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whoah if this is correct things are about to hit the fan: tracking.si.com/2013/06/04/…
12 hours later…
@waxeagle yea, this is crazy....
@edmastermind29 Yahoo had a very interesting article out this morning about how a significant part of this is how Baseball handles the PR around this. and I'm incline to agree: sports.yahoo.com/news/…
they've been the ones who've demonized it instead of dealing with it (football does it out of the public eye for the most part).
@waxeagle for revenue and exposure....ie, mcguire vs. sosa, bonds, etc...
@edmastermind29 build and empire on it one moment and then demonize it the next...it's been an odd 20 years for MLB
@waxeagle how does it look long term?
@edmastermind29 I honestly don't know. Baseball's revenue and attendence seems to be healthy enough. People still go to the games. however suspending 20+ players for a third of the season could have major impacts in a number of places.
Milwauke would be a big one. Texas would likely be another
@waxeagle miami, houston, cleveland...
still, 18k is respectable
@edmastermind29 yes. Even the worst teams with the worst attendence records still manage to get thousands and even tens of thousands of people to show up 81 times a year.
only 4 places average attendance average under 50% of listed capacity.
@waxeagle not including merchandise, concessions, etc.
@waxeagle not including merchandise, concessions, etc.
@edmastermind29 yeah. I was looking at "fan cost indexes" for the NBA yesterday, the index supposes a family of 4 spends over $100/game on concessions
that's probably about par for baseball as well
@waxeagle holy crap. the average family income must be high in those places.
@edmastermind29 We went to Wrigley at the beginning of the season. Ended up spending about that on concessions/merch mostly because we had to buy a blanket...
@waxeagle midwest has either been cold or filled with tornadoes this year
@edmastermind29 it was actually a gorgeous day, but the wind was coming in off the lake blowing right in our faces and we had failed to dress warmly enough and our seats were in the shade
some close votes are being thrown around...this is the 2nd time in the past few days where it hasn't been clearly merited.
not at all. Gear maintence should be on topic. Those are hockey gloves, but the same should apply (roughly) to baseball gloves.
@waxeagle ahh. yea, i went to a milb game this year....sun was right in my face until bottom 2nd, then when the sun set, it got cold. had chapped lips. but hey....won $50 in gift certificates that night vs spending $15 total for ticket and other stuff.
oh btw, tags should grow organically, seldom used tags are regularly pruned (<2 questions in the tag)
@edmastermind29 very nice. I need to get to a MiLB game this year, we have a local affiliate just a few blocks from my office. But it's a long trek when I have to take the kids home and come back down here
(or take the wife and kids with me)
@waxeagle agreed...its not like many questions fit the mold, but it doesn't mean it's off topic....i could ask a question about how to properly re-grip my old golf clubs.....
@waxeagle one guy has been adding tags that would seldom be used long-term....been removing those. how did you feel about wicket?
@edmastermind29 yes. That's an important participant question.
@edmastermind29 given the volume of cricket questions? if there are some questions about wickets it's probably a good idea
@waxeagle same here, but its a single-a half season affiliate...so the season doesnt start for a few more weeks. gotta travel to get a game in...which i did.
@waxeagle $100 on concessions!
@edmastermind29 gotcha, we've got double AA here (Dodgers).
@edmastermind29 yeah. Last time I went to a game in town was on the company's dime for a picnic so I don't think I ended up spending anything. But yeah with wife and 2 kids things add up quick
@waxeagle i thought that too, but it also had been used in the context of, the word "wicket" had been mentioned and that's it...mainly had to do with another aspect of the game.
@edmastermind29 yeah, in that case it's a no go. the question has to be about wickets or rules regarding wickets for it to be tagged wicket (else you get a wicket tag on every cricket question which renders the tag meaningless)
@waxeagle im gonna suggest this to my company when the season starts...we tried to do something last year, but nobody ever suggested anything. there's a AA about 45 mins away, and a AAA 2.5 hrs away. I went to see the AAA team (Railriders)
@waxeagle which was my motivation behind not endorsing the tag at this time....some were legit, but others were tagged by mere mention of the word.
@edmastermind29 am I missing somethign here or is this guy describing a layup? sports.stackexchange.com/q/2741/6
@waxeagle lol, i would think so.
@waxeagle never heard it called a 3-step shot
@edmastermind29 me neither. runner if it's not a layup...
I can't seem to buy an upvote around here lately
@waxeagle from your latest answer on revenue?
@edmastermind29 that one and the pitching wins one.
I'm getting weary of how upvotes are used sometimes: sports.stackexchange.com/a/2719/527
^^the OP may not know baseball (and its history) well, and showing a video of it being done doesn't necessarily translate to the legality of the act.
@edmastermind29 very true
@waxeagle ebbs and flows i guess. barely got any rep in april and the start of may.
@waxeagle and how about bowling being used for cricket questions? had to further specify the tag because it happened more than once. wicket is more exclusive to cricket...and isn't a name of a sport in of itself.
@edmastermind29 I have no problem with it being used on Cricket questions
@waxeagle then how would we define the sport of bowling itself?
do we talk about the sport and the act in cricket?
@edmastermind29 context. + is different from
if we get 8-million questions about bowling then it might be worth splitting the tag, but until then I wouldn't worry about it
@waxeagle fair. then how is the tag defined? "questions about the sport of bowling" is inaccurate given they way you propose it be used.
@edmastermind29 yes, you need to have a tag wiki/wiki summary that indicates it's used for both
@waxeagle feel bad for the detailed tag wiki sports.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/bowling
@edmastermind29 who wrote that? that's insane
@waxeagle im thinking KeithS lol
@edmastermind29 I mean, I have no problem with it, but that's a lot of work for a tag with like 5 questions
that's SO C++ tag wiki terretory
@waxeagle and if we expect the tag to be versatile to explain both, that detail is almost rendered obsolete. cricket-bowling is unneccessary.
for context 205k questions there
@waxeagle huge difference
@edmastermind29 obviously :)
@waxeagle well, i think it would be nice to get a blog up and running for the site.

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