a 1000 pg story
has to be more of a FIVE PG story
@NatalieLauren usually, 1000 page stuff is just 5 pages long if you know what you can pick to write
If you're looking for something five pages long, you'll find it's finishing in page 2
just simple ideas please
So you'll have to make stuff up
Lemme think of something else
Is this due tomorrow?
I mean i have a story but it's like already 10 pg long
damn teacher wants the whole thing doubl space
@NatalieLauren 10 pages is really good! We can easily reduce that to five
@NatalieLauren O.o
The images floated across the sky as the child commanded, the deer and the birds playing in the meadow. The tot was unnaturally beautiful, that laughed and giggled like bells at the magic, as the girl waved her hands in the air. The spell that told the story was beautifully simple one, a wave of the hand and a vibrant imagination. The woman smiled to her, as looked upon the children; at the siren and the angel. Born with no magic herself, the woman learned to love the girl’s gift, but saddened at the day when she would go out into the world; fearing that the child would view as freak. But f
thats the story
That's ten pages?
im not even done w/ said story, and its has to a begining middle and end
i was exagerartiong before
it's 6pg
OK, now that's a story that can go on forever
what do you mean?
You/we need to define an end, as well as a beginning. You defined a beginning, and rolled with it
That's why it's 6 pages and counting
im baiscally gonna cut every thing after "IF they only knew the half of it."
and hit it into the action
im also gonna gut the part bout magic
Yeah, that seemed inconsistent.
What does your teacher actually want from you anyway?
Something formal?
a short 5 pg narrative thats supposed to be creative
Does he/she take the assignment very seriously?
@NatalieLauren it was really good actually.
it an honors teacher, so OF COURSE
the teacher won't bugde on the # of pg
I wouldn't expect to enjoy any writing at 2:40 a.m., but it was enjoyable
was gonna submit five best pg, but no
where are you in the world
2:40 AM
@NatalieLauren No, don't do that
@NatalieLauren the other corner
anyways, the dumb teach won't bugde on pg#s
so i gottat figure out how to round it down to five
the only reason the itallics dont make, was because they were going to come later in the story
@NatalieLauren I can help with that, but I should definitely sleep now.
k, bye dude
I would be able to help tomorrow, i.e. in 7 hours or something
But if it's already due tomorrow . . .
that won't work
it's not due tommarrow
i just need ideas
Well I gave you one
thanks though
And it wasn't long, believe me
But anyway, your choice
k, bye dude
@NatalieLauren Please, don't ask questions a second time when they have already been closed once.
@NatalieLauren I did a quick search for "writing ideas" and found some possibilities, like creativewritingprompts.com and thinkwritten.com/365-creative-writing-prompts
There is lots of help on the Internet - writer's block is a very common problem :)

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