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@MathWizz I had to reroute one of the PO rails for the new museum hall and obstructed another (though a minecart will still pass). They should all still work the same, just thought you should know
Hey, can you whitelist pairleebel?
Thanks! :P
I've added a list of currently whitelisted players to the about page.
11 hours later…
Just curious - is my house still standing?
2 hours later…
@Rainbolt The pig farm? Of course.
That's slightly depressing :(
... because I really wanted it to be a cow farm
I could put a cow inside for good measure
You're serious? My house is a pig farm?
No :P
Your house is unchanged. Though your wheat field land is in danger of being appropriated by the sorter.
Oh, the wheat field is the prettiest thing I built
It looks so peaceful
But I can't complain. I don't play.
Have you guys started a group project yet? Like a really huge structure?
We (well mainly rodolphito and revesilia) leveled out a huge nether fortress for very easy wither skull farming. We did something similar for a slime farm. Those were kinda group projects.
Ah, neato
We also made an ocean monument into a pvp arena, but I believe the item distribution system still needs to be finished
2 hours later…
@Calvin'sHobbies Can I join the server? I just found out about this and this sound really cool! My IGN is "dashahum" (without quotes).
@GrantDavis Sure, I'll add you in just a few min
@GrantDavis Whitelisted dashahum. Welcome!
1 hour later…
user image
Stay in school, kids
@MathWizz Where is that, lol?
The post office. It's the pile of carts without an address.
Very strange
1 hour later…
Is that a cleric
4 hours later…

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