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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

And what does that mean?
Free stuff for one day?
I logged on to Amazon because I've got a problem.
I ordered a book, but I got two.
For the price of one?
That, I'm not very sure.
'Cause there are two more books still on the way.
That no fun. :(
I was afraid that maybe they sent the wrong book.
Oh, the one I got today is correct!
Are you still afraid?
What order did I get the other day?
Hehe grabs popcorn Oh wait what's this?
> Hullo! HipChat now has their own official emoticon listing page, so this page is no more. To the emoticons!
Oh, no! The other one is also correct, and was shipped by the same seller!
MWAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHAAAAAHAHAHHAHHA hullo's taking over the world!!!!one!!eleven!!!!111!!!
Wait, did I order two books?
I ordered only one book from this seller! And I got two!
Oh, what should I do!?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Congrats!
Hah! This is so fun. . . Even gonna get more fun when the Amazon SWAT will break into your house and all o' that action and you shooting lasers. . . OMG!
Maybe they thought the first book they sent to me didn't make it here.
Come to think of it, the postman asked me a weird question.
"How often is it that the stuff you ordered from other countries will be missing?"
There's something weird slash iffy slash fishy slash whatever you call it going on.
in The Periodic Table, 2 mins ago, by Hippalectryon
(ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o)
And I was like, "Not sure. But sometimes I missed the delivery when I wasn't at home. Then they would leave me a slip."
Damn I wonder how he makes all those emoticons.
Copying and pasting
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M A couple of them are Japanese characters. Some are math symbols, I think.
From where? My Google Fu kills me. . .
@DamkerngT. Nah, I also think it's copy-paste.
nods -- I mean there must be someone made that first.
There must be a site for this.
You could search for 顔文字
What's that?
lit. "face characters"
Oh the horror. . .
Hats off to you @snail. . .I findz it!
@DamkerngT. Live coverage, in-depth articles, discussion forum. Greece.
@oerkelens Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
But nice!
Nice? Not really...
Craving to know more is always nice, even if the subject isn't.
Too much to put into a few lines, but I'm actually considering the cost of emigration. Just in case...
Oh, to know more is always nice, at least you see the $%* coming
Indeed. Hey @Oer the $%^* is coming BTW.
Well, it's there already. Question is what will happen when it hits the fan.
@oerkelens Ohhh!
Maybe it's nothing, maybe the foundations are being knocked from under one of the most ambitious cooperative economic co-operations in history.
Considering moving whatever left out of the stock market...
Ironically, the stock market may profit...
Everywhere or only over there?
World-wide, stock markets seem happy
In Europe they seem all right
But when it hits the fan...
Conflict is over public money, not private (stocks)
Although evaporating public money may hit banks, hard. So I'd not put all my eggs in in banking-basket.
@oerkelens The popcorn industry will go BOOM?
There's huge growth potential there :)
Anyway, my local market (SET) comes all the way down almost to the last low level (1461 points).
I only look at long-term in investment... short turn will be a roller-coaster for while at least
@oerkelens It doesn't really go anywhere here the last 5-6 years.
But before that it was really profitable.
Euro is under pressure, China has created its own bubble that just popped, I wouldn;t dare bet on short-term options :)
Look at me, sounding like I know what I'm talking about 8)
You sure know enough, I'm sure. :D
I know more than I want to :P
@oerkelens What are you talking about?
That could give you a headache too. :D
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M See, that's the point :P
Sheesh. . . The overflow of smileys. . .
Macro-economic impact of the current developments in the Euro-crisis in the light of the hazy status of the current bail-out agreement between Greece and the Euro-Group.
. . .sucks, right?
Sucks hairy camel balls, as we say in Dutch
Discussing the changing perceptions among the European audiences. Sounds like more fun than it really is, considering the potential effects.
Anyways, better that I get some shut-eye. I just happen to be in a position where I can only observe, not influence, so worrying is not going to change anything.
I bid everyone a good night
@oerkelens Have a good sleep. Good night!
Bye :)
Rest well sir mister politician.
Q: "As if you have your teacher with you"

ComicSansMSI was running across this advertisement for an English language school on the subway this morning: English fit for travel, as if you have your teacher with you. This sounds somehow wrong to me. Shouldn't the subjunctive use the past form of have in this case, as in 'As if you had your teach...

Oh, this is really interesting.
One answer claims that in spoken American English, it's fine.
> English fit for travel, as if you have your teacher with you.
Another fixed it with like (which I think sounds better).
> English for travel: It's like traveling with your teacher.
Me (fixing it):
> English. Fit for travel. Like you have your teacher with you. Always.
I tried using a lot of periods!
1 hour later…
A: Definite article in conjunctions

AST PaceThere is no confusion about the way your sentence is written - subject and verb are in agreement. The question of whether to use the depends on what you have placed in "the next section". If you think that you have thoroughly described your background and motivation and left out nothing, then...

I think the answer smells.
Passes out
@Dam can you relate any of that to something linguisty, @snailboaty?
The definite article?
Nah, I mean the rest of that [gibberish?].
There's Turkish, Persian, Arabic & English there!
OMG Persian is spoken in 29 countries around the world?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? We're not that alone, specially not as much as Thais or their robots.
Hehe, I think that infographic is not quite reliable.
1 hour later…
1) It was about "hiccup" being pronounced as "heekup".
2) It was about "Daylight Savings Time" (the one the host says) that the correct usage should be "Daylight Saving Time", then another guy stood up and said that "Daylight Savings Time" was correct and that the correction was unacceptable.
I misheard their emphases of Saving(s) a lot of times in the first view. During the argument, their emphases were not like the usual pronunciations. Everything was over-emphasized, and though I heard /z/ in some of them, I couldn't remember which one had and which one didn't have the /z/ sound.
I still have two copies of the same book, though...
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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