<PPCG> Pietu made a markdown plugin, though Ive yet to test it
<W31BER> @Unihedron Found the farm yet?
<Unihedron> I did, and made myself some bread. I'm still wandering.
<W31BER> Come to the town Uni
<W31BER> I have some supplies for you
<rodolphito> I have a double chest full of stone bricks, and another chest full of stone. Getting ready to build
<Unihedron> Fantastic, I got my stuff back in the wilderness
<Unihedron> Have fun building!
<W31BER> @Unihedron Are you sure you don't want some supplies?
<Unihedron> I'm heading back!
<magnanimous_phi> ooh kill 'em
<rodolphito> Unihedron I could swear that I know you from some other server.
<Unihedron> Perhaps. I used to play Minecraft a lot, and owned a few servers too
<magnanimous_phi> Probably some other SO site
<Unihedron> I have an account in each SE
<rodolphito> No I used to play minecraft a lot too
<Unihedron> I'm in town. Where do you live?
<magnanimous_phi> @Uni were you, by any chance, heavily involved in the StackEgg... event?
<Unihedron> Yeah, I was with team A.
<Unihedron> Wait, the chat ate my ampersant, I meant anime and manga
<HelkaHomba> It's because of fancytext
<magnanimous_phi> who added a chicken farm to this thing?
<HelkaHomba> And I may have written an automated script that caused some Anime and Mange griefing
<Unihedron> Well, the past is behind us now :P
<Unihedron> It was fun though!
<HelkaHomba> I'm not certain cooked chicken are working
<magnanimous_phi> Yeah, the chicken's broken.
<HelkaHomba> It's still a wip
<W31BER> Huh. Nobody's used the Community Announcment Board yet