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Hey there!
Hi, peter.
I saw in your profile you advertise questions.
I'd like you to see this post I made in meta. Look.
Q: Sponsoring answers.

PeterRecently, I have posted many thourough answers (ex. Differential equations and Fourier and Laplace transforms) on math.stackexchange but felt many were ignored or weren't noticed by users. Conversely, some answers produced in other questions by high rep users, that however good, weren't as comple...

Yes, some nice ones! Why?
The idea is similar to what you did, but I got very negative feedback.
Have you seen it?
Yes, I just saw that!
There's a small thing I'd like to point out.
Your idea is good in the following sense:
Low rep users get to have them known on the site.
They will get more previliges and things like that!
Yes, thats kinda my point.
I wanted to know if you could sponsor one of my questions.
I think it is worth it.
Sponsoring as such does not make sense, as you know. But, yes, I can always add an answer to my list!
Add it as long as you think it is worth being added
Firstly, Congrats on writing this long answer. A +1 from me!
I particularly like this because, a user must be willing to help to write long answers. So, keep up the spirit!
Ok. I have one more which I dont mind adding it or not, but I'd like to show to you. I is in the same topic as the last one.
(Whcih I'm very interested in)
A: linear ODE with constant coefficients, proof

PeterI''l use two theorems to prove your point. One is: THEOREM 1: If $y_1$, $y_2$, $y_3$,$\cdots$, $y_k$ are $k$ solutions of the $$\phi(D)y = 0$$ where $\phi(D)$ is a polynomial in $D =\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}$ then $$y = \sum_{i=i}^k c_i y_i$$ with each $c_i$ constant is a solution. PROOF...

BTW, I am planning to create a page on my blog for all this purposes. Then I'll have more space. Any way, I'll add your answers to my list.
@Peter This answer of yours is much like the answer to OP's question except that Jagy has a slick answer!
Indeed it is slick.
Well thanks for your time.
I'll look for your answers in SE, they're very good.
@Peter Thank you for the compliment. BTW, what do you do?
I'm about to enter college in march
But I've studied on my own since January 2011
So, you had completed high school and will enter as freshman, right?
I'll obivously study Mathematics (the full name of the "career" is Mathematical Science)
That's nice!
But, do you mind, if I don't add the DE with const coeff answer to my list.
No, it's OK.
It's a kind of elementary, That's why!
Yeah, I know. Nevermind =)
And, I suggest you start up a new list on you profile as well. So, you can do it too!
(!) Thanks for the order!
I'll do.
Let's make it a trend,
@Peter Which order?
Well it is first. My answer.
@Peter Yeah =)
This is a proof I made some time ago. Tell me what you think about it
Its about the expansion of log in infinite series
Quite elementary, but its a different approach
@Peter It is 3 pages long! In my place, it is 12 am !
So, Please give me a week's time if you want a detailed comment.
And, this weekend, I got to prepare for a Analysis quiz. But, if I print your proof out, may be when I have coffee in the mornings, I can go through the details!
Ok, so its night there?¿
So its 12 PM (?)
Thanks for you time Kannapan. Good luck on the quiz.
@Peter I think I am right with the convention, per se!
And,, peter, a personal suggestion, when you write mathematics, you need to intersperse your writing with some words
@Peter So, your 3 page of details hardly has any word! So, I don't know how close/far we are form where we are destined to go!
Hope you understand!
Ok, then I'll edit it and send it to you in some days.
@Peter No, never mind about that, this time!
But, how do I contact you,
Are you on G+?
If you want you can leave me a gmail and I'll send it.
@Peter Is my email available on my profile here?
I don't know, although I have entered that detail, is it visible to you?
Let me see.
Hm, it isn't
I don't know why.
Her's my email id @peter
Thanks. I'll try to sinc times when I send it!
Have a nice time ahead!
See you agin in this room.
@peter Do read my blog and leave your comments! Thank You!\

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