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Dragon Fight!!!
Who's in for the fight tonight?
11 pm, right? I'm in.
@El'endiaStarman Where is your house again?
North of the mountain. There are farms outside.
Near dark oak trees.
Phi's mountain?
Nowhere near Phi's mountain.
Spawn mountain.
@El'endiaStarman So, the plateua, or somewhere else?
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, yesterday, by Chat Relay
<Lumien> table and lapis you can use.
<Deusovi> Cool, thanks!
<Lumien> -99x 146z
I was on top of it *.*
@ANerd-I Oh, so it is tonight?
@AquaTart Yes
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, 34 secs ago, by Chat Relay
<TheNumeralOne> Is fire protection good against ender dragon?
Sprinting to the side worked well for me when I faced it solo a while ago. :P
@HelkaHomba The poll is 2-2. Just letting you know.
@ANerd-I Let's go for it anyway. The dragon is infinitely respawnable, this first fight is not all that special.
Enderdragon fight in 1 hour 20 minutes!
Why does the zombie mob grinder kill the baby zombies?
Zombie with full enchanted chain armor.
Dropped none. :/
And also a golden armored skeleton that dropped pants, no pics though.
Ender Dragon fight in a half hour!
I actually need snowballs; is there a place where I can obtain them?
snowy areas.
IDK if we has a farm
Snowballs don't damage the dragon anymore, FYI.
The crystals, though.
Do snowballs go that far up?
I don't know.
I'm bringing a bow and many arrows.
I'm watching a movie right now. :P
Might be ~5-10 minutes late. ;-;
What movie?
Batman Begins, but this is the first time I've seen the whole thing.
never seen it at all
movie's over
Have you guys started yet?
I didn't get my stuff enchanted in time :/
laziness strikes again
Good luck!
Jeez, you guys killed it like five minutes.
I feel really far behind now. Protection II and Sharpness II just aren't gonna cut it :/
I'm still looking for an infinity book by the way
Don't worry, if you're behind then I'm probably even further back :P (no enchanted weapons at all)
Actually, is there an exp farm or how are people levelling?
exp farm i think.
I haven't used an XP farm.
Mostly just mining.
@AquaTart I had lvl 6 enchants on iron, and I'm sure I didn't need them with all of us there
I kinda think exploring the end is easier than mining for getting diamonds and enchanted stuff
I got 20 diamonds worth of stuff in an hour or less
All enchanted really well
@zyabin101theHated Hows that map thingy coming?
It's currently unused, even though I made two maps for it.
whats the site again?
10 hours later…
I have 2 dragon heads and one elytra I'll sell for 3 diamonds apiece, 2 diamonds if you helped fight the dragon yesterday and didn't get one of them. Only one thing per customer.
If we fight the dragon again, I need to get myself some dragon's breath.
ooh, yeah
how many ships were found?
and cities?
6 or 7 cities I think?
all but one had a ship afaik
Note that I went pretty darn far (1000+ blocks) in search of more cities and it seemed to me we got lucky finding 3 or 4 just a few islands away from the gateway
I had to leave after finding the first 2.
Don't go northwest of exit gateway. It's a long barren path :(
thanks :)
Notice for the people who missed it:
toast is good
@HelkaHomba opinion. toast is not good.
@EasterlyIrk He has only two dragon heads and an Elytra remaining, it costs 3 diamonds apiece.
For those who landed a successful shot on the Dragon, but did not earn a prize, 33% off.
I did, but I didn't get anything but 4 more deaths.
I shall buy.
@zyabin101theHated I'm sure he knows that and was joking. Riker's not about to make me give up all my loot without a fight
or just a /kick ;)
@EasterlyIrk I could get on now if you want to make the trade
I shall buy also, if I can find my way back.
I have it written down already :P
So I go out a super long way, to make sure that nobody had gone where I was going yet, found an end city, and found that someone had come from the opposite direction and looted it.
@BentNeeHumor This is why I want to beat dragon again, we should get a gateway to a whole new area
Wow, just found a huge end city (looted of course):
@BentNeeHumor Actually I didn't find a single chest in the city, just in the ship :/
I possibly missed them
In fact the only city (and not ship) I ever saw a chest in was the one me and Phi were at
ok can we fight it again later and get more loot?
I saw 2 chests in the second end city found.
It was pretty lame stuff though.
2 enchanted iron helmets, a saddle, and some gold and emeralds.
ender dragon fight 1 minute ago?
@epicTCK Yes, we just need 4 minecraft.gamepedia.com/End_Crystal
@epicTCK Said that for me too...idk why
will that respond elytras and end cities?
Respawn? No. The cities are already out there waiting to be found. But if we kill the dragon again we'll get another gateway to the outer end islands where they are (can do up to 20 times)
@HelkaHomba I'll pay 3 diamonds since I got all the xp from the dragon.
@BentNeeHumor Do you want head or wings?
I guess wings sound funner :)
They are a lot of fun.
by the way, if powered by redstone, dragon heads talk.
You can fly from the top of Magenta's netherrack Sierpinski gasket to about halfway up Phi's mountain.
the credits are fun to watch
I didn't watch the credits since I assumed they were the same as single player, which I have seen.
How long the credits are?
@HelkaHomba nah, later today is fine. I can't get on right now, and I has 1 diamond.
I'll buy some wings later.
(by mining)
@zyabin101theHated Uh, something like 5-10 minutes? They're not short.
Wait, do you have any left?
Helka Homba has already made a deal between them and TheNumeralOne.
So shouldn't. :(
@phase Now that the Ender Dragon is down (for the first time) I can work on the Nether hub again. Want to go hunting for quartz to make the floor?
Oh hey, Wiki says that leather can be used to repair Elytra!
What's Elytra?
You can FLY!
Oh, wow. How do you get that?
Loot an End Ship, usually found near End cities.
Oh. Probably none left then :(
There are an infinite(ish) number of them.
They're just hard to get to.
Killing the Ender dragon again will spawn another gateway to a new area.
Ah, I'll capitalize on that then.
To respawn the Ender dragon, we'll need four ghast tears.
(And four Eyes of Ender, and 28 glass.)
What about the egg?
I guess that could be used too.
I was talking about crafting End crystals and using those to respawn the dragon.
Ok. I think Phase and I are going to work on the Nether hub next. You can join too, we need lots of quartz
I don't think there are any plans to actually use the egg we got though.
I put it where the volcano will be as a temporary decoration
gtg my dad was like "i don't like u gaming its bad 4 u" so, sorry gtg
o nvm that then... yay
@EasterlyIrk I sold the wings to 1, sorry
Can we respawn the dragon after everyone has diamond armor?
Then we can get new loot!
People seem to want to fight dragon again. When is earliest everyone could? (Me - right now I guess, else much later)
@EasterlyIrk I still say with enough of us in iron we can do ok
I could fight again tonight, but not the rest of the week. I don't know if I'll have good internet.
I could same time tonight probly (4am utc), but feel free to go without me
@daavko No, we only have one gateway so far
o no i misd it yyyy
@phase We're planning to fight him again soon (tonight perhaps)
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, 56 secs ago, by Chat Relay
<Phasesaber> trees everywhere
<daavko> Turf wars started? :D
no, too late
we need to do it earlier tonight, say, 8:00 est
If any turf wars are breaking out, just make sure its between people who want to participate ;)
^ I'm passing on turf wars for the time being, fyi
But feel free to start one with me, I will tnt your house to bits.
Edited bc wrong time, pls revote.
12 am UTC != 5 pm PST
12 am UTC == 4 pm PST
wait what
@AquaTart ^^
BTW, where is phase's house?
@epicTCK I wish I had that late...
Daylight savings
so google is right or wrong
right i think.
Yeah, 5:00 PST == 12:00 UTC, because UTC has no daylight savings.
I can't fight again tonight, but you guys can go on without me. Besides, I need diamonds to put xp into.
Does anyone still ride pigs?
I legitimately used to ride pigs with carrots on a stick quite a bit in my old survival world back before 1.6
I haven't used Porky in a while since 1.6 though
1.6 seems so ancient now...
@BentNeeHumor Trade diamonds for wings, or diamonds for you enchanting it. (you have the levels)
hello porky
also inb4 being made fun of for having gold axe and shovel
2 hours later…
You like naming things...
@AquaTart ^
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, 1 min ago, by Chat Relay
<Carnivous> Do I have to write code to make it throw an error? Like, how does golfing lang design work
The discussions that happen in Minecraft... :P
The question still stands
I'm actually starting to think that there isn't a way for multiplying strings to make sense.
Despite the fact that I've decided on [1,2]*[1,2] => [[1,2], [1,2,1,2]] for Pytek.
Pytek sounds like a mix of Python and LaTeX
Inspired by both, but it'll be much more than either.
@EasterlyIrk I name all my pets and tools.
Well, I also name my bases usually.
@El'endiaStarman why? HTF does that work?
Fiat. :P
(Basically, because I said so. :P)

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