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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

A farmer gets monetary benefits if his crop fails
This is how i understand
@Brock So, what are the possibilities of this crop?
Can it be someone else's?
It has to be a farmer's crop
And because it must be a certain farmer's crop, most grammar books (ones that care about generic-vs-specific) wouldn't say this crop is generic.
Then again, I can't say for sure if all grammar books will have the same definition.
Okay, next question.
Will the farmer get the benefits if only one crop fails?
Right! See, you understand the sentence pretty well! :-)
Next question.
Suppose a farmer has five crops, and two of his crops fail, will he get the benefits?
Yes he will but since it mentioned 'a crop' then i should mean one crop..Now here's where my confusion lies
> after the selection of a different cap and autoclaving, during the check manipulations using a 17mm wrench the thread on the cap got stripped.
I don't like check manipulations
@Brock Don't think too hard. Your first thought is correct! Yes, he will!
How would you call an action with the wrench performed to see if the threaded joint is tight, I wonder.
@CowperKettle I don't like the lack of space between the value and the unit.
@userr2684291 It's in a table. Concise style.
@CowperKettle I don't know what to think either!
Good night then
Sleepiness precedes essence
Is this check a cheque and it's somehow manipulated like a person? :P
@CowperKettle Aww
@DamkerngT. No, it's a manipulation with a wrench. You make the connection a bit looser and a bit tighter to see if it's okay
I'm not even sure what it's supposed to mean.
Haven't you ever unscrewed anything using a wrench, and then screwed it back? Just to see if it fits smoothly?
To see that the thread is aligned well
@CowperKettle Hmm... I wonder if measuring or calibrating would be a better choice.
Good night (0:
Okay! :D
Sleep tight! o/
> During the attachment of a pH sensor to a sampling assembly for use with a Vessel12 bioreactor (hereinunder: cap) due to the uneven thread on the cap the connection seemed non-airtight; after the selection of a different cap and autoclaving, during the check manipulations using a 17mm wrench the thread on the cap got stripped.
Still not sure what 'check manipulations' means...
Does it mean something like while tightening the cap with a 17 mm wrench, the thread of the cap got stripped?
@DamkerngT. - so if the farmer gets monetary benefits even if more than one crop fails then why 'a crop' was used when you yourself said that 'a' means just one
@Brock It's one like any single one.
(of the farmer's, of course)
Any single one of the farmer's..Sorry didn't get what i mean ?
Didn't get what you mean?
Hmm... so you don't know the meaning of any single one?
Okay, let's say, in a far, far away land, if you kiss a girl, you have to marry her.
I don't think a man can get away after kissing a girl by kissing another girl and claim that, I've kissed two girls, so I don't have to marry any girls!
Having successfully gathered all crops...
@V.V. . . . he married
Yeah. He couldn't help it.
@DamkerngT. I think that would be an effective way to avoid it, though, provided that the women aren't into the whole polygamy thing.
I forgot what I wanted to ask.
@V.V. What did you forget?
Let me check.
"I suppose the distance to be one mile". Correct?
@V.V. Yeah.
How to explain "to be"
Object *infinitive?
@V.V. I think it's fixed, actually...
Why not "is"?
@V.V. Because then the sentence reads differently: "I suppose (that) the distance is one mile."
What's the difference?
You can't say "I suppose that the distance to be one mile.", can you now?
That-clause is also possible, right?
With "is"
@V.V. Yes, that's what I said.
How to explain "to be"?
There's virtually no difference semantics-wise.
@V.V. You can nix it if you like.
Or nah... only with adjectives.
@V.V. Wait for snailplane or someone who knows about these intricacies.
What's "with adjectives"?
@V.V. Forget that.
@V.V. You can use it with nouns and adjectives alike.
Is it an infinitive functioning as an object?
@M.A.R. It happens to the best of us.
@userr2684291 Only when I do it deliberately
And when I don't, it's you doing some voodoo and willing me to submit 'Enter' early
And I always press the wrong button
Kicks @userr
@V.V. Oh, was Hiroshima your fault? O.O
submits Enter.
People don't live so long.
Userr, why don't you change the name?
Userr, why don't you change the name?
Good night, guys!
@M.A.R. The present handle was my best attempt. (I think I changed my handle a couple of times to random names on other profiles, though.)
Good night.
@V.V. Night
I should sleep too
Me too, actually, I finally have Uni tomorrow.
See y'alls.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

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