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Word of the day: Morning in America
"Prouder, Stronger, Better", commonly referred to by the name "Morning in America", is a 1984 political campaign television commercial, known for its opening line, "It's morning again in America." The ad was part of the U.S. presidential campaign of Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan. It featured a montage of images of Americans going to work, and a calm, optimistic narration that suggested that the improvements to the U.S. economy since the 1980 election were due to Reagan's policies. It asked voters why they would want to return to the pre-Reagan policies of Democrats like his opponent...
Word of the minute: well-spaced children
4 hours later…
‘It points to a post-medical age, where doctors serve desires rather than treat disease.’ from en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/serve It says doctors are human servers.
A human server works in a service for humans.
Hunger is an illness because it interferes with my function. I think a food server is one kind of doctor, who serves the most epidemic illness of humans.
see, I am hungry now; it interferes with my thinking so that I can't guarantee what I write is correct.
maybe I don't use some word correctly or I make some grammatical errors.
yup, the brain takes about 30% of our calories
I usually try to choose a meal with the highest calories as possible among others with the same price when I buy it in a store, which always notes calories in the box of food.
because I hate hunger. I want a meal which can keep me hunger free as longest as it can.
Word of the day: gamp
> And so, although the streets are damp,
And man is lost without his gamp,
And by the pavement hansoms rush,
Distributing unpleasant slush,
And though the days are drear and dank,
Shall such as I, when Brain and Rank
In noble silence bear their lot,
Expostulate? I fancy not.
2 hours later…
Hm, the election sure has begun.
Q: Help to understand this paragraph

dan Everything has broken right for England at this World Cup. It sauntered through a top-heavy group with Belgium, conveniently dropping its final game against the Red Devils in a barely-contested 1-0 loss. Because that put the unappreciated but savvy England manager Gareth Southgate and his team...

@CaptainBohemian Yes, and, for instance, depression is associated with disruption of cellular energy metabolism
I hope Mr. Tuggy nominates himself; I'd vote for him.
> The production of ATP through OXPHOS is a key method by which mitochondria provide energy to the cell. Several lines of research have confirmed that depression is associated with lower than normal levels of ATP production.
> For example, brain levels of ATP are generally lower in the brains of depressed patients compared to control subjects (Moretti et al., 2003; Martins-de-Souza et al., 2012). This may be related to the dampened neuronal plasticity and impaired hippocampal neurogenesis thought to be operative in depression (Caruncho et al., 2016), as neurogenesis is a metabolically demanding process.
@userr2684291 I would vote for Nathan again. He’s already doing half of the job :)
I can't see who I voted for, but I remember seeing snailboat's introduction/description, and I remember thinking "This person is overqualified; what is this..." hehe, and that was while I was still somewhat uninformed about this site.
It seems I upvoted ColleenV's answers to the questionnaire at some point.
@CowperKettle I don't quite understand depression. This home makes me depressed, but I think it's because it is itself a dingy place so that everyone going here would become depressed. When I was outside years ago, whenever I was going to go back, just the idea of going back brought me great anguish.
@CowperKettle also, I can't find a place with natural view in this concrete jungle to exile when I don't feel happy. This upsets me more, so I think the best way to not feel depreseed is being provided with housing to places I feel fine.
Housing is most difficult to resolve.
Thankfully, I have a park where I take walks.
I would hate living in concrete jungle..
Word of the evening: primed breast.
> Prolactin acts to induce and maintain lactation of the primed breast.
I recently moved to another place and I feel much better. It's ten minutes away from my uni and everything. It's really nice; the room itself is about twice as spacious. Fresh air constantly streams through the shutters even when it's quite hot (I previously lived in the very center of the city). It's very peaceful here; a car passes by every half an hour, and birds are always singing outside. Very verdant and smelling like nature.
A car every half an hour
I envy you
When I moved in my present flat, there were almost no cars in the road just behind my window
But people have gotten rich in the 20 years that have passed, and now there's a constant car noise
I even thought of installing soundproof glazing
Soundproof windows (?)
I have a balcony, and I thought of installing triple-glazed windows there, so that less noise comes in.
@CowperKettle Here even parks are artificial, so they don't interest me much.
@CowperKettle I mean those trees or grass or followers are grown artificially in those parks and stones in the parks were moved from elsewhere, not grown originally there or were deposited there originally.
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle in this concrete jungle, public transmit (bus, MRT) are available almost all times from sunrise to midnight, but I was not attracted by this feature at all. When I was in graduate school, my university was on a hill where bus to downtown came every long period and there is no other public transit so that I got a bike to rely on it. There are also not many stores or establishments which can usually been seen there. But there is one jungle after another to explore.
I prefer the wood jungle there than the concrete jungle here. I don't really like these establishments and transit here.
1 hour later…
@CaptainBohemian Here on SE, we grow our Language Overflowers in ELL chat.
What does "flipped mathematics on its head" in "Twenty-seven years ago, a group of physicists made an accidental discovery that flipped mathematics on its head." quoted from quantamagazine.org/… mean?
@CaptainBohemian This discovery radically changed the views of scientists on some phenomenon
@CowperKettle but what does "it" refer to in "flipped mathematics on its head"?
The head of mathematics
@CowperKettle then why not say "their"?
mathematicians are humans and plural.
"Mathematics" here is a branch of science.
It's singular.
It has been stood on its head, like the girl in the picture.
Sorry, got to do something
@CowperKettle I don't get you. so it refers to mathematics? but "flipped mathematics on mathematics's head" sounds odd to me.
A Chad, in derogatory slang, is a young urban white man, typically single and in his 20s or early 30s. == History == The term originated during the 1990s in Chicago, Illinois, and was further popularized by a satirical website dedicated to the Lincoln Park Chad Society, a fictional social club based in Chicago's upscale Lincoln Park neighborhood. The female counterpart to the Chad, in slang, is the "Trixie". A Chad was originally depicted as originating in Chicago's affluent North Shore suburbs (Highland Park, Lincolnshire, Deerfield, Northbrook, Glenview, Glencoe, Winnetka, Wilmette, or ...
Word of the night: chad
@CaptainBohemian You should ask the question on main site
That way, it will help other learners too
> A new report published today reveals that exposure to greenspace reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure.

Populations with higher levels of greenspace exposure are also more likely to report good overall health – according to global data involving more than 290 million people.

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