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The server's been pretty quiet all day.
i played till 4 am and then slept all day
3 hours later…
room topic changed to PPCG Minecraft Server: IP: Ping @Calvin'sHobbies your Minecraft username to be whitelisted. More info here: pastebin.com/raw.php?i=V7DPuMUw [game]
Tiny update: I changed the don't-need-to-sleep afk time from 5 min to 1 min.
Also, we should start thinking about paying for future months and if we want to upgrade the server plan.
Will chip in raises hand
I'm fine with keeping the $5/mo plan for now since it seems to run smoothly and we don't need more player slots.
@PhiNotPi Did you make the piano?
As for payment, I'm thinking of having a paypal account with a donate button. I'll suggest that everyone (including me) donate $0.30 to $0.50 USD per month (or you can donate more just once). When I pay the hosting fee around the 5th or 6th of each month I'll report in chat the number and amounts of recent donations.
^ How does that sound to everyone?
The account would only be used for paying for the PPCG minecraft hosting.
If donations get sparse, we can thing of something else, but I don't believe that will be an issue.
4 hours later…
I'm currently writing a plugin which allows people to talk in Markdown. Would you like that on the server? (also, my first plugin :D)
1 hour later…
The plugin is now in usable form. I'll send the JAR (and sources) if needed.
1 hour later…
I found some interesting trades in the village, 1 emerald -> 5 glass, and 22 emerald -> a nametag
right now I'm making a ton of paper for emerald trades
@Pietu1998 What parts of markdown are supported? (bold and italic seem the main necessities)
Bold and italic, also <b><i><u><s><del> from HTML
It also has toggling MD on/off for players and permissions for using it
Short for Markdown
Darn, I wish I had spoken up yesterday, but *italic*, **bold**, and other Stack Exchange markdowns would have been nice
<i>italic</i> and <b>bold</b> are kind of a pain to type
It supports those, like I said
Oh! I missed that part
But also HTML, for <u><s><del>, and thus I added <b><i> also
Is capital Markdown something meaningful?
What is that?
3 hours ago, by Pietu1998
I'm currently writing a plugin which allows people to talk in Markdown. Would you like that on the server? (also, my first plugin :D)
Just trying to figure out where you said that you supported SE markdown for bold and italic
"Markdown" being the name of a markup language.
AFAIK it's capitalized in many places
That's what I was asking. I didn't know Markdown was the name of a markup language lol
@Pietu1998 For a formatting plugin, I'd be more comfortable adding a well tested plugin like FancyText. I'm not opposed to using your plugin, but I'd want you to show us the code and explain it a bit so a few of us can confirm that it works properly.
If it doesn't show up on signs I probably won't use either plugin
FancyText is nice, but hard to type. I like Markdown more.
Here is the Eclipse project with the plugin.
Link's valid for a month.
The plugin JAR is in the target folder.
CustomConfig.java is mostly copied from outside. MarkdownParser.java's Markdown part is basically WMD's showdown.js (the same thing SE uses client-side) with everything not dealing with the formatting I'm interested in removed.
I'm going to install the FancyText plugin, just to try it out.
Yeah. I'll add the sign feature sometime today.
FancyText added. It seems to work in signs and in chat.
I think it also messes with the text that appears on the server list on the multiplayer screen.
Since there's an & in our site name.
@Calvin'sHobbies I think that sounds like an awesome idea. I'll gladly donate more than .50 US dollars a month as long as the server remains open. I might also suggest adding a message of the day to the server so that it reminds users to donate.
Not sure if that's a built in feature or requires a plugin
@Rainbolt Good idea.
But if it is a plugin, it can't be very taxing on the server. Just a simple message displayed to the user when they log in
@Pietu1998 Sounds good, I'd just be more comfortable if any plugin code written by one of use is reviewed by the rest of us before using it. Not that we are necessarily well versed in making plugins, but we would probably notice anything fishy. (No offence but you did admit it was your first plugin :P) If after some review, there's a majority support for your text formatting plugin, I'll gladly add it.
Should I add an <o> tag to make obfuscated text?
I commented the code a lot and added signs. Testing now.
Signs? Like the markup works on signs?!
The FancyText plugin should be working for everyone. The /setsignlink command is disabled because it doesn't seem like something we need and it changes the use of signs more than I'd like.
Wow that's cool
But the &[stuff] commands should work in chat and in signs otherwise.
I'm going to add to the task board "Write a plugin to connect Minecraft chat and this chat room"
I doubt it will ever happen
@Calvin'sHobbies /sleep:status works
@Rainbolt If I had a SE chat api or javascript chatbot, I could probably pipe in the messages I see from the server management browser panel.
But I couldn't keep it running all the time
So that's not a long term solution, but it might be fun to test
I found a spider spawner.
@Rainbolt One drawback is that Paypal donate buttons has a $0.30 fee per transaction, plus 2.9%. This means that tiny $0.50 donations would not be efficient, which may discourage some users.
I'm not sure if there's another solution that's as easy to implement though
What kind of server is the PPCG server?
If you want to join, you can ping Calvin with your minecraft username to be whitelisted.
@Calvin'sHobbies Phasesaber :3
@PhiNotPi Are alts allowed? I've been working on a bot and I want to test how well he does in survival.
A bot? What do you mean?
He'll soon be able to join a server and play like any other player
That is actually pretty impressive.
Thanks :D
I think it would depend on how much the bot would interfere with other players.
@Calvin'sHobbies I just finished version 0.2 of BukkitMarkdown. It now supports signs and new things like notifications (configurable) when an OP changes your settings.
You can download the sources and JAR here, the JAR is in the target folder.
Also everyone with Java/Bukkit experience could look at the code so we get a review.
@Pietu1998 Is it on GitHub?
The plugin is somewhat thoroughly tested on my test server.
@Phase It's not on GitHub, just here for now.
@PhiNotPi It shouldn't interfere with anything (hopefully).
@Phase Added to whitelist, Welcome!
Is there anyone here willing to read through my code? :D
Also, I kinda redesigned my door on the server. Here's what it looks like in my creative world, with some glass to show the redstone. Time to start building if I want it done on the server this year.
@Phase You're welcome to try your bot, just keep an eye on him and don't have him doing potentially destructive things for hours at a time.
@Pietu1998 For all the mess in that picture, I can't see the actual door part of your "door" lol
I'm sure it will look neat
If you need some redstone, take a stack or two of mine
@Pietu1998 That link doesn't seem to work
The chest is hidden in the little pool inside my house. The one on the east side of the pool is the one that has the redstone in it
@Rainbolt That's why I put a command block there to swap all the glass for stone brick. (monster egg variant, to make it reversible) Here's it with that.
Looks nice
@Calvin'sHobbies Weird. Hold on, uploading to drive then
Here is the link to download BukkitMarkdown 0.2. The plugin JAR is in the target folder inside the ZIP. The ZIP can be extracted as an Eclipse project. I'd be happy if people read my code and reviewed it.
@Calvin'sHobbies The worst he can do is fly and then get kicked, so he's totally going to destroy everything.
@Pietu1998 I'd read through it if it was on GitHub, since I'm on mobile atm.
Folks should check out Pietu's BukkitMarkdown plugin. If it looks desirable and free of errors, I'll install it and get rid of the currently installed FancyText.
@Phase I believe this is going to be installed on the server, so he can actually do much worse than just fly and get kicked. He could crash the server.
Not saying he would do that, of course.
@Rainbolt I believe he was talking about the bot, not the plugin.
Oh, I see
Go here to make a donation to the server and view other important info.
room topic changed to PPCG Minecraft Server: All info about the server is available here: jsfiddle.net/CalvinsHobbies/je9rur8w/embedded/result [game]
I can't unstar the other pinned message
But it isn't relevant any longer
I unstarred the old server info stuff
You can't beat 40 cents a month to play a game
Well, I guess you can if it's free (I am dumb)
What I mean to say is, that's really cheap and keeping the server floating shouldn't be a problem
@Rainbolt Yeah, I'm hoping so
As opposed to, say, WoW which costs $15 a month
Multiplied by 12 users, that would be $160
@Rainbolt @AlexA. @Sp3000 @undergroundmonorail @PhiNotPi @Phase @EliasBenevedes @Pietu1998 @mdc32 @orlp @Katya @BrainSteel - This is a massive ping to notify everyone that you can now make donations here to keep the server running. It's not required, but highly suggested. Thanks for the support :)
I will probably donate this weekend on Saturday. I'll be at work for maybe 14 hours a day for the remainder of the week
Huge drop coming and all that jazz
I will donate at some point, but not immediately
My mom doesn't believe I have any money left. Gotta give it a little bit or show her the math.
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm lazy so that's for the next 2 years, plus a Calvin-is-awesome tip
4 hours later…
@Sp3000 Did you just give Calvin a massive donation?
Like, $120 for 2 years?
@PhiNotPi (24 months * 0.40 per month + 0.30 constant transaction fee + tip) * 1.029 variable transaction fee approximately equals 10.19 + tip.
I calculated about 10 bucks
^ I didn't like the previous pinned message that much.
@Rainbolt Yeah. that's about 20x more likely of an explanation.
@PhiNotPi And it is what actually happened
As for reporting the donations, I think I'll list our current balance and the number of people that are keeping their donations up to date. I won't say who gave how much or who still needs to donate because that seems like opening a can of worms. (There's no way for me to positively identify who made which donation anyway.)
If anyone has objections to that, please tell me.
I just loaded up a creative world with the same seed, and I am quite impressed that it actually does look pretty much identical.

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