If you don't want them, or are not sure, just unassign them. If someone wants it, they'll assign it to themselves (or ask to be assigned, if they aren't a "collaborator")
@EthanBierlein uhhhh.... hmm..... :P
I wouldn't mind a few smaller ones, but I spent like four whole days this week on Cactus so I'm a bit burned out on Python
I thought it was internet slang like "yup" or "yea" or "wut" or "halp"
@EthanBierlein well, I have to eat tonight still (It's 8:00 and I haven't even decided what to make), and I'm pretty tired for the day. I have a few other things that I need to get done this week, so I might be on and off
If I have a hour or so, I might fix a few bugs.
I guess that we need to start promoting Cactus. I wonder if anyone has actually used it for a game.
@EthanBierlein I actually do want to do the custom start thing. If they choose case sensitive and want to do stuff like MyRoomName, but they have to do Start, it won't look right.
On a side note, I don't like how it displays the name to the user. We should give them a DisplayName attribute that, if blank, it won't display the name