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Q: Panic attack in interview: Just leave or explain?

someoneI have been working as a Software Developer (mostly programming) for a few years now but I am really unhappy in my current company. I want to change jobs, but potential upcoming interviews are making me anxious. This has prevented me from sending out applications for quite a while. I have some ...

Your English is not terrible. There are some minor mistakes, but I have seen much worse, on this site and elsewhere.
Can you take your medication immediately before the interview to prevent an attack?
Yes, i can. I have medication exactly for this case. But it probably wont help that much. There is still a very good chance that a panic attack will arise. I cannot take medication which is too strong in its effect cause of sideeffect, such as dizziness, sleepinees or just kind of a "drunk like" mental state.
Thank's for the corrections jenny
Your English seems fine but if you're concerned be sure to have someone proof your resume. Don't underestimate the value of vocabulary and grammar on a resume. It can honestly make or break you. That being said, I had this problem for a very long time. It got so bad that I'd have to drive to an area around my interview location and change shirts because I'd sweat through out of nervousness. Don't even get me started on shaking. It sounds like garbage, but positive thinking really helped…
Just for reference, this question shows the other side of the table.
@JoeStrazzere Interview for current job was 5 years ago, and social anxiety increased since
@zfrisch my application and interview wont be in english. would be impossible due to anxiety conditions, but is also not necessary in my country. going to read your link now
@someone oh, I understand! Sorry I thought you were applying with a fully English company.
Would it be possible to recover from an attack if e.g. you could go into a private bathroom for 5-10 min and wait it out?
@Brandin Hmm i don't think just leaving will help. As i wrote "it's totally possible that I calm down after a few minutes if I see that people actually show some understanding". It very much depends on other peoples reactions. If i just leave with <whatever> excuse and spent 5 minutes in the bathroom, i don't think this will help to calm down
what's your mother tongue?
@JackTwain german
are the interviews in German? i.e. are you applying in Germany?
@JackTwain yes, potential interviews (if i finally be able to send out applications) will be in german and i'm applying in germany. why do you ask or how does this matter for my problem?
@someone because I have a lot of German friends who suffer from this .... read my answer
I don't have advice just commiseration. I used to get pretty severe panic attacks and it kept me from applying for many jobs for years. The weird thing is they never actually happened in interviews, but just experiencing them elsewhere and knowing they COULD would make it tough to want to put myself in that position.
"An interview is for sure such a situation". You are asking for ways of dealing with the interview. I doubt you'd get good advice - I'm pretty sure you know what works for you because you know yourself best, and have professional help. I would like to comment that an interview is not the only way to get a job, particularly in programming. Having a good online presence can help (e.g. Stack Overflow, GitHub, or a blog), because the interviewers can assess your knowledge before the interview. Also, in many companies today the work and interview are remote (though the risk is still there, of course).

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