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09:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Hi folks :)
Hi! o/
@snailboat Yes, and maybe the different answers are all viable too, so the votes are split between people's different favourites ...
@DamkerngT. Couldn't find the backslash at first!
@snailboat Yes, it's weird. Very weird, and that's why I always feel uncomfortable when I say it :( which is all the time!
@snailboat What do you say?
I say "You too!" which StoneyB thinks is weird!
@Araucaria Did you know, if you set your computer to Japanese, the \ shows up as a yen sign? :-)
So I see you all typing little heads that have normal human left arms and yen signs for right arms! :-)
By the way, I read the same Thai drama in another dialect, Southern Thai, just for fun! dropbox.com/s/p1dup5ucuz3y6pd/…. I haven't really used this dialect since 6 yo, so it's not really perfect (but sounds close enough to my sub-dialect). I mispronounced a few words (and used Northeastern instead of Southern ones).
@snailboat Oh, that's strange for me too ...
We were waving with some yens!
@Araucaria It had never occurred to me that it might be strange!
What could we make a yen stand in for?
Hmm... some kind of drink? :P
I always thought it looked kind of like a rabbit.
See, it's got the big floppy ears and the little whiskers!
Oh, we were magicians!
@snailboat That's why it's fun to share this languagey stuff. I think that's a really good question. I've never felt comfortable responding!
🎩 → ï¿¥
(That's supposed to be a hat on the left)
@snailboat I always thought it looked like a TV antenna. Showing my age, I guess.
@StoneyB I was born in the 80s and we had TV antennas when I was little!
These days the only antennae I see on a regular basis are on insects!
@snailboat I feel a little better, then.
Wait, I still have a couple of TV antennas! Showing how I live. :P
But I remember when my brother got his own little black and white TV, and he constructed an elaborate antenna system out of bent wire coat hangers.
I think he used a couple dozen!
Did he end up an EE?
Oh! That's quite a lot!
I was born last year and I don't know what a CD looks like 'cuz I only have music on my computer and my phone.
@StoneyB He majored in computer engineering, which is UIUC's way of splitting the difference between CS and EE.
@snailboat My favorite programmer joke: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
Westpondian again. What's EE / CS /UIUC?
@Araucaria UIUC is the University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign. It's a school that Electrical Engineers go to.
Commonly (but sometimes ambiguously) called "U of I" in the US.
@snailboat It's also THE school for folklorists. My sister and her husband were there.
@StoneyB Hmm... what's the answer?
@DamkerngT. Sorry, that's a hardware problem.
@snailboat Ok, so got EE too, what's CS?
Computer Science!
@StoneyB Haha!
BTW, I used to be a human antenna. Our antenna didn't work often enough unless there was someone holding/touching it at the right angle. Usually, I was the lucky one.
@StoneyB I was looking at my atlas upside down ...
@DamkerngT. My brother did that! But not me. I rebelled against the concept of television when I was that age.
I never minded the concept of TV. It was the execution that got to me.
For me it was a problem of not being able to control my environment. I was pretty sensitive to sensory stimulation and unable to shut out audio, and my family all loved TV! There were TVs in every room, and people liked to leave them on.
My dad loved to watch football games on TV. But he didn't want to sit around on the couch. So he'd turn on the TVs all throughout the house and wander around while he watched.
I had to go somewhere else to get away from the TV!
I can imagine that!
That's what grad school is for.
@DamkerngT. It's crazy, right?
@snailboat Ah, erm, so what's a Computer? [No, I do know what one of those is ..., honest]
@Araucaria Hehe!
@Araucaria Not like an EE does.
@StoneyB EE's don't atlas upside down?
In three dimensions. Ask @snailboat's brother about microprocessor design.
He actually does know an awful lot about computers at every level. More than most engineers I know.
He finds bugs in CPUs.
Ah, is he one of those guys who put Easter's Eggs on CPU printed circuits? :-)
He always expects me to be able to keep up with him on technical discussions, but I can't always anymore!
@Araucaria It's AEs who deal with atlases.
@StoneyB Oh cripes, who are they?
@Araucaria Aeronautical Engineers.
Well, someone's got to engineer the aeronauts.
Atlantes is my favorite irregular plural, by the way.
@snailboat Fersher. Otherwise they'd all be dead.
@StoneyB Oh, of course ... (do we have a stack for abbreviations?)
I'm always fascinated by irregular plurals that are (more or less) restricted to specific uses of a word.
Like, people tend to say antennae for the thingies a moth has, but they tend to say antennas for the electronics sort.
I don't mean to say that that's an absolute difference or anything. Just an interesting one, to the extent that people make it!
And atlases and atlantes are similarly distinguished, aren't they?
Like Shakespeare, I have little Latin and lesse Greeke.
I mostly just know English :-)
Q: I tried to explain why I had been delayed but he ..... my excuse as pathetic

ELLWhich option fits best the following sentence. I tried to explain why I had been delayed but he ..... my excuse as pathetic. 1.ignored 2.disregarded 3.dismissed 4.refused For me all the options suit to the sentence in meaning. I saw 'to dismiss an excuse' and 'refuse ...

We have quite a bunch of this kind of question lately. Not only from a single OP. -- Hmm... or are they only from this OP?
Is an exam somewhere coming up soon?
What's that bean-curd exam?
I always want to call it TOFU.
I don't know. LOL
I think I heard about a Bank exam last month.
@StoneyB Which one? TOEIC or IELTS?
@Araucaria TOEFL!
@StoneyB Is that an exam? (you could read that with the same intonation as "you eat ants!?")
"Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL, /ˈtoʊfəl/, toh-fəl) is a standardized test of English language ability for non-native speakers wishing to enroll in American universities. The test is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions. TOEFL is one of the two major English-language tests in the world, the other being the IELTS."
@StoneyB Oops, misread that! Yes, I know, I've taught it for a few years, urgh
It's one of the shells in the ETS arsenal.
I think the bank exam last month was IBPS.
@StoneyB But there's no grammar test in either TOEFL or IELTS ...
... so that kind of questions not going to be coming from there ...
It's all skills based, so there's a Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing in both of those, but no Grammar ...
@Araucaria Wikipedia says you're right, so you must be. . . . The current rash of questions seem to involve a test of the victim's familiarity with English cliches.
@StoneyB Oh no, I must be wrong then!
@StoneyB but actually, TOEIC, which would be kind of no 3, the biggest one in East Asian countries perhaps, is exactly like that (maybe hence my temporary brain warp). So they might be TEOIC induced ...
TOEIC is common enough over here in the business circle.
@DamkerngT. I don't like TOEIC
(or TOEFL)
(or IELTS)
I'm sure you have good reasons-- oh, probably all of them!
but I dislike them in that order ...
I was surprised when I heard that the writing task 1 of IELTS is writing a letter to a friend!
@DamkerngT. TOEIC's problematic because it's not really skills based. So you can do really well, but not be able to communicate ...
I mean, is that even realistic nowadays?
@DamkerngT. Nope :(
@DamkerngT. That's the first assignment in my wife's Freshman Comp class, too.
@DamkerngT. Oh, that depends on which IELTS you're doing!
Ah, I'm not sure in which IELTS I've heard about the test.
@DamkerngT. There's two ...
I have to run nuke frozen burritos for my son's dinner. 'night all!
There's Academic and General ...
Good night!
That one is General IELTS, then?
@StoneyB Ciao!
@DamkerngT. Yes, it's more for visa's and work and that kind of thing. So there's more informal / less formal/ less academic and more social English involved ...
nods -- Still, writing a letter to a friend sounds weird these days. I think writing an email is more likely. And texting them is likeliest!
@DamkerngT. The part 1 of the IELTS academic writing exam is explaining /summarising the main points of a graph or diagram to a professor who works in a different field kind of thing. It's surprisingly hard!
Oh, no, wait. I think Facetiming them is probably the likeliest!
@DamkerngT. Actually. I think you're source is a bit dated there. It is an email now, I believe ...
@Araucaria Ah, I remember that one!
@Araucaria Ahh
@DamkerngT. Did you ever try one?
No, never tried one myself.
None of the above. :D
@DamkerngT. Good! Slow torture!
@DamkerngT. I like "writing an email" but I'd probably say something like "I'm emailing her"
Or possibly "sending her an email"
I see! Thanks!
People also say just "a mail" to mean "an email", but they never say "a mail" with reference to a physical letter, as far as I'm aware.
09:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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