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ok say some stuff.
i'm working on the auto-star @John messages script
Hmm, the userlist window blocks the first message...
Wait nevermind. :P
like i said it is buggy
it should hide.
It wasn't, I just missed the "Unstick" button.
hrmm... ok so it works... just not like I would like it tooo.
@rlemon What does it do?
This amuses me greatly. :D
it should loop through all of your messages and click the star link.
var to=[];$('div.user-container.user-5145').each(function(i,el) { console.log(i); to[i] = setTimeout(function() { $(el).find('span.stars').trigger('click'); }, i*2000) });
making a bookmarklettte
I should learn how to write these one day.
ahhhhhh i know what the issue is now!
getting closer.
all of these starring are automated
So now I can get infinite stars! Muahahahaha!
frown damn you!
I need to take a screenshot of this star list while it's still here.

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