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A giant dirt volcano won't look very visually appealing.
Raw andesite might work.
> just to get the shell
I'm assuming by shell he means the exterior.
I was always planning on making the interior dirt
@HelkaHomba Just an idea i thought could be fun. That code I wrote was literally copied and pasted together with very few changes. @HelkaHomba
@phase: What do you need the string for?!
@El'endiaStarman bows
lots of them
Oh, dispensers?
nope, just bows
yeah, I'm making a chicken cooker
I used to be such a good typer and then I started playing melee and now all I want to do is down smash instead of type the word.
> Basically, don't go griefing other players by attacking them or stealing their items or destroying their creations, etc. Anyone caught intentionally doing these things will be permanently banned, regardless of how much they've donated or played.
@epicTCK, stop it.
I haven't Attacked, greifed, destroyed, or stolen
You're begging for the opportunity.
Stop it.
What happened to all the eggs in the egg farm?
There were like 10 stacks and they're all gone.
I mean, I want people to use it but that's a lot....
oh I took them :3
I'll give them back once I get the chickens I need
I'm actually fine with it I just wanted to know who took them
I was mostly just surprised because it was so many eggs I didn't know what you were using them for xD
I put some in the chicken farm
it was missing some
/usr/bin/gradle: line 64: cd: /usr/bin/../share/gradle/bin/..: No such file or directory
lmao I installed gradle but apparently it was lying
Ran it again and it worked. wtf
 error: local variable passFrame is accessed from within inner class; needs to be declared final
Lots of nice things like this
Debugging via Minecraft chat. That's sure to go well. :P
@AquaTart wat
I know.
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, 23 secs ago, by Chat Relay
<quartata> If you had a *lot* of sheeps. Like a *lot*.
<quartata> Could this be a form of transportation
I literally laughed out loud.
@El'endiaStarman the funny thing is, it isn't just a method of transportation, it is the fastest method of transportation youtube.com/watch?v=D_53rB_I3mo
Of course a ghast appears when I'm that high up in the air in the nether
who is quartata
Aqua Tart
so I disconnected
b//c a ghast just spawned in your house
It's fully lit in there...
a ghast in your house
idk how
Ghasts can't blow up the house so
I'll have you know, @AquaTart and @Mego, that the sheep are cared for very humanely!
The chickens, though, definitely animal cruelty.
@El'endiaStarman lmao no
Anyways this wasn't the colored sheep farm
oh, okay
Can't see what you're showing Mego. :P
@AlexA. you're welcome
iz gud cake iz my masterpiece
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, 18 secs ago, by Chat Relay
<ararslan> You ate half my cake, gave me 800 blocks of netherrack, and filled my house with TNT.
<Phasesaber> you are welcome
did you really
@AquaTart Instead of Quartz in the hub, what about Polished Diorite? That doesn't break from ghasts.
Or can we just temporarily put stone slabs over the quartz to protect the quartz blocks inside until the walls are built?
The latter
What about on the walls of the hub?
We can make a large stone slab cage aroud the hub to prevent fireballs from getting in
Or iron bars
What about iron bars only on the quartz columns to give it a textured look?
I think the ghasts could still blow that up though
That would look nice though.
Evidently Phase's bot does not work with 1.9 which is a massive blow for the volcano.
No pun intended
I need some sort of way to automate the mirroring part. I'm thinking I'll write an MC edit filter that outputs a bash xdotool script that'll do it
...unfortunately I need the world for that
Really, we can organize another little project to make a shell of dirt, then we know where it all is and can replace it with polished andesite and fill up the interior with whatever.
You have no idea how much more tedious even making the shell would be
I very well might finish it before you get a bot working. :P
Also I'm gonna need to do it in creative first to make sure it looks OK
making the shell is going to be literally impossible by hand
In any case, there's a bunch of stuff inside the bounds of the volcano.
Yeah that stuff does need to get moved first
There has to be a bot that just takes a MC schematic file and builds it
I know Schematica is a thing but I don't think it works in 1.9
I guess we'll have to wait.
@PhiNotPi Why? It may be tedious but with good planning it's hardly impossible. I say go for it @El'endiaStarman
^ Say this is a cross section of a vertical east-west plane of the mountain half. The numbers represent the number of surface blocks in a layer. Someone could readily look at this and know just how to mirror that plane of the mountain. And it's not more than 200 planes wide.
The hard part is working downwards. That's why I'm thinking that I'll walk around the perimeter and note the vertical/horizontal stretches of blocks, and work up from there.
good idea
If necessary, I can put the current world on github. (But loading the seed and leveling the mountaintop and removing the wings with commands would give the same result, no?)
I don't think I'll need to do that.
I'll probably just screenshot the east side as a reference.
There are also mods that download a world from inside the game
Not sure if any work with 1.9 yet though
7 hours later…
phase did you like my prank
5 hours later…
@epicTCK I love it. We should make it a big cube with someone's face on each side.
1 hour later…
No one online on a Monday.
Except epic who rage quit twice after burning to death and falling really far.
I want to name the mountain in the desert north of spawn something.
Something Latin, like flavis nix
Sola nix
@Sp3000 I connected the bridge to my base.
2 hours later…
could someone give a quick sketch on like misprint of what the volcano is supposed to look like? I really don't get it
Why do you always ping someone after your message?
Anyway, to get an idea of what it'll be like, mirror the still-standing east half over the spawn point.
it will be hollow, right? or a crater in the middle
@El'endiaStarman i ping someone after because i forget to before
Hollowish. quartata had planned on writing a bot that would fill it up with dirt, which could then be hollowed out into rooms and floors.
nice escher's triangle / penrose triangle btw
to come to think of it, they are basically triangle mobius strips...
hands of escher: an artistic quine
@epicTCK You can edit messages btw. LIKE THIS
@epicTCK Best to ask @AquaTart (or @El'endiaStarman?). I'm not entirely sure what the final plan for the volcano is but it's alright with me as long as it results in a spacious spawn base.
I hit the mineshaft (structure) while doing some branch mining.
@TheNumberOne There's an abandoned mineshaft with a cave spider spawner near my base, if the chunk error I saw that one time is to be believed.
Was there a library with a spawner in the stronghold?
There was a library, but not a spawner, I think.
@Eridan No.
can i build a mushroom farm under the iron farm
just found the ^^
is that a piet program??
@epicTCK How about beside it? I mean you could built it under but we have plenty of community land to fill
ok, sure
We should build a proper road from spawn straight to @PhiNotPi's mountain.
and then smaller roads to the farm/building entrances

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