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down for me...
@mikeazo What was the "CipherCloud incident"? And the person "who had "broken" RSA", did he simply ask for moduli? (I remember such a question...)
Q: CipherCloud DMCA notice

CodesInChaosCipherCloud just filed a DMCA notice with stack exchange to take down the question How is CipherCloud doing homomorphic encryption? (now deleted by stackexchange). Since I obviously can't post the full question+answers here, a short summary of what it contained: The question itself asks if/how...

@SOJPM There was a somebody using the nick "Thierno M. Sow" who repeatedly posted trivial algebraic truths together with a claim that this breaks RSA.
A typical example (there were a lot more):
Those posts were hilarious.
Do you have links to any of the others?
If you search the chatlog for "RSA" you'll find some.
@CodesInChaos Have those questions been all deleted?
1 hour later…
Ah, yes. I had forgotten this little gem posted by ol' Thierno M. Sow: one-zero.eu/resources/OVAL.pdf
@Edward: Hello
@Reid are you good with cryptography in openssl?
most specifically in c
I'm getting somewhat confused
@Edward: not specifically. I'm more of a theoretical guy. I have used openssl in code before, though, although only sparingly. And I've thumbed through parts of the codebase before (not recommended, it is terrifying). So I dunno if that helps you or not.
well I think you can help me anyway... if you know the theory quite well :)
@Edward: This is definitely not the room to discuss this though. See chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/784/the-side-channel
so it has more rooms?
Yes, there are multiple "chat rooms" in the StackExchange chat. The one I linked you is the general one for this site. The room we're in now is about the moderator election.

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