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02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 21:00

@CowperKettle wow, you have hundreds of friends on Lang-8. I never use it but I was looking at my profile recently. I just created my account added a few friends then left the site. It has been two years, maybe more :) I see you are still active there.
@Arrowfar I haven't visited in weeks!
I used to correct others' writing
yeah I visited a month ago.
I don't go there now. I mean, I proofread my own things :)
Did you try Quora?
It is a good site.
And we get to pick our answerers =)
No.. sorry, gotta go
See you
@V.V. so can they bloom outside in the snow as well or just indoors?
No, indoors only.
But in summer you can plant them into the soil.
I see, nice.
Lily of the valley, sometimes written lily-of-the-valley, scientific name Convallaria majalis /ˌkɒnvəˈlɛəriə məˈdʒeɪlᵻs/, is a sweetly scented, highly poisonous woodland flowering plant that is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and Europe. It is possibly the only species in the genus Convallaria (or one of two or three, if C. keiskei and C. transcaucasica are recognised as separate species). In the APG III system, the genus is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae (formerly the family Ruscaceae). It was formerly placed in its own family Con...
These species seem like they only bloom and blossom in cool temperatures.
I would have to grow them in a refrigerator.
A wild flower from the forest
A spring flower.
It is highly poisonous though.
yeah wild flower.
Do you get Sapodilla there? It is very tasty fruit. Many people grown them in their homes here.
It is not one boxing.
"Manilkara zapota"
Wikipedia recognises this name:
Perhaps there's another name for it.
!!wiki/Manilkara zapota
Manilkara zapota, commonly known as the sapodilla (/ˌsæpəˈdɪlə/), is a long-lived, evergreen tree native to southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. An example natural occurrence is in coastal Yucatán in the Petenes mangroves ecoregion, where it is a subdominant plant species. It was introduced to the Philippines during Spanish colonization. It is grown in large quantities in India, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Mexico. The name "zapota" from the Spanish zapote [θaˈpote] ultimately derives from the Nahuatl word tzapotl. == Description == Sapodilla can grow...
That's unripe. They actually look like this:
No, I have never seen them. They reminded me of kiwi.
Or plums.
Yeah they look pretty similar.
Are they sweet?
Yes they are. Delicious.
Any big home here that has a tree happens to have that fruit. I live in apartments but my cousins used to grow them in their house.
They just need space. A tree.
I don't know if they can be grown in a plant etc.
Like apricots. Do you have them?
Ah yes, we have them.
I love them.
Apples,pears, plums,apricots are the only trees we can grow.
Ah. I'm sure you have lots of other fruits there as well. What about dry fruits?
They are common in cool places.
I mean in places with low temperatures.
And berries, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, current
There you go :D Nice!
oh we don't get "gooseberry" here. I'll check though.
It is kind of exotic to me.
The gooseberry (/ˈɡuːsbɛri/ or /ˈɡuːzbɛri/ (American and northern British) or /ˈɡʊzbəri/ (southern British)), with scientific names Ribes uva-crispa (and syn. Ribes grossularia), is a species of Ribes (which also includes the currants). It is native to Europe, northwestern Africa, west, south and southeast Asia. Gooseberry bushes produce an edible fruit and are grown on both a commercial and domestic basis. The species is also sparingly naturalized in scattered locations in North America. Although usually placed as a subgenus within Ribes, a few taxonomists treat Grossularia as a separate genus...
Yes,they sell bananas, kiwi, oranges and lots of others, tangerines ,pineapples, other stuff, but we can't grow them, too cold.
Ah I see.
And here, I get fed up with the sun =)
Except in winters. Sun is pleasing in winters.
It's winter,isn't. It?
In the north of my country temperatures sometimes drop to minus -10 etc. easily.
Yeah it is.
I live near the Arabian sea.
If a document's header has a note saying "Log register No." in a cell (meaning: this cell should be filled later with "Log register No."), how would a native speaker understand this?
@Arrowfar Karachi, I remember
A huge city
@CowperKettle Yep :D
And good and bad parts, of course.
Two Moscows in size: 25 million people
well it is our financial hub, that's why everyone ends up here for a job etc.
other than that a hell hole. I mean traffic etc. sucks of course.
I don't, but I am not a native speaker.
Is there Arab sea?
!!wiki/arabian sea
The Arabian Sea is a region of the northern Indian Ocean bounded on the north by Pakistan and Iran, on the west by northeastern Somalia and the Arabian Peninsula, and on the east by India. Historically the sea has been known by other names including the Erythraean Sea and the Persian Sea. Its total area is 3,862,000 km2 (1,491,000 sq mi) and its maximum depth is 4,652 metres (15,262 ft). The Gulf of Aden is in the southwest, connecting the Arabian Sea to the Red Sea through the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Gulf of Oman is in the northwest, connecting it to the Persian Gulf. The Arabian Sea...
@CowperKettle How is the traffic there?
@V.V. Which city in Russia are you from by the way?
@Arrowfar in Moscow? Bad
In Yekaterinburg, moderately bad
Yeah Yekaterinburg seems peaceful.
I mean with respect to population, traffic etc.
I'm wanting to shift to this city "Islamabad". It is pretty good.
But I will have to get a job there first.
And competition in the job market is very high sadly.
I'm in lurk mode (proofreading)
So sorry for lagging and out to lunchness
Ok good luck!
So I blab in chat about myself a lot and deleting my chat profile has given me one benefit, no one can search me and my past messages easily.
See you. It is almost 11 pm here.
>12. Generate calibration curve and determine HCP concentration in analyzed samples.
I want to add articles here.
But I want to be gentle on the translator.
Maybe in technical language they could be thus omitted?
> 12. Generate a calibration curve and determine HCP concentration in the studied samples. (my revision)
translator? I thought you were the translator.
I was given a proofreading task
I use "I mean" a lot. I was searching whether I use it correctly or not. It is complicated.
Apparently I'm too good of a translator to simply translate
Look at this:
Q: Starting an independent statement with "I mean, ..."

mskfisherA friend was noting that his daughter would occasionally start sentences with the phrase "I mean, " simply for emphasis, not for clarification: Friend: How was the Miley Cyrus concert? Friend's daughter: I mean, it was the best concert ever! I have typically seen "I mean" used to jo...

@CowperKettle heh!
This is a good point:
> Likewise, I mean may be linked with positive politeness because using it reminds conversational participants of more casual talk.
Hello @Cardinal how are you?
Hi thanks.
How should I use the word "legend"?
For example, what does this mean: "legend has it that cardinals can be very angry birds!"
"Legend has it" is a phrase. It means "according to the legend".
Q: Does the phrase "legend has it" mean a legend is factually accurate?

JoshWhat does the term "legend has it" specifically mean? Does it just mean "There is a legend which says...", or does it mean "There is a legend which is actually accurate in saying..."? My understanding is that a legend "has it" when it's factually accurate. Is this correct?

So the implication is: "According to the legend cardinals can be very angry birds".
I think there is another phrase having that word. (As the legend goes ?)
I am sure that I heard on other phrase.
I cant remember at the moment.
@Arrowfar By the way, thanks.
@DamkerngT. By the way good robot but it doesn't recognize my "!!" commands. :)
@Arrowfar Oh, but it's trying its best!
Hello Damk! :D
"wiki" commands are working perfectly fine though.
There are a couple of bugs relating to the wiki command. I hope I can fix one of them tonight. :-)
(I just get back in. :-)
(I suppose I should've said got back in, strictly speaking, but it still feels like 'now' to me. :-)
Back in from where?
but wiki works:
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in plants that are floral (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing (fusion of sperm and eggs from different individuals in a population) or allow selfing (fusion of sperm and egg from the same flower). Some flowers produce diaspores without fertilization (parthenocarpy). Flowers contain sporangia and are the site where gametophytes...
This doesn't, though: !!wiki/if it ain't broke
So is the "!! only" command only for owners?
yes it is not one boxing.
@Arrowfar No, almost all commands are for everyone.
oh nice!
do you remember jarvis from ELU?
It was fun.
I've added a fix to the code. I'm going to restart the bot.
In 2014.
Ah, good luck!
@Arrowfar Kitfox's Jarvis? Yes, I remember him, but I can't remember its syntax now. :-)
yeah its command was simply "!!". I remember.
!!wiki/if it ain't broke, don't fix it
Thomas Bertram "Bert" Lance (June 3, 1931 – August 15, 2013) was an American businessman who served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Jimmy Carter in 1977. He is known mainly for his resignation from Carter's administration due to a scandal during his first year in office; he was cleared of all charges. == Early life == Lance was born in Gainesville, Georgia. His father, Thomas Jackson Lance, had served as president of Young Harris College in northeast Georgia, and in 1941 the family relocated to Calhoun, in Gordon County, when Lance's father became superintendent...
phrase of the day: staircase wit
اللغة العربية هي أكثر اللغات تحدثاً ونطقاً ضمن مجموعة اللغات السامية، وإحدى أكثر اللغات انتشاراً في العالم، يتحدثها أكثر من 422 مليون نسمة،(1) ويتوزع متحدثوها في الوطن العربي، بالإضافة إلى العديد من المناطق الأخرى المجاورة كالأحواز وتركيا وتشاد ومالي والسنغال وإرتيريا و إثيوبيا و جنوب السودان و إيران. اللغة العربية ذات أهمية قصوى لدى المسلمين، فهي لغة مقدسة (لغة القرآن)، ولا تتم الصلاة (وعبادات أخرى) في الإسلام إلا بإتقان بعض من كلماتها. العربية هي أيضاً لغة شعائرية رئيسية لدى عدد من الكنائس المسيحية في الوطن العربي، كما كتبت بها الكثير من أهم الأعمال الدينية والفكرية اليهودية في العصور الوسطى...
Now our bot recognizes not just English!
فارسی یا پارسی یکی از زبان‌های هندواروپایی در شاخهٔ زبان‌های ایرانی جنوب غربی است که در کشورهای ایران، افغانستان، تاجیکستان و ازبکستان به آن سخن می‌گویند. فارسی زبان رسمی کشورهای ایران و تاجیکستان و یکی از دو زبان رسمی افغانستان (در کنار پشتو) است. زبان رسمی کشور هندوستان نیز تا پیش از ورود استعمار انگلیس، فارسی بود. زبان فارسی را پارسی نیز می‌گویند. زبان فارسی در افغانستان به طور رسمی دری و در تاجیکستان تاجیکی خوانده شده‌است. در سال ۱۸۷۲ در نشست ادیبان و زبان‌شناسان اروپایی در برلین، زبان‌های یونانی، فارسی، لاتین و سانسکریت به عنوان زبان‌های کلاسیک جهان برگزیده شدند. بر پایهٔ تعریف، زبانی کلاسیک...
Yay! :D
The language detection is not perfect, so in case you want to force the language, you can try something like this:
東京都(とうきょうと)は、関東地方に位置する東京特別区、多摩地域、島嶼部(大島・三宅・八丈・小笠原)を管轄する広域地方公共団体(都道府県)の一つ。都庁所在地は新宿区(東京都の条例上。但し、東京と表記する場合もある。詳細後述)。 都公認の英語の表記はTokyo Metropolis (Tokyo Met.) で、そのほかにはTokyo PrefectureとTokyo Metropolitan Prefectureがある。 == 概要 == 東京都が管轄する領域は東京特別区(23区)・多摩地域(26市・1郡(3町1村))および大島・三宅・八丈・小笠原(島嶼部)の4支庁(2町7村)から成っている。東京特別区(23区)は、一つの都市として、東京とも呼ばれる。沖ノ鳥島・南鳥島を含む小笠原諸島を含むため、日本最南端および最東端に位置する都道府県でもある。 1868年(慶応4年、明治元年)に平安京から東京都の前身である東京府に首都機能が移ってきたとされ(東京奠都)、1943年(昭和18年)に東京府と東京市が統合されて東京都が首都となった。戦後、1950年(昭和25年)に東京都を日本の首都として、十分にその機能を発揮し得るよう首都建設法が施行されたが、1956年(昭和31年)首都圏整備法の施行に伴い廃止された。 東京都に住所を持つ人を「東京都民」あるいは略して「都民」と言う。 人口は13,634...
Took it some time to comprehend the command.
สวัสดี เป็นคำทักทายของคนไทย โดยจะใช้เมื่อแรกพบกัน หรือ เมื่อต้องการบอกลา โดยพจนานุกรมฉบับราชบัณฑิตยสถานให้ความหมายของคำว่า "สวัสดี (สวัสดิ์)" ว่าหมายถึง ความดี ความงาม ความเจริญรุ่งเรือง และความปลอดภัย == ความหมาย == "สวัสดี" หมายถึง ความดี ความงาม ความปลอดภัย ความเจริญรุ่งเรือง การอวยชัยให้พร คำทักทาย หรือพูดขึ้นเมื่อพบหรือจากกัน == ที่มา == ผู้ที่ริเริ่มใช้คำว่า "สวัสดี" คือ พระยาอุปกิตศิลปสาร (นิ่ม กาญจนาชีวะ) โดยพิจารณามาจากศัพท์ "โสตถิ" ในภาษาบาลี หรือ "สวัสติ" ในภาษาสันสกฤต โดยได้เริ่มใช้เป็นครั้งแรก ณ คณะอักษรศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ขณะที่พระยาอุปกิตศิลปสาร (นิ่ม กาญจนาชีวะ)...
@Færd (^_^)
Okay, that's enough for the day. I'm heading out. Happy chatting! o/
Take care!
Thanks! You too!
Aww, it doesn't have its own Wikipedia page.
@DamkerngT. Look at these cute ones with little kappa!
user image
Very cute!
@Arrowfar Related: fridge logic
How can you bring yourself to eat the food if it's too cute?
Oh, um, I can't remember the last time I ever ate cute food. :-)
I just like looking at it.
I face the dilemma whenever my mom decorates the food too much.
Haha, I'd be the same! :-)
Of course it's her feelings I don't want to hurt, not the food.
02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 21:00

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