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@snailplane Is it wrong to say "to prevent people from drinking alcohol"?
@M.A.R. @user2684291 @snailplane (This is one way to resolve the smiley problem: ت)
@Nagendra what's the complete sentence? The infinitive clause on its own is correct.
I would use it if the Farsi/Arabic font here weren't so abominable.
@Færd how about if our ELL chatroom was conferred with support to unicode smiley.
(well, on mobile platform it does support unicode smiley, but on desktop platform it doesn't)
@Man_From_India Consider the sentence "Tougher laws are needed to prevent people from drinking and driving".
@Nagendra correct sentence. Why do you think it is incorrect?
@Man_From_India I didn't think it's wrong. But a person has been arguing with me saying prevent is wrong and deter is right. He further said that he learnt it from a British teacher. I said both are right. I asked here to confirm it.
@Nagendra No
They just mean different things.
Neither of them is wrong.
@snailplane How thay are different?
Q: How can I inform moderators to rethink about their decision?

ShannakI asked few questions on ell forum, one of them is marked as duplicate. Are "present continuous" and "be going to" interchangeable? I believe the question is not duplicate, but maybe the moderates mislead by the comments. So, is there any way to ask them to take another look at the question?

@Nagendra The difference between "stop" and "discourage". "To stop people from doing something" vs "to discourage people from doing something".
Q: The use of the construction "one's +gerund +..." as subject

MarekCan I use the phrase "My being neat and quiet" as a subject of the sentence? For example, My being neat and quiet seems something they appreciate.

> [My being neat and quiet] seems something (they appreciate).
I answered there stating that this sentence is correct. Because I have seen several instance of seem something.
But when I try to reason it with grammatical explanation of Ascriptive PC and Specifying PC, I tend to think that seem something is incorrect. Because I believe it's Specifying PC, and so needs a to be like this seems to be something.
Or it might happen that without the relative clause - they appreciate ___ - the Predicative Complement (PC) - something - is not specifying. And hence it's okay to say/write seem something.
2 hours later…
I respect your point of view, and maybe it is not common. but there are a lot of references consider it as form of simple future: please check the above links and The English space, English Grammar is Simple! Book, Contextual English Book .... — Shannak Jan 22 at 16:08
Hmm... this is confusing!
Let's suppose be going to is a tense, a simple future or future simple tense--whichever a source seems to prefer--what tense would this be: I might have been going to go?
One source keeps using "the Future Simple Tense with 'going to'".
I'm not sure what the author wants it to mean.
Is tense time? Is 'going to' part of tense or the tense itself?
To me, saying something like the Simple Future has two forms will and be going to in a book for beginners is understanding, even though it's quite misleading, because most beginners can't take everything all at once anyway.
Then again, it plants a seed of confusion and could make their grammar awareness stagnant at a later stage.
Q: (Train / Subway) Station Vs (Train / Subway) Stop - Difference between (AmE / BrE)

A-friendIs there a difference between a (train / subway) station and a (train / subway) stop in the US? Is there a difference between UK and US? E.g. what do you call it in the US and in the UK subway system: The train will stop at next (stop / station). (In a train route and not underground syst...

@DamkerngT. It's wrong to call be going to future tense.
@Man_From_India Yes, I think so. Even then, so many people do it that way anyway.
Apart from anything, English doesn't have a future tense.
At least one source in the OP's comment is an ESL teacher, too. And I checked some links the OP gave in other comments, at least two books and one webpage say the same thing.
I think it's safe to call it semi-modal. I haven't checked grammar books for its explanation. Just saying it from top of my head.
BTW, I wonder what makes station vs. stop a good question? -- I asked myself in both English and Thai and I don't think it's a very good question.
In no way can "something they appreciate" be adjectival. And if you want to discuss it further, please move to chat; but you'd be doing the OP a favor by editing your answer to remove the assertion that the sentence is correct. — verbose 51 mins ago
Casting be going to as a tense is about as good as saying will be able to is the future tense of can or managed to is the past tense of can, IMHO.
Should I delete my answer there?
@DamkerngT. nods
@Man_From_India I think the sentence is okay.
Me too. And so in doubt to delete it.
I was in doubt about the grammatical explanation. Hence I haven't added it there in my answer.
Hmm... I wonder why verbose mentioned "adjectival clause". It doesn't look to me like you mentioned it first.
@verbose thinking about it for some more time I think it can be analyzed by both ways. So adding to be here is optional. — Man_From_India 56 mins ago
I think nobody would think She seems a lady is ungrammatical.
@DamkerngT. nods
But I guess using seem without like or to be is much less common in AmE than in BrE.
@DamkerngT. i think he thinks only adjectives or AdjP can come after seem.
> I thought it a liberty; but still, as he seemed a gentleman, I told him he might come.
> --John Keats
I have nothing to think :(( . Two years of effort went up to smoke.
I will never forgive Trump.
Is there any act of terror perpetrated by Persian guy in the last 30 years?
Splendid, ban students.
Oh, right. I'm sorry to hear that.
I suspected things like this would be on the way while watching the inauguration ceremony.
It was quite different from previous inauguration speeches.
@Cardinal EU instead, maybe?
@DamkerngT. nods That's not the USA I knew.
@DamkerngT. Yes, I applied sporadically for the EU. But, I prefer Iran over most of them. At least, I am around my family. Also, I'm not sanguine about the future of the EU.
1 hour later…
robots start delivering food in California
One less delivery jobs for human.
John Connor should start smashing those pizza deliverers to pieces until it's too late
2 hours later…
@Cardinal People have been un-sanguine about that for the last 2500 years
It will get along all right, as the US will too
@Cardinal I'm sorry, that sounds awful :-(
Did Trump ban all Persian students from applying for grants?
I was not reading news
I would have surely applied for a position in EU, or for a grant there. The future of the EU looks bad mostly on propaganda TV channels
@Færd No please no
@DamkerngT. To an AmE speaker without much exposure to BrE or older writing, She seems a lady might well seem ungrammatical.
@snailplane Oh!
At the very least, it might not be part of their natively acquired grammar, so they might not run into that sort of thing until they're exposed to other varieties of the language.
Good evening, Stoney! I hope all is fine in the land across the water.
I think for a lot of speakers the preference for either seems like NP or seems to be NP is really very strong.
@snailplane I guess so. Maybe seems NP is strongly BrE.
Good evening, everyone!
Hi, Cow! I'm fine but the land's got its problems--as evidenced in the uppage discussion. And I'm distressed by the hatecrime being perpetrated on ELU.
So distressed I'm confusing its and it's. Getting old, I guess.
@DamkerngT. I would accept seems NP, but I think I had to learn it as a teenager.
BTW, I had a question
It just struck me while I was walking home
I avoid ELU because it's full of single-word requests and because of the general low-tolerance aura there
AND I'm confusing ELU and ELL. I should give up and go back to bed.
@StoneyB Thank you for editing that post :-)
@StoneyB ah!
Here's the question. If we twist a plot twist, does it become a plot twist twist or a plot twist plot twist?
@StoneyB A cup of tea or any refreshing beverage of choice could make you feel better. :D
Or so I hope!
@snailplane Vile, vile, vile. Experts elsewhere tell me I should have merely flagged it.
@StoneyB They're right
@M.A.R. A twisted twisted plot, maybe.
No, I think the edit was fine.
Usually frustrated people rollback an edit and generally act like jerks
They must've been a noob
@M.A.R. This particular troll self-deletes his accounts after posting.
@M.A.R. Depends. A plot twist twist is merely a twist in a plot twist--a metatwist; but a plot twist plot twist is a plot twist in a plot twist--a metaplottwist.
He already has multiple ten-year network suspensions.
@snailplane Some people can't get over it, it seems
@StoneyB So both, kinda?
This is at least his second major post on the subject.
Gee, kinda like you-know-who
@M.A.R. A metaplottwist would I think require the narrative presence of the narrator in his role as narrator intervening in the action.
Please don't speculate. He just wants attention. The best thing we can do is just to delete it without reading it and ignore it.
@snailplane That's why it's best not to edit
Engaging with the troll is letting them win
No, editing is fine.
Speaking of trolls
Q: Is this graphic about Trump's ban on immigration from multiple countries accurate?

dsollenThis image states that: Trump is poised to sign an Executive Order banning entry to the United States from These 7 Muslim contries: Iran, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia Conspicious in their absence, are the 3 Muslim countries with which Trump does business: Egypt, S...

That way fewer people see it before it's deleted.
But they can roll back, can't they?
No, as I said.
This particular troll self-deletes his accounts after posting.
@M.A.R. That reminds me of that movie, Murder by Natural Causes. Have you seen it?
@user2684291 Nope
@snailplane Oh OK. Shrug
The only thing we gotta do is open an ELL tab and stay alert.
@M.A.R. For some reason, the comma in the graphic caught my eye.
I think it's ungrammatical.
Maybe I've spent too much time on ELL. :P
@DamkerngT. We're not talking about correctness, we're talking about politics. Take a number.
I guess so. Still, that comma caught my eye.
The comma probably shouldn't be there, but the message is effective despite it.
And yeah it sounds ungrammatical
That reminds me
There was a drama-like thing on meta.Skeptics
Shakespeare Sonnet of the Day: Sonnet 30
Q: "Abusing the flagging system" - really?

A EOn this question Was it harder for Syrian Christians to immigrate to the US than Muslims? , comments were as shown below: While the question is on topic, it seems of little importance. – Sklivvz♦ 30 mins ago Here's an example claim that contains more details. Note: it's an opinion piece,...

copypaste malfunction.. I need to take a rest from multitasking
Argh what is wrong with those people
No flame wars.
In general we don't put a comma between a subject and its verb unless we need to to make the sentence clear. In this case we have subject–dependent inversion, so the constituent to the left of the verb is not actually the subject, but I think the same rule applies.
@snailplane Da. It's not the subject but it is a constituent of the main clause--PC--and the comma falsely marks it as a supplement.
> Once the configration file has been parsed and loaded successfully, the bminit will look for "server" entries in the configuration and create one bmserver process for each of them.
Something I wrote in an old document.
configration -- I guess making typos is really my expertise!
I read that as "conflagration file"!
@DamkerngT. Yah, it's realy hard to make that typo.
Is there a name for the fallacy which underlies A-friend's questions: the notion that among n more or less grammatical possibilities there is one best way to say X? More to the point, has anybody explicitly and cogently addressed this fallacy here, so we can point A-friend to it?
He is just trawling for some more popular formulations
I can't understand the meaning of this
the picture above
the formulas seem illogical
@StoneyB Not as elaborately as you would ever do, but I remember Dam telling something of the sort to some of the learners here
> The amount of each impurity (either identified or unidentified) is determined by the peak area ratio according to the formula:
But there is no ratio in the formula
@CowperKettle I don't understand the notation, but perhaps they mean the percentage?
@CowperKettle Maybe the author has some ellipses in thought. :P
Yes.. I just can't understand this.
@DamkerngT. Or ran out of ink
I have some 12 hours before submitting my translation
Wait, that's too old
@CowperKettle Ahh, the good ol' panic mode
I doubt that I'll learn HPLC methods in 12 hours good enough to guess.
I was studying statistics during the holidays. So am not prepared for all this HPLC stuff
NMF, but I think it means that the 'peak area ratio' is the value calculated by the formula, Area%(corr). That is in fact a ratio, a term which designates any value X divided by Y.
@StoneyB I wonder if there's a specific term for it. If you somehow stumble upon such a term in the future, don't forget to tell me!
@StoneyB Thank you!
They must have made a mistake then in writing the first sentence
and I don't understand why if we subtract all impurities from 100 we should get an impurity
maybe they are wrting about some conditions.. this thing should exceed the Limit Of Quantitation (LOQ)
@CowperKettle That one's beyond my paygrade!
A: Usage of the term "test panel"

ShoshtAs @mstorkson explains well, the term "test panel" is not limited to tests for diagnosing medical conditions. In the medical field, "test panel" usually does imply a standard set of tests, such as a panel of routine liver function tests. I think it's important to be aware, however, that "test p...

If this answer is good, please upvote
I don't have time
Mostly, you are enthused about sth, but have enthusiasm for sth.
I wonder if that's because of a nuance of meaning.
@Færd Personally, I wouldn't use either: I'd say "I'm enthusiastic about X".
You find them substandard in any way?
Enthuse, verb, is a back-formation and has never had a very wide currency: I would avoid it entirely in formal contexts. And it's fine to speak of my enthusiasm just like my happiness or my boredom; but they're not usually treated as qualities I possess but as personal attributes: "I'm happy, I'm bored, I'm enthusiastic."
@StoneyB That was insightful. Thanks.
@Færd I've never heard anyone use the former, but the latter is a perfectly cromulent expression.
I just reported a comparison between some COCA search results. Enthused about is common enough there, maybe not in all registers though.
@Faerd Take a look at this
And this.
@StoneyB Yes, seems like enthusiastic enjoys wider acceptance.
@CowperKettle Trump did ban All of the Persians from entering the USA which includes students, green card holders, .... .
They did this mostly to their own detriment. It's not like the US is the only place where you can go and learn something.
@Færd In my opinion, the US is indeed the only place that people are treated, (or I genuinely believed so) equally. I just prefer the USA.
In pursuit of higher education I mean, if that's why you're upset about it's doors being closed to you.
@Cardinal Don't agree with you there at all.
@Cardinal Can't agree
How did you compare it to other countries? How did the comparison go?
IMHO the biggest problem of the Iranian mind is the grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side belief
One of the big ones, yes.
Hmm, that's my opinion and that is to some extent complicated.
I wouldn't form personal opinions about things that can be factually evaluated, or estimated.
Hmm, I just don't want to talk about it right know.
The US is not even considered among the fully democratic nations anymore. It has flawed democracy, as per some ratings that you can find on the net.
And not ones sourced by the Iranian side
And it's not like it happened because of Trump's election. That was just a nudge that downgraded it a little bit.
@Færd The fact that people in the USA are different from the other parts of the globe. That's what I like the most about the country. I like their culture.
That's another double standard.
@Cardinal TBH, I don't get why you don't have the same vibe for Europeans.
Europe is traditional (I don't want to say Racist!)
And well, I guess the other side might seem like Utopia.
@Cardinal America's worse, isn't it?
@M.A.R. No, not all.
Q: Time to take a stand

Joel SpolskyI am extremely upset by President Trump’s executive order on immigration. It is immoral, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American. The community on Stack Overflow is made up of users from all over the world. At least 100,000 posts on Stack Overflow were written by users from the seven cou...

I keep reading it ''Time to take a sand''
I am talking about the ordinary people.
@Cardinal That would lead me to believe you're uninformed.
@Cardinal The ordinary people voted for Trump.
Please be objective about your opinions when you pass judgment on people thousands of miles away from you.
so, I said that It's complicated.
That's not being objective.
@M.A.R. Trump had near 3 m lower vote.
Also, Hillary is not a popular figure.
Remind me again who's the POTUS now?
And seldom can a complicated matter be summarized into a simple sentence like "Americans are more X than Europeans".
For goodness's sake, Europe is a continent.
@Færd Let me give you an example, after finishing your studies they will throw away. You cannot find job because you are not europian. And a gamut of other reasons
@Cardinal I don't think the situation is any better in America.
@Cardinal Based on my own personal experiment and my close relatives', that's not generally true.
One reason people voted for Trump was that he promised to fix the economy they believe to be broken.
To correct decisions people now believe were mistaken
@M.A.R. Listen guys 1/4 of my classmate are already in the USA. I am not just babbling nonesense
@Cardinal Then they surely know about why promising to throw out immigrants gained him some votes?
@M.A.R. The only reason is that people didn't vote for the Hillary.
Glad that I'm not the only person oversimplifying here :)
@Cardinal And 98% of my classmates are scattered over the globe, Europe and America and elsewhere.
Maybe a little less than 98%. ;)
:-) I meant if the nominee was Sanders, he would be the potus.
@Cardinal Yes he would, because people believe Trump to be racist and sexist.
Wait, it's 100%. Because Iran is on the globe too.
But the ones that still voted for him wanted a cleaner economy.
@Færd I don't want to insist on my point. I just like the USA with all of its pros and cons!
@Færd :-)
@Cardinal It's okay to like a country. But what's not okay is to just assume it's better than all other countries merely for the fact that its governors like bullying countries here and there
Love USA. Don't justify it by false reasons.
Because you'd end up making yourself believe those reasons
I personally like Switzerland a lot.
I said that, I am not talking about the government. I said I like their culture which is significantly different from the EU.
@Cardinal Then there's no common ground for us to discuss this.
But I learned the homicide rate there is high. And I can't deny that.
@M.A.R. According to Wikipedia, Iran and the US of A have the same homicide rate.
@user2684291 I was talking about Switzerland.
And it was higher than I expected.
For a beacon-of-peace kinda country
@M.A.R. That doesn't seem to be true, either.
And I wouldn't expect it to be true.
Lemme remember where I saw it
Maybe there were more specifications
Hmm, it was a list about gunfire, probably
Yeah, homicides by gunfire, or something like that
Lemme find a link
Well... I'm not sure how to analyze that data.
Can you access that link?
@Cardinal For 60 days? that will end
ah, 120 days
there are demonstrations already
So people will find a way to oppose Trump
@CowperKettle The termination is contingent upon the feed-back that they would receive from the "affected" countries.
@CowperKettle It's just the beginning of a 4 years of chaos. That's why Putin was in favor of a stupid unreliable and populist candidate.
@M.A.R. Yeah, but the number is not that high.
@user2684291 Yeah, but I expected it to be lower
@Cardinal We shall see. There are courts in the US, and there are local governments. (0:
Although the courts sometimes pass ghoulish sentences, but still there is some system.
@M.A.R. According to Wikipedia, Croatia is at 2.68 and Switzerland at 3.08... and you never hear about murders here, or they'd make news.
I don't have much interest in discussing the topic now
@CowperKettle Yes, the only thing we can do is "to watch" and try to enjoy!
Maybe later
I will try "to watch" some HPLC methods in US pharmacopoeia..
..Trump is unlikely to mess with that
@CowperKettle :))
@CowperKettle That means it's boring
And uncontroversial
Guys, pardon me for disrupting your business over here by my off-topic debate.
See you o/
The debate was the business
I was wondering if Snail or anyone else would've guided us to another room.
It seemed civilized, so I don't see why they would have.
Dunno. Politics is a really sensitive subject to talk about
During the election fiasco, mods even had to guide people to a room titled ''Election 2016'' so all the politics chatter, and the possible flame wars, would be easier to handle.
O, I c.
Cee is in lower case. TRIGGERED
Why would I have capitalized it?
To be consistent
I know, I KNOW. Consistency in txtspk is inconsistency and all that.
But why miss a chance to be triggered?
I was being consistent, though.
@M.A.R. The problem with political debate in the ELL room is that it can alienate people
and make them feel unwelcome
I am alienated by the sheer disagreement by everyone's side ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃︵┻━┻
There is an SE for political talk where folks are there to invite the discussion
Folks that come in here expect us to be talking about English :)
@ColleenV Well, in this case, it was a bunch of Iranian blokes having a chit-chat.
It's usually ranting about our own government, but not when the chat is international.
It's OK, but y'all can make rooms for that if you want
I"m not saying you did anything wrong
I'm just saying it can go downhill quick
and it's better to be a little restrained on politics, religion, and whether or not aliens exist :)
@ColleenV Yah, people's resistance has decreased greatly ever since they feel they should be offended about disagreement
It all started when the name calling started.
When you think people disagreeing with you are racist -- 'cause hey, they must be racist, right? -- you can't be easily civil to them.
Yeah, it's really difficult in this environment to have a neutral discussion any longer
If you make one statement, people assume they know everything about you, your character, your family, etc.
And your pizza flavor
and there are only two types of people in the world. Those that are the same as me, and those who are monsters
I hate pepperoni people. They're such @#$%%#@#$s.
it's really unhealthy :( Anyhow I think that with the language barrier that maybe it would be a good idea to avoid getting too deep into certain topics
OMG, those pepperoni people are terrible
And the people who put pineapple on their pizzas. They're mentally ill and immoral :P
Yes, and they obviously have voted for you know who.
I know. Cruz supporters. Every last one of them.
1 hour later…
Comment of the day
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" - M Gandhi — Narayan 15 hours ago
Now that I think about it, Gandhi is probably related to @Dam
@M.A.R. It's probably just that ahingsa is a common way of life around here.
@DamkerngT. What was that again? Zen-yoga-something?
Oh, in other languages, it's pronounced ahimsa.
th: อหิงสา
en: nonviolence
IOW, peacy thingy
But there has always been wars, no matter the culture
An ass for an ass makes the whole world sass
!!translate/ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด
Ironically, I think peace holders in the world have ended up in more fights than activists and what-not.
th: ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด
en: Thailand is peaceful, but the battle is not cowardice.
A line from our national anthem.
Or fist of peace
Fist of peace works better
A better translation would be "Thai people love peace, but we aren't cowardice in battles."
Thailand girls are beautiful, but beaches are nice too
Why did people suddenly become vegetarian and eat Broccoli?
good night
Good night!
Come to think of it, I wonder if that line said by Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes was inspired by our national anthem.
> Apes stupid.
This one?
Make bananas, not war.
@M.A.R. Can't remember that line! (^_^)
Also who knew a film about apes' revolution would work so well?
Guess the 2010s was the decade for a renewal
True, that!
People got tired of previous social thingies. They needed to try new things
And it leaked to the movies
Q: Time to take a stand

Joel SpolskyI am extremely upset by President Trump’s executive order on immigration. It is immoral, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American. The community on Stack Overflow is made up of users from all over the world. At least 100,000 posts on Stack Overflow were written by users from the seven cou...

It's totally not fair that I can't and won't go to the US, and you can and won't go to the US.
You should go to the US to compensate.
@M.A.R. Shucks, I missed 1111. I was looking forward to that
Word of the day: Bibliomania
Ooh! The top answer is quite something.
@DamkerngT. I hope everyone that Mr. Trump left hanging in the air get to punch him in the face some day. But for most of the population of the seven samurai, the ban was something like taking away freedom of speech. It seems a good thing to have, and you shouldn't deprive me of it.
I'm not planning to visit the US any time in my life, and I can speak for 99 percent of the people.
So all in all, the westerners themselves are making a bigger deal out of it than us.
Hey wait a minute. I'm skeptical that America exists. Prove me wrong
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle :))

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