12 hours later…
PAYMENT STATUS: April 22, 2016 - Paid $3.98 (USD) for May 6, 2016 to June 6, 2016 hosting fee. Our balance was $22.92 and is now $18.94 No users donated since the last payment (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/24544?m=28517769#28517769).
New official rule (according to poll): People without chat-enabled SE accounts will no longer be whitelisted - i.e. people need to ping me personally with their own MC username to join. This doesn't apply to the couple people currently whitelisted who don't have SE accounts.
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Transcript for
Apr '1622
PPCG Minecraft Server
Server closed. Files: github.com/HelkaHomba/ppcgmc1.9 New serv...