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The cat who lays on top of the fridge is a bit on heavy side. So it isn't as adept at vertical climbs and needs 'steps'
But they are starting to want their own space most of the time.
4 hours later…
@Man_From_India We need to through this topic. It is very important for my exam.
Also this article I am unfamiliar with the topics and statements in the article
@RajorshiKoyalif you have any English language related problem in that article, you can ask either here or on main site. If I can give a satisfactory answer, surely I will help. In case I can't, someone more qualified than me will come forward and reply you.
Yes but there are a lot of terms which I am not familiar with.
Let me break the news into small chunks and discuss
Maybe that will do.
I understand. It is even for me. There is Google for that. You even don't have to ask anyone, you will get your answer right away.
But you see those terms are field specific as far I get, and to be honest it is not a place to discuss them. At the same time, not all people will be of any help in that case. For example, you are good in English and mathematics. And if I ask a question related to a term that is specific to mathematics, only you can solve not other, like MAR ๐Ÿ˜
He is however very strong in Chemistry ๐Ÿงช
yes true @Man_From_India
2 hours later…
@Man_From_India ur face iz mobius strip
@Man_From_India more like a biochem / pharmacy guy now
@RajorshiKoyal you're expecting a LOT of work from people that just come online to just hang out, probably taking a break from some similarly mundane or daunting work. If you need a couple of questions answered, we're 'available'. If you need an English partner to devote like an hour of their time to teach you for free, this is probably not the right place to look.
ok sorry @M.A.R.
Not like this chat sees much activity these days, I'm just saying you'd burn out your helpers really fast if you ask them too much
Helping me only in a couple of English questions will do:-)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in answer, blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer (193): tenses harmony/mixed tenses by love ch on ell.SE
6 hours later…
@EddieKal I was going through this question. Can you please tell me if my example sentence is relevant?
Is this sentence relevant? Example: According to the Minnesota Department of Revenue, the tax due is determined by the location that purchaser takes possession of the item. It is from minnpost.com/politics-policy/2012/11/…) — Man_From_India 3 mins ago
Here is the question:
Q: Words like 'place' in 'the place where/that/โˆ… ...'

snailplaneA discussion under a recent question brought up a topic I've been wondering about for a while: Only the word "place" is unusual and has the formula "the place where/that/โˆ…", isn't (or should I say "doesn't"?) it? โ€“ Zhang Jian yesterday @ZhangJian Yes, that's right :) โ€“ Araucaria yesterda...

10 hours later…
@Man_From_India It is definitely relevant, but I can't find your quoted line from the source you gave.
Eddie Kal, I'm pretty sure you can tell when I get bored with homework and take a break editing here :)

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