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@PhilipKendall I do not have sufficient rep to see analytics on this site, but on the site where I can I see an image like this:
This is what regular users with this privilege see. (Also similar graphs for posts and votes. And there is a separate tab for traffic sources.)
I do not know whether you've gotten the data you mention from here or from somewhere else.
But certainly it is not very surprising if moderators have more data on traffic, votes, etc. than regular users.
It is a bit unclear to me what is intended usage of the tag - but recently it seems that many users add the tag to questions about FIFA World Cup. This is probably not what the tag was intended for right?
The tag-excerpt says:
> Questions regarding FIFA who is the international governing body of association football, futsal and beach soccer.
The is also tag-wiki but it basically describes what FIFA is and not usage of the tag.
@MartinSleziak Yeah, I can see that on the "non-admin" analytics page as well. The admin version does have a lot more data :-)
Well, having a diamond at your name might be sometimes good. (Although a lot of non-pleasant stuff comes with it, too.)
3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Yeah, I'm starting to see why moderators hate it when questions hit HNQ. I spent a lot of time tidying that one up :-)
TBH I mostly see regular users complaining about HNQ. Mainly that users from other sites do not know site's standards and upvote sub-standard stuff.
This is one of the reasons behind this feature request: The association bonus should not enable users to vote on every site
The Neuer-question is probably third or fourth question from this site in the HNQ recently.

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