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03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

another new word: cryoconcentration
used for testing protein solutions for colloidal stability
Q: Cryoconcentration, can you do it yourself?

JakobI'm looking to concentrate freshly pressed apple juice. In order keep the apple-freshness I would very much like to avoid heating up the juice. Does anyone have experience with cryoconcentration, is it possible to do yourself? I was thinking about putting the juice in the freezer while constan...

and to make booze
Hullo @Colleen
How're you doin
Just eating a very mediocre salad at work and trying to not think about work
I'm doing a very similar thing.
I like studying, but not the material I'm supposed to study.
Why o why can't they teach real science?
I'm taking a few days off to visit my family and trying to get things wrapped up
Because real science is hard?
There's a saying (it's tongue in cheek, because I respect teachers) Those that can do, and the rest teach.
@ColleenV It isn't I swear!
It isn't hard to teach either.
But the world is full of people that don't believe in what they do, because they're not doing what they wanted to do.
This is true. When we are children they tell us we can do anything and when we get older the say "Wake up, you need to make money"
I wonder if we should believe anymore.
Luckily I can make money doing what I love
I wonder if we should hope anymore.
Will the world be fixed?
Will all the tensions, the frowns, the unnecessary suspicions go away?
Never stop hoping or it is a self fulfilling prophecy
I guess that if we don't hope, we're no different from dead people.
I am Catholic, so despair is a mortal sin :)
It's also a sin in Islam.
And so it must be wise
To be hopeless? :P
Religions aren't that different on the important things
The world is fighting its past, and religions are the biggest relics of the past.
@ColleenV At the moment, one could question whether there is any left anymore.
The word is only being used when we're talking about acts of terrorism with disgust.
Not true. Don't let 24\7 news poison you
Or want to question whatever philosophical experience the people of past have left for us.
@ColleenV There are still good people.
But they're being hurt everyday.
They might not be in the minority, but they're suppressed anyway.
It is not profitable to show all of the caring religious people who are changing fates
Those people don't ask for recognition, but they are nearby if you look for them
Religious or secular
But it didn't use to be like this.
At least not here.
These days, good will is interpreted as foolishness.
It rarely ever did before.
The pendulum swings and it will swing back. The only thing you can be sure of is that everything changes eventually
Well, one can only hope.
When you think those things, remember it's Not everyone, not all the time.
Even if it's just you not being that way, you can inspire someone else to try not being that way
And then things change for the better
The only thing evil can't take is what's in your heart and mind. That you have to give away by losing hope. Ok, sermon over. Maybe I should make amends by finding a funny video to lighten the mood
It got weirder than I anticipated.
Q: Using present perfect tense before "only when"

MrtIs it grammatically wrong using present perfect tense before only when when it is placed in the middle of the sentence as follows: I have bought my books only when I have been accepted to the college.

Now @StoneyB is blatantly presenting my vast knowledge as his own on ELU
Where do I report it?
Which reprimand do the mod nomineees plan to administer to him?
@JimReynolds That info is classified.
@JimReynolds He's also travelling in time.
@JimReynolds There.
I would not oppose a lifetime ban, or physical punishment.
@DEAD Which way did he go?
@JimReynolds That way
@JimReynolds Shouldn't we start with the primands before we move on to the reprimands?
*zooms after him
I have visited Vermont when the leaves were turning.
Compare to....
you cannot modify a present perfect with a time expresssion which does not include the present. in Mr B's answer
@snailplane Not to mention any preprimands.
Well, the prepremands just go without saying.
I couldn't run to my train, so I missed it by thirty seconds :-(
Couldn't run?
@snailplane Sorry to hear that!
@JimReynolds Running puts you on a socially awkward place, I guess.
My blood pressure is low right now.
In your case, you don't even need to run Jim.
@JimReynolds I guess we'll talk about postprimands soon.
I was.
@snailplane Aww
But I wanted the main primands dealt with.
@snailplane (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
We can talk about postprimands after we've talked about reprimands again.
@snailplane Hmm... Well, first, remember that low blood pressure is better than none.
They took a lot of blood today, so I might not want to go running until tomorrow :-) Need to eat something first, at any rate.
But if I'd run, I'd've made my train on time.
You could have replenished your blood volume by obtaining some from the train passengers.
Good idea! Where's my mobile vampirism kit?
Hey dude, got some blood?
I just need some for running.
I'll pay after revisiting McDonald.
@DEAD I have this conversation on a daily basis.
Me too. Isn't it wonderful?
They wasted a bunch of my blood at the hospital. I'm a problem patient, you see. My veins are starting to scar from the weekly vampirism.
They had to try three times.
"Would it be too much a pain, if I opened your vein?"
Stupid vampires.
Why all this, if you care to say?
Ooh, is it time for a song and dance about ... ♪ phle-bo-to-my? ♪
@snailplane In case you miss the train next time, don't forget to call this guy! blogs.c.yimg.jp/res/blog-81-0e/dai_azuki/folder/1012327/03/…
You do seem to be light-headed
@JimReynolds Just a stupid genetic blood disorder. Blame my parents :-)
They gave me the wrong genes.
@DamkerngT. Will do! :-)
Densha Sentai Stoptraininger!
Hehehe! :D
@DamkerngT. What's his name? Train man?
@DEAD I'm not sure. His design won a contest, though.
@JimReynolds It's nothing serious as long as I get it treated. I'm fine :-)
Actually, I feel better than ever.
Oh! His name is "Rapi:tldier"! -- LOL
That looks hard to pronounce.
The train's new slogan: Faster than a hypotensive snailplane!
@DamkerngT. Huh
@snailplane Yay
I can't unsee a 'TL;DR'.
Some more info about our Rapi:tldier: files.tofugu.com/articles/interviews/…
@DEAD Try removing your eyes?
I can't. These are not human eyes.
If I suddenly disappear, blame Apple for my battery life.
Bad apple!
@DamkerngT. It spoiled Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung and Sony.
Well, you can blame Apple even if I don't disappear suddenly.
Apple needs some blaming.
I think of @Man_From_India as having a buttery life.
Lots of grilled onions, too.
Mmm, onions
And spicy food
Mmm, spicy food
Not that long of a life, I'm afraid.
I'm almost down to 20%, which is Applespeak for zero.
@snailplane lol
I'm at 24%.
Will my battery spontaneously stop draining? All signs point to…
RIP snail
Let's backbite while she's gone
Maybe a company could overtake them by making devices which underestimate battery life.
Then my tablet's battery would always stand at -20.
People would be constantly pleased.
Contemplating a new invention: a power generator for Apple devices operating via hand cranking ...
Except @DEAD
Must be killing sales...
@DamkerngT. Not by running after trains. She's poor at that.
One day, chatting fast will gain you battery power.
I just posted three answers.
Hi dudes
@JasperLoy Yay
It is likely none will be upvoted, lol.
@Cardinal Dudes and @DEAD, you mean
@DEAD is beyond gender
Aww thanks Jim.
I think
I still think SE is not much better than Yahoo answers.
Yahoo sucks
There is no stoneyb over there
@JasperLoy Totally depends on the perspective.
Some people consider what you think is a small difference to be a large one.
Who is right? would not be the right question to ask then.
Let's get philosophical. What is "right" anyway?
Is there a bigger plan to all this, and a way of how things should be?
To unplug you from the internet.
How righteous Jim. They should award you a medal.
Have you looked into Jimism?
Yes. Boring.
You are not making progress in the faith.
I'm procrastinating.
I can now vote for election
You need "treatments"
Vote for Snail! Vote for Snail!
@JimReynolds Not the one in quotes
I have voted for election
@DamkerngT. @JimReynolds I need to ask one question from Indian grammar
My vote is secret!
Snail will grant huge favors to blood donors.
@user62015 Ask away. Most people here can help you with your questions, too, BTW!
Thanks @DamkerngT. The sum and substance (A)/ of this poem(B)/ is as follows.(C)/ No error (D)/
I need to find error
Answer says D no error
@user62015 Indian grammar?
But I think C as we should use are instead of is
A little tricky, but some nouns with and are treated as one thing.
I and Dam are good people.
Fish and chips is a great dish.
They want to see if you understand that "sum and substance" is one thing.
Jim and Catija are trying to persuade us to use 'is'.
Two plus two is four.
I understood
Q: What does “such as” refer to in "Public transportation such as train or bus"?

Sergey KozakExample Sentence: Public transportation such as train or bus. Question: What do the words "such as" refer to? Do the words "such as" refer to "public transportation" or to "train and bus"? I had this question in my exam.

I think my answer is the only correct one here. ^
I think the question is borderline (on being off-topic or needs more research).
Just my opinion, anyway.
What about "sticks and stone"
@DamkerngT. It is a very good question, because it brings out the ambiguity.
@Cardinal I think it usually is sticks and stones.
The dictionary entry I linked to clearly shows the two interpretations.
@JasperLoy Your answer is correct info, but I don't think it responds to what the OP is tryingbto ask.
nods -- I just wonder if the OP still needed to ask the question if they looked it up in a dictionary first.
@DamkerngT. Yay !
@Cardinal Argh the French spacing
They don't ask what such as means.
But we have stock and stone, too! ell.stackexchange.com/q/76922/3281
They ask whether it "refers to" public transportation or the examples.
@JimReynolds Which I answered in my final para. Maybe you did not see the edit?
Then what does it mean for A to refer to B?
Let's say we have a noun phrase, A and B, does and refer to A or B?
@JasperLoy I think the question is tricky to understand, but in my opinion, you misunderstood what they wanted to ask.
@DamkerngT. I'm always unclear on referents, references, and refrigerants.
@JimReynolds We need some referees. :P
@DamkerngT. To the comma
Refer: mention or allude to.
So such as refers to bus and train.
@JimReynolds I think I get what you are saying here. I will edit my answer.
Actually it is not clear what "refers to" means so I shall leave that unanswered and instead focus on the different interpretations
I think refer to is tricky!
(of a word, phrase, or symbol) describe or denote; have as a referent.
@JimReynolds Hey, I can normally run just fine :-)
If the question in the exam asked, "Do the words "such as" refer to "public transportation" or to "train and bus"?", I don't think it a well-posed question.
Fun fact: In Japanese, the verb for vehicles moving is hashiru, literally 'run'. Cars run down the street!
@DamkerngT. That is confusing.
I go to my physics class in a run.
@snailplane Same here!
In ordinary use, refer to is often used to simply mean relate to, I think.
@DEAD Bye bye
No, I was making an example sentence
@JasperLoy The question doesn't make sense to me.
@DEAD Oh. Well would you consider leaving anyway?
I did make the effort to say bye already.
@JimReynolds Perhaps. How much do you pay?
@snailplane Yeah, now I am wondering what 'refers to' means, lol. But I think my answer is still educational and could be what he really wants. Unfortunately, he chose the other answer which is wrong.
@DamkerngT. Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite kind of sandwich.
@DEAD What do Iranians use for currency?
@JimReynolds sandwich
@snailplane Nice! (cc @user62015)
Pomegranate seeds?
No. Sandwich.
Yum. Pomegranates!
Someone fix Jim's visual indicators.
@JimReynolds Dragon balls. :P
@snailplane Thanks!
> I think drinking and driving is a really bad thing.
@snailplane O.O
> I think drinking and driving are really bad things. ← This means something very different!
Jim is wondering why something hasn't happened to him yet.
Oh. First I thought you said you were drinking and driving
I'm a teetotaller, and I have a license but rarely drive :-)
I visualized a Bloody Mary. Without the Mary.
I should get some kind of food from the land of food.
I have no licence and I don't drive.
Suddenly she came on a little(A)/ three-legged table all made of solid glass;(B)/ there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key.(C)/ No error (D)/ @DamkerngT. @JimReynolds @JasperLoy
@snailplane Shovel some coal into the ole furnace
@user62015 Does it say on or upon?
Answer says upon but why?
@user62015 I guess they think it should be upon.
I think on should be acceptable, though.
Come upon is a phrasal verb meaning 'find by chance; find unexpectedly'.
Oh, I thought they meant she woke up!
That would be come to :-)
I know @snailplane is not gonna go there!
@snailplane @DamkerngT. @JimReynolds Thanks. Made sense
@JimReynolds Certainly not!
@snailplane Maybe I' wrong, but I think come for come to may be possible in some dialects.
@JimReynolds Me either.
@snailplane :D
Hmm... maybe I mixed it up with come around.
I can go there if you want.
Google come or cum and there's my mark on the world, sadly.
@DamkerngT. Meaning wake up?
@JimReynolds Yes
@DamkerngT. Yes. That's it.
yesterday, by Damkerng T.
> Last time I called this in, ain't nobody come out and do anything.
BTW, this sentence sounds perfectly natural to me, but I don't know how to explain its structure, grammatically
@snailplane I voted for you first choice =)
@JasperLoy Oh! Thank you :-)
A: What does “such as” refer to in "Public transportation such as train or bus"?

Jim ReynoldsThe key to the question is the meaning of refer to. We often just think this means linked to or corresponds with and people often use it like this. So logically, such as connects to both public transportation and train or bus. There is, therefore, no clear "correct" answer. The most careful ...

Can I improve this?
@DamkerngT. AAVE grammar is somewhat different! In Standard English, it would be nobody came out and did anything, although the original is more emphatic.
Ain't nobody is an example of something called "negative inversion".
In which an indefinite or quantificational subject is inverted with a negated auxiliary.
@snailplane But the character doesn't look like an AAVE speaker!
Well, we can draw the dialect lines wherever you want, but the utterance appears to be grammatical in AAVE.
(The line was said by Ogden, BTW. imdb.com/title/tt4229954)
Accepted alternative variant English?
Some features of AAVE are also grammatical in other non-standard varieties. (And AAVE itself has a number of varieties, not all the same.)
@JimReynolds African American Vernacular English.
The phrase called this in is interesting to me, too. I can't find a good definition for it in dictionaries, though its meaning is rather clear.
Is Ogden from the American south?
@snailplane Seems so.
Oh. It's named from Aave nother pint guvn'r?
The North American South?
The series is set in Rome, West Virginia.
North of South America?
@DamkerngT. Negative inversion is a feature of a number of non-standard dialects.
Including Appalachian English.
Like Snailish.
@snailplane Bingo!
Snail bingo takes forever
In any case, it's an inversion of nobody ain't, with negative concord (multiple marking of a single semantic negation), and since ain't is an auxiliary, it takes non-finite forms, here come and do, in its complement (a coordination).
Judging from Google Maps, Rome is in the South area of the Appalachian Region.
Negative concord is another feature of many non-standard dialects.
@snailplane I think it's clear now. Thank you very much!
I just realized that Appalachian American Variant of English would be abbreviated as AAVE, too! :P
A: What is understood if I say "I'm an English teacher"?

AraucariaIn writing this depends on the situation, but you are very likely to be understood as meaning that you are a teacher of English. However, in actual speech it depends entirely on the stress used in the sentence. A teacher of English is referred to as an: 'English teacher Here these two words ...

@JasperLoy @snailplane Me too ...
@Araucaria I just know I'm an athletic supporter
@JimReynolds Nice!
@JimReynolds I'm assuming you're an Ath'let ic supporter, and not an ath'letic support er?
@snailplane Thanks for the edit (oops)
@StoneyB Hi old bean. Have you voted?
(not gonna ask who for!)
@Araucaria Many times - most recently for your English-teacher answer. I saw that and said to myself "Arau's gonna jump on that one".
@snailplane It's a feature of my dialect, which is standard where I come from!
@StoneyB You were clairvoyant. I'm desperately trying not to answer any questions at the mo ... (work, work, work ...)
Oh yeah, thanks btw :)
@StoneyB Nice!
I voted, by the way, for only three-fifths of the people I thought deserved my vote. <sigh>
@StoneyB Better than voting for three people only one of whom you think deserves your vote!
Phrase for the day: Spoiled for choice
@Araucaria Buridan's ass.
@StoneyB Yes, but you ain't no Buridan's ass - because you voted! (speed reading on Wikipedia ...)
@Araucaria No, I'm an ass of a different colour.
This is where you tell me that 'Buridan's ass' is a linguistic term referrring to a specific type of relative clause, and that I shouldn't use Wikipedia as a source ...
@StoneyB You know what colour Buridan's ass was?
(is that you code shifting and using British English spellings?)
@Araucaria per pale argent and gules?
@Araucaria I grew up using transatlantic spellings. The only American author I followed as a child was Twain, all the rest were Brits.
Ah, I see. Don't get the heraldry ref though ...
Two colors, split down the middle of the brain.
(see, that's the sort of thing I read as a child.)
@StoneyB No wonder your head's so big in proportion to your body then ... (or at least in your photo - by which I mean the photo of yourself you use as your icon)
Hi @StoneyB I see you have the most points on ELL!
@JasperLoy Hi, J. I was pretty frenetic over here when the place started up; nowadays I mostly grow on the income from that investment.
@JasperLoy Stoney B is to ELL what Plato is to modern civilisation ...
@Araucaria I feel ELL is better than ELU these days.
@JasperLoy Yes, it is the bright side.
as opposed to the ...
Daaark Side
or the Far Side
(the Far Side is quite a nice place though)
Off Side
@StoneyB Which one's the Off Side?
Oh, pants (I'm guessing that doesn't work in American), my new version of microsoft has installed, I'd better get on with my work ... :(
Ciao all!
Have fun!
@Araucaria Be Brilliant!
03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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