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00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

Hi. Do I ask here to be white-listed?
Ok. My in-game name is Revesilia
<magnanimous_phi connected>
@Calvin'sHobbies @ChatRelay ^
<rodolphito> Are you lagging here
<magnanimous_phi> not much
<rodolphito> Killing farm animals reduced the lag
<magnanimous_phi> you can test your lag by running through Calvin's piston doors
<rodolphito> But theres still lag
<rodolphito> They take 4 seconds to opem
<magnanimous_phi> I'm taking 1 second or less.
<magnanimous_phi> how big is your house going to be?
<rodolphito> The size of the area I flattened
<magnanimous_phi> so massive
<rodolphito> I am getting stone to make a castle
<rodolphito> It will have boobytraps
<rodolphito> If I can resolve this lag problem
<rodolphito> My internet and computer are perfect
<rodolphito> Its probably distance from the server
<rodolphito> Or something related to that
<rodolphito> Anyway I got a rabbits foot.
<rodolphito> What do I do with it
<magnanimous_phi> potions
<rodolphito> Ill leave it in the drops chest then
<magnanimous_phi> It makes Potion of Leaping
<rodolphito> I see a sign in there that says 40 minecarts wsith chests
<rodolphito> how long has that been there
<magnanimous_phi> where?
<rodolphito> in there
<rodolphito> I can't open the door because of lag
<magnanimous_phi> there's 40 minecarts with chests stacked on top of each other
<rodolphito> Opening a chest take 11 seconds
<rodolphito> I click it, 11 seconds, GUI appears
<magnanimous_phi> ummm.....
<magnanimous_phi> I don't know what to say.
<rodolphito> brb
<magnanimous_phi> close minecraft, then check your speedtest.net speed?
<rodolphito> Back
<rodolphito> I already did that
<rodolphito> I got 60 mb both ways
<rodolphito> ping is 9 ms
@Rodolvertice How many farm animals are left?
<rodolphito> I have 55 mbps dl speed and 63 mbps up speed
<rodolphito> You trapped me!
<magnanimous_phi> That really should be good enough. My speed is slower than that and I'm not really lagging.
<rodolphito> Ive got no other programs open except chrome
<rodolphito> With only one tab
<rodolphito> Running on a Mac Pro
<rodolphito> Which I restarted 15 minutes ago or so
<rodolphito> It is most likely not on my side.
<magnanimous_phi> @Calvin can you restart the server?
More than 5 of each @Sp3000
k, so er... no more breeding then?
<rodolphito> let me out of this box please
No you guys can keep breeding them
I think the problem is they are too close together
Maybe if they are more spread out less are loaded at a time
<rodolphito> Thanks
I'll build a large farm if necessary
Hmm maybe see what @Calvin'sHobbies thinks. But we'll probably need the cow farm at least for item frames
Yeah leather is very necessary
But there are quite a lot of things around there, so spreading it out might be good
Pigs are unnecessary
Sheep too
We have the mountain sheep
I would say chickens too since we have an autofarm of that too now
Yeah we've got mountain sheep. Pigs aren't as important and we've already got chickens now. Rabbits are probably the only other important one
Im not sure what they are for but I believe they cause the most lag
They breed like, well, rabbits
Well if anyone wanted jumping potions
I do not know why I am the only one affected though.
<rodolphito> Im at my house now
<rodolphito> In my mine
<rodolphito> And I still get lag
<rodolphito> Its less
<rodolphito> 1 second delay between click and open of chest
<rodolphito> Its bearable but near the golem farm it isnt
<magnanimous_phi> how did you get so many cookies?
<rodolphito> Cocoa
<rodolphito> And wheat
<rodolphito> Il trade one stack for 8 stacks of cobblestone
<rodolphito> Or 6 stacks of stone
<rodolphito> If you want to do the trade take and place in my chest
<rodolphito> brb
Cookies are so inefficient when we have chicken though :P
<magnanimous_phi> The wheat farmer is upside down.
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<rodolphito> back
<rodolphito> Wow I am getting huge lag
<rodolphito> Messages I send I cannot see in this chat, I only see them in PPCG
<rodolphito> I just recieved the messages here now
<rodolphito> Lag is somewhat gone-ish
<magnanimous_phi> good
@Sp3000 cookies are awesome! (even though quite useless)
I prefer cake, personally :P
Cake's good too
With a glass of milk, all three are great together
<rodolphito> Somehow while mining in the lag, I managed to get half a stack of diamonds.
<rodolphito> I have a fortune pick
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
Is @ChatRelay piping the in-game chat to here?
why not
Makes it impossible to carry on a conversation in here if people are chatting in-game.
<ararslan connected>
<rodolphito> hello
<ararslan> Hello
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
hi Chat Relay
im on ur post
what server are u on
CHAT RELAY what server r u on
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
im getting insane lag again
<rodolphito> Nope ok *hides in shame*
<Sp3000> [](hiding_a_message)
<Sp3000> Hmm maybe I need the http or something, I dunno how links work
<rodolphito> [nothing here](http://secretemessageforspieseyesonlydon'tactuallyclickthisimnotsureifitsawebsite)
<rodolphito> hehehe
<Sp3000> I wonder if the chatbot can get banned by the some SE filter
<Sp3000> Wouldn't want to test that one though
<rodolphito> yeah :P
<rodolphito> Can I put some bookshelves and an enchanting table at the enderfarm
<rodolphito> It would be a useful addition
@Calvin'sHobbies could the @ChatRelay be lagging the game?
<ararslan disconnected>
<rodolphito disconnected>
@Oliver You can ping the Chat Relay using @ChatRelay, but it's probably more effective to ping Calvin, the owner of the server and of this chat room, using @Calvin'sHobbies.
To participate on this server, you'll need to be whitelisted by Calvin.
<magnanimous_phi connected>
@Oliver There's also the server information at the top right of this page.
<Sp3000> I wonder if the chatbot can get banned by the some SE filter
<Sp3000> Wouldn't want to test that one though
<rodolphito> yeah :P
<rodolphito> Can I put some bookshelves and an enchanting table at the enderfarm
<rodolphito> It would be a useful addition
<Sp3000> Go for it?
<rodolphito> ok
<Sp3000 disconnected>
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<HelkaHomba connected>
<HelkaHomba> No lag for me
Why does the chatrelay post these large blocks of text a while after it was said?
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
Are you testing stuff @Calvin'sHobbies?
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<rodolphito> Phi how are you still on
<rodolphito> Im getting extreme lag
<rodolphito> It looks like packets are getting slowed down on the way here
<magnanimous_phi> I'm almost lagless
<magnanimous_phi> I can sprint through the piston doors
<rodolphito> My packets are getting to the server on time
<rodolphito> But the packets from the server to my pc take a while to get here
<magnanimous_phi> it's a ~~mystery~~
<rodolphito> I wasnt lagging last night
<rodolphito> The only thing that changed is that now theres the chat relay
<rodolphito> Come check out the layout I have for the castle
<magnanimous_phi> pretty massive
<magnanimous_phi> have you done the math as to how many stack you'll need?
<rodolphito> I have 2 double chests full of stone brick
<magnanimous_phi> how tall is it going to be?
<rodolphito> I don't know.
<rodolphito> But its going to have double walls and use a lot more than just on the profile
<rodolphito> brb
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
Lag is terrible right now
It takes over one minute to open chests
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
I am almost certain that the chat relay is causing the lag.
I open chests in a fraction of a second
I don't know why chat relay would cause the lag.
I have tried everything, I even updated java and gave minecraft 4 gigs of ram
I didnt have this lag before.
Yesterday it wasnt here
I've had horrendous lag in the past (walking off unloaded chucks bad), before chat relay was a thing.
How did you solve it
I didn't.
It just comes and goes.
<rodolphito disconnected>
Ill try logging in later tonight.
The lag is unbearable at the moment for me.
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
1 hour later…
<PPCG> test
<PPCG> bunny
@Rodolvertice I'm certain it can't be the chat
@Rodolvertice All it does is have the server management page open in the background, i.e. just a text area that updates when new messages are said. I often play with that page open anyway.
<PPCG> Slaughtered bunnies? >:(
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<PPCG> Slaughtered bunnies? >:(
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
Double messages
Oh, hang on
<PPCG> Slaughtered bunnies? >:(
<rodolphito disconnected>
<rodolphito connected>
<PPCG> Test
^^ Bunny bugs
@MathWizz Welcome! Revesilia has been whitelisted. But remember to ping me directly next time by starting your message with @Calvin.
The whitelist is getting pretty long, so I'm removing all the people who haven't logged in since June.
<PPCG> Test1
<PPCG> Test2
<PPCG> whitelist list
<PPCG> doh
<rodolphito> Hi
<rodolphito> I actually have to go feed my cats right now
<rodolphito> brb
<rodolphito> sorry
<Revesilia> No problem
<rodolphito> Im back
<rodolphito> Thanks for waiting :)
<Revesilia> Mind sharing some food?
<Revesilia> Thanks
<rodolphito> np
<rodolphito> This is the autofartm
<rodolphito> autofarm*
<rodolphito> XD
<rodolphito> Take anything from the chests you want
<Revesilia> autofarm(tm) :P
<rodolphito> This is the 19th house
<rodolphito> These are community chests
<rodolphito> Up here is the member wall
<Revesilia> Cool
<rodolphito> down here
<rodolphito> The rail network
<rodolphito> just take a minecart and press a button
<rodolphito> But now we will do something else
<rodolphito> That over there
<Revesilia> ooooo
<rodolphito> Is the XP farm
<rodolphito> The portal back is over here
<rodolphito> Well, you just won minecraft
<rodolphito> We are done now
<Revesilia> xD
<rodolphito> :P
<Revesilia> So is that the end of the tour? :P
<rodolphito> Nope
<Revesilia> k
<rodolphito> But if you want to stop its fine :)
<Revesilia> I wouldn't mind more
<rodolphito> This is the announcement board
<Revesilia> Oh, you don't live far away apparently
<rodolphito> Thats calvins house
<rodolphito> Il show you my house in a moment
<rodolphito> This is the museum of everything
<rodolphito> It is a WIP
<Revesilia> Nice
<Revesilia> loll
<rodolphito> So thats the museum :)
<rodolphito> And we still havent started the items section
<rodolphito> XD
<Revesilia> is the ender egg here?
<rodolphito> I am not sure
<rodolphito> We sort of lost the egg
<Revesilia> 0.o
<rodolphito> Idk where it went
<rodolphito> These are some farms
<PPCG> Yeah :(
<rodolphito> Thats calvin talking from the server :P
<rodolphito> This is the sorter
<Revesilia> Dang
<rodolphito> Throw anything that is supported in the input
<rodolphito> No snowlayers
<rodolphito> Nothing that doesnt stack
<rodolphito> Theres the W31BER Tower
<rodolphito> Theres the PCG logo
<rodolphito> My house is this way
<rodolphito> Oh this is the auto wheat farm
<rodolphito> Take whenever you want
<rodolphito> I am building a castle
<rodolphito> MY mine is here
<rodolphito> My*
<rodolphito> You can use it whenever you want
<rodolphito> Warning, it is quite messy
<Revesilia> Ok, cool
<rodolphito> So, yeah thats pretty much it I guess
<rodolphito> Theres sheep in those mountains there
<Revesilia> Rainbow sheep, I assume?
<Revesilia> :P
<rodolphito> Every color of wool in the spectrum
<rodolphito> Yup
<Revesilia> Nice
<Revesilia> So all of the items in the sorter and farms are for public use (within reason of course)?
<rodolphito> Yup
<Revesilia> Ok, thanks for the tour!
<rodolphito> Np!
<Revesilia> I won't be on much longer as it is getting late.
WHITELIST CHANGES - The following 8 users have been removed from the whitelist due to inactivity:
[d2erusher, IzzetSignet, Katyaka, LootBeer, MrRoboman, orlp, zanomi3, Geobits]
I you are one of them, ping @Calvin to be re-listed.
The current whitelist now has 12 users:
[Revesilia, ararslan, HelkaHomba, Pietu1998, W31BER, rodolphito, Sp3000, _xavo, Germont, magnanimous_phi, Unihedron, pairleebel]
<rodolphito> Ok
I'll join you guys in an hour if you're still on :)
Germont has logged on?
Well, it would be unfair to remove him anyway lol
@Rodolvertice Not yet
<rodolphito> I will buy cobble that you mine btw
<Revesilia> ok
<rodolphito> I am new here too :) Joined 3 days ago I think
<Revesilia> Oh, nice!
<Revesilia> It seemed like you've been here a while
<rodolphito> Well, I'm kind of very active lol
<rodolphito> W31BER built his tower in 2 days
<Revesilia> oh jeez
<Revesilia> I'm lagging a bit apparently
<rodolphito> You can get iron from the chest and make yourself armor
@AlexA. We could give chat relay his own chatroom
<rodolphito> I was laggin a lot earlier
<rodolphito> Don't be scared of taking 4 stacks of iron or so, it replenishes quite fast
<Revesilia> ok
<rodolphito> I pay a diamond per doublechest full of cobble
<rodolphito> So if you have a lot of extra cobble just drop it in the chest down there
<rodolphito> it should be empty
<Revesilia> That seems a bit low to me
<rodolphito> 2 diamonds?
<Revesilia> Idk, I'll negotiate once I get a decent amount of cobble
<rodolphito> How many would be right
<Revesilia> But I can get diamonds rather easily once I get my picks enchanted
<rodolphito> yeah
<rodolphito> Btw if you go exploring tell us if you find Podzol (and mark the coordinates)
<Revesilia> ok
<rodolphito> We need some for the Museum
<rodolphito> hi
<rodolphito> umm just break a block I guess
<rodolphito> XD
<Revesilia> My inverntory's full so I guess it's time to build a house :P
<Revesilia> need to find a bed...
<rodolphito> or relog
<Revesilia> or that
<Revesilia disconnected>
<Revesilia connected>
<rodolphito> thx
<Revesilia> Is there anything underground that I should be aware of if I'm planning to build there?
<rodolphito> Build where
<Revesilia> underground
<rodolphito> Oh um
<Revesilia> near-ish to spawn
<rodolphito> Not sure
<rodolphito> Theres the 19th house
<rodolphito> Some redstone for machines
<rodolphito> How deep are you planning
<rodolphito> The museum is underground too
<Revesilia> Probably at level ~20
<rodolphito> should be fine
<Revesilia> k
<rodolphito> Mines are at 15-10
<rodolphito> You might hit a lot of cave system
<rodolphito> Why an underground house
<Revesilia> I like being able to build things in every direction
<Revesilia> Being above ground kinda places bounds on the verticle axis
<Revesilia> *vertical
<rodolphito> not really
<rodolphito> I think it places bounds on the horizontal axis
<rodolphito> You can build floors under
<rodolphito> And floors above
<rodolphito> But not that much sideways
<Revesilia> Depends on whether there are multiple buildings or just one I guess
<rodolphito> well, horizontal axes*
<Revesilia> I also build a lot of farms and find it more convenient to be as the base of them rather than the...
<Revesilia> top
<PPCG> @Revelilia Its best if you dont build under someone elses house in case they want to mine or expand
<rodolphito> true
<rodolphito> Dont build under my house
<Revesilia> I made sure I'm not
<rodolphito> I dont want another silk touch pick :(
<rodolphito> Does enchanting something reset the table's enchants?
<Revesilia> yes
<rodolphito> Do I have to enchant it at the same level that I want to cycle
<Revesilia> you can enchant a level 1 wooden hoe to reset it :P
<rodolphito> And it resets all 3?
<Revesilia> I believe so
<rodolphito> odd
<rodolphito> I just tried it and it only cycled level one
<rodolphito> let me try again
<rodolphito> maybe just my luck
<rodolphito> yup just my luck :P
<Revesilia> "Accept my gift of silk touch noaw" - Enchanting table
<rodolphito> I enchanted all my tools but it still doesnt offer Fortune III
<Revesilia> you check after enchanting each tool, right?
<Revesilia> *checked
<rodolphito> yep
<Revesilia> sometimes unbreaking III will be enoght
<Revesilia> *enough
<Revesilia> ugh, being attacked while typing is not fun
<rodolphito> Idk where it went
<rodolphito> These are some farms
<PPCG> Yeah :(
<rodolphito> Thats calvin talking from the server :P
<rodolphito> This is the sorter
<Revesilia> Dang
<rodolphito> Throw anything that is supported in the input
<rodolphito> No snowlayers
<rodolphito> Nothing that doesnt stack
<rodolphito> Theres the W31BER Tower
<rodolphito> Theres the PCG logo
<rodolphito> My house is this way
<rodolphito> Oh this is the auto wheat farm
<rodolphito> Take whenever you want
<rodolphito> I am building a castle
<rodolphito> It only offers efficiency 4 now
<Revesilia> that may also work
<rodolphito> yay its offer Fortune III now!
<rodolphito> But i need more levels.
<Revesilia> :P
<rodolphito> I have 12 enchanted iron picks now
<rodolphito> XD
<Revesilia> never gonna be used :P
@ChatRelay This massive thing should not have been posted
@ChatRelay You should enchant books rodo
Oh books!
Thats a good idea
But I need leather for that
Time to breed cows
<PPCG> Test
<rodolphito> No all the cows are female
<PPCG> Test2
<rodolphito> They all have udders
<rodolphito> But then again they all have horns
<rodolphito> I love the bass in this song
<Revesilia> Ok, not quite asexual, but they mate with clones of themselves
<rodolphito> Yup
<PPCG> Hello
<Revesilia> Hi
<rodolphito> Ooh the piano
<rodolphito> Or some electronic version of it
<Revesilia> xD
<rodolphito> Back
<Revesilia> wb
<rodolphito> thx
<PPCG> Test
<PPCG> a
<PPCG> b
<PPCG> c
<PPCG> d
<Revesilia> Hi
<HelkaHomba> Hello
<rodolphito> Hi
<HelkaHomba disconnected>
<Revesilia disconnected>
<Revesilia connected>
<rodolphito> If you liked that song you might like this one
<Revesilia> ok
<Revesilia> yas
<Revesilia> house is such a relaxing genre
<rodolphito> Every day
<rodolphito> I can't be in a silent room :P
<Revesilia> Me either :P
<Revesilia> Another one I like
<Sp3000 connected>
<rodolphito> Hello
<Revesilia> Hey
<rodolphito> That songs good, but I liked the other one more
<rodolphito> :P
<Revesilia> Yeah, me too
<Revesilia> @Sp, pretty good. I'm getting off to a decent start
<Sp3000> If you need anything tell us :)
<Revesilia> Will do
<Sp3000> btw Rodol what were you going to do with all that cobble
<rodolphito> Castle
<Sp3000> Ah - started yet?
<rodolphito> Yep
<Revesilia> So, I have 1/3 of a double chest of cobble and 4 diamonds
<Sp3000> Are you using a fortune pick?
<Revesilia> hows 12 diamonds per double chest? :P
<Revesilia> Nope
<rodolphito> No thanks rev
<rodolphito> :P
<Revesilia> Didn't think so
<rodolphito> With 12 diamonds I can make myself some very good picks and mine it out myself quite fast
<Sp3000> Personally I'd put a price at 6 diamond for a double chest
<Revesilia> You can also get a lot of diamonds with those picks ;)
<Sp3000> If I had to choose :P
<rodolphito> Heh Unihedron is going to provide me with the extra cobble he gets anyways.
<rodolphito> He was going to give it to me for free but I insisted on paying him
<Revesilia> Whew, spawn protection is a thing
<Revesilia> almose blew it up :P
<Revesilia> *almost
<Sp3000> You can take some of the sorter, but be sure to leave enough for the sorter itself
<Revesilia> wait
<HelkaHomba> No spawn protection afaik
<HelkaHomba> But stone is strong
<Sp3000> Hey Rev, come
<Revesilia> hm?
<Sp3000> Got lucky, first try
00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

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