What does this sentence/phrase mean?
Many children turn aside from books without pictures.
Does this mean:
many children turn to books without pictures?
many children turn to books with pictures?
> In a Belgian study from 2015, 23 out of 24 adult ants scratched at small blue dots painted on their clypeus (part of their "face") when they were able to see the dot in a mirror. According to the published results, the ants were individually tested and were from three species, Myrmica sabuleti, Myrmica rubra, and Myrmica ruginodis. None of the ants scratched the clypeus when they had no mirror to see the dot. None tried to scratch the blue dot on the mirror.
The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (Page 335) says:
A count noun denotes a class of individuated entities of the same kind. Boy, for example, denotes the class of boys. The individual entities are atomic in the sense that they cannot be divided into smaller parts of the same kind a...
@CowperKettle You might enjoy this book- it has some interesting ideas about what a world with no monkeys where spiders evolved to be sentient would be like. I enjoyed it a lot even thought I am a bit uncomfortable thinking about spiders. Ants play an interesting role in the story as well...
So I voted to close a question because it showed no research effort (I downvoted it too). OP did not even attempt to look up a word in a dictionary. I felt that OP could have solved this problem quite easily just by doing a bit of google research. Now that question has 5 upvotes. I don't know if I should feel guilty or what...
@AIQ The question hit the Hot Network Questions list shortly after being posted. It got a lot of views from across the network because of that, so it got a few more upvotes.
I'm not sure how many upvotes the question itself had when it hit HNQ, but it was probably either 1 or 2.