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Hey I wanna be a giant too!
Shucks, a molecule's gotta be what a molecule's gotta be
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Then you must rename to Titin
Titin , also known as connectin, is a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the TTN gene. Titin is a giant protein, greater than 1 µm in length, that functions as a molecular spring which is responsible for the passive elasticity of muscle. It is composed of 244 individually folded protein domains connected by unstructured peptide sequences. These domains unfold when the protein is stretched and refold when the tension is removed.Titin is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. It connects the Z line to the M line in the sarcomere. The protein contributes to force transmission...
@CowperKettle Holy shit!
Although a better option would be to become its gene
2 hours later…
I got the following line in my online feed. But I am little doubtful about its correctness.
> To me, the definition of real love, is from whom I have inherited the power to produce gametes and to whom I will pass on them to create a live soul.
Is this sentence really correct?
@Man_From_India It feels like an action figure with a snapped neck. Or if the mouth and the nose are swapped.
First off, I wouldn't put a comma after "love" but that stuff is usually stylistic so I digress
Second, the meaning is laggy. The definition of love is actually SOMEONE, which sounds weird to me. I think they (you?) wanted to mean that the definition of love is FROM SOMEONE.
But then there would be no nonawkward way to phrase it like the sentence is phrased. Smash and rebuild
Thirdly, "to whom I will pass them on to" sounds natural to me
Fourthly, I think "a living soul" is a much more common phrase to come by
So . . . ungrammatical? Dunno. Weird and tingly? Hell yes.
So real love is all about gametes.
Soul-creating gametes.
A gamete (; from Ancient Greek γαμετή gamete from gamein "to marry") is a haploid cell that fuses with another haploid cell during fertilization (conception) in organisms that sexually reproduce. In species that produce two morphologically distinct types of gametes, and in which each individual produces only one type, a female is any individual that produces the larger type of gamete—called an ovum (or egg)—and a male produces the smaller tadpole-like type—called a sperm. In short a gamete is an egg (female gamete) or a sperm (male gamete). This is an example of anisogamy or heterogamy, th...
Use your gametes to create mammothrepts, with desirable difficulty.
I believe that sentence is wrong because of wrong use of wh relative or what interrogatives. I forgot grammar completely and so I can't remember the name :'(
@Man_From_India Yeah whenever interrogatives are wrong I get a special tingly feeling and I rarely can explain why. I do get the feeling reading the sentence
> You cannot touch a non-mahram,
That's what our Prophet said -
For even a "Good-morning, ma'am"
Can get you into bed!
Word of the day: mahram
> A mahram is an unmarriageable kin with whom marriage or sexual intercourse would be considered haram, illegal in Islam, or people from whom purdah is not obligatory or legal escorts of a woman during journey longer than a day and night, 24 hours.
@Man_From_India There are so many things wrong with the sentence that it should just be thrown away.
A poem from Allpoetry.com
> Please God, ‘Do change the weather, change the tide!’
The life of common man has reached its ebb;
The poor are cheated, taken for a ride;
More mighty spiders weave their massive web.

More rich folk’s wealth goes into foreign banks;
Polluted are the air and water, soil;
Corruption grows and lives in many ranks;
The water drunk costs more than even oil!

Most mountain stones are sliced to line each wall;
Money in golden bars is stacked secure;
Some nations boast of housing statues tall;
Diseases newer do not have a cure.
@CowperKettle Heh, there are two ways of reading that, and the other way is a famous brand for mayonnaise sauce. I was wondering how you ended up finding the word
/-ræm/ vs. /-rʌm/
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I was reading a discussion on Islam SE, and one of the repliers wrote in their reply "No, you cannot touch a non-mahram". And the ditty suddenly appeared to me.
I posted it as a comment, so there must be a fatwah somewhere against me.
I must be wary of assassins
@CowperKettle Tomorrow's news headlines: Daesh packs up and moves to Russia
I dunno, Putin is too intimidating even for Islamist militants
@Man_From_India In my view it's grammatically correct.
That said, I haven't the faintest as to what it's supposed to mean.
@CowperKettle Lol.
Most of the (halal) touching occurs between non-mahrams.
(A husband and wife, lol.)
I can finally listen to Christmas carols without it looking out of place (out of time? out of season?).
Out of Winter Bash
3 hours later…
Some people believe that Christmas Eve is actually Christmas.
If this is true, we can prove by induction that it's always time for Christmas carols.
Hi @snailboat did you just finish going around the world in 80 days? I was guessing that might be the reason for your absence.
Hahah. That's a good one, snail.

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