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[ShearOfDoom/CactusReborn] ShearOfDoom pushed commit 381f2ae9 to master: Added some documentation to the play_game function.
Oh right, I'm starting development again.
[ShearOfDoom/CactusReborn] ShearOfDoom pushed commit b4b8b096 to master: Arguments aren't pointless until you realize they haven't been used
Q: Cactus Reborn - A game engine for text-based adventure games

Ethan BierleinI'm currently working on reincarnation of the Cactus project, Cactus Reborn, and I've gotten the basic implementation so far. At this point, you can create simple, playable games. There are currently three usable classes/functions: Location - This class describes data about a location in a Gam...

@Phrancis if you're curious ^^
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
[ShearOfDoom/CactusReborn] ShearOfDoom pushed commit 5284a71a to master: Well, I fixed a small bug. This other one, er, still evades me.
Grr, infinite loop errors are the most annoying things ever
[ShearOfDoom/CactusReborn] ShearOfDoom pushed commit a38fe5e0 to master: Finally fixed that stupid annoying bug.
Fixed a few bugs, plus some ux stuff.

yr nan is gonna luv dis
Hello @Phrancis, Hello @SirPython
Hey @EthanBierlein.
Hello Hello

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