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The whole Python variable passing thing was confusing
I've invented a new type of pass type: pass by person-being-difficult.... When you walk by a founder of Python
2 hours later…
Oh, and btw, I'm probably not going to work on my prototype for the rest of the evening. I'm beyond that point where when I try to program, I just can't do anything productive.
@EthanBierlein yeah, it usually takes a bit for it to fetch
I got it working
@QPaysTaxes @EthanBierlein !!!
The example was 3 lines of actual code. 2 others were whitespace, 3 others were includes
A JSON file format will make it much easier to read
So... what are we going to do with these prototypes?
@QPaysTaxes this is CR, not PCG
@QPaysTaxes I have learned [about] so many new languages there... whitespace :D
1 min ago, by Annonomus Penguin
So... what are we going to do with these prototypes?
I'm bored... should I keep building my prototype? I guess we should decide on a style first (cc @Ethan)
You can keep building it if you feel like it. We can smooth it out later. I'm also going to continue work on my prototype tomorrow.
@EthanBierlein I mean, I have at least a hour of development time left in me today, but if we're not sure if it will be used, I don't want to spend much more time on it
Ack, it's later than I thought. Oh well
Well, I'm going to get started on another project here. See you all later
G'Night @QPaysTaxes
9 hours later…
Just a thought: You might want to look into the Entity Component System approach for this
2 hours later…
Good morning all!
1 hour later…
Good morning @AnnonomusPenguin
That was fast!
How are you?
I am quite good.
Have you worked on your prototype any yet?
No, not yet. I actually just woke up. But I did get some work done on it the other day. You can have a look inside the /Prototype folder on the main project.
The word "Potato" is the only word in the English language that begins with "p" and ends with "otato".
@EthanBierlein it seems like our ideas are really similar
We should merge before we get too long ahead.
We can figure something out. This is really just the prototyping stage, so we don't really have to worry too much about that yet.
Still learning Ruby?
@QPaysTaxes why Ruby?
I have never used Python before yesterday and I wrote my prototype in a hour :D
I actually don't know if there's much of a difference between the two. Is there?
@QPaysTaxes sunrises are also pretty. But do you make games using sunrises?
(The correct answer: yes)
You're a real programmer... that messed up the syntax for a link.
That's what the new programmer said when his boss asked why he only had written one line of code in a week
Is that because of the keyboard, or is it Ruby?
I like how we have never surpassed three stars in this room but like 1 out of 10 messages get starred
@EthanBierlein Or the programmer?
Or the computer?
Maybe the electrons are jumping from wire to wire?
Or that random person in the background randomly shorting cables inside the computer?
Same here.
I have 80% of the starred sidebar rn. It makes me feel like a very important penguin
@QPaysTaxes take off the last six words and that applies to every programmer
What am I then?
Oh, right. A penguin.
I think, to some extent, every programmer wastes a lot of time learning new things. When you get more advanced, you can write more code quicker, but it always seems slower than it should go.
You met me yesterday, right?
So, you did meet me.
Think about it, when you were first writing if statements and loops those were very hard and it took a while for you to write it. Now it's stuff like mutexes, inheritance, casting, etc.
It's a special kind of boolean that's thread-safe
Heh, mutex sounds like a cold medicine.
Used to make sure that two threads don't use the same variable at the same time
cough awful question cough
Oh well, the user is new. We shouldn't give him/her too much crap.
@QPaysTaxes It's totally possible to make a turn-based variant of Entity Component System as well. That's what we have done in Cardshifter.
You are right, it is primarily designed for real-time.
Anyway, I was just throwing it out there.
If you weren't aware of the concept, you might find it interesting
And @AnnonomusPenguin and @EthanBierlein let me know if you want to hook your github repositories up to @Duga. Then this room can get instantly informed about new activity on the repositories.
@QPaysTaxes It's almost impossible for me to write a game without the strategy pattern.
@SimonAndréForsberg That'd be nice. Atm, I just have the feed setup to /commits/master.atom, which is rather slow.
[Zomis/Duga] Ping: Practicality beats purity.
@EthanBierlein Add this webhook to your repository: http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/hook?roomId=24299 use application/json as the format.
@SimonAndréForsberg Should the events be everything?
@EthanBierlein that's up to you, but I would recommend everything. Then you will also be informed by issues, people starring the repo, etc...
What does "secret" do as well?
[ShearOfDoom/TextEngine] Ping: Practicality beats purity.
Woot! It works!
of course it does
@EthanBierlein That's a secret.
(At the moment, nothing)
I might start using secrets later, when I get around to enhancing @Duga's github features a bit
Oh, @EthanBierlein, one more thing: @Duga is provided AS-IS, no warranty of any kind, may fail at any moment, yada yada...
oh trust me, it can. and does.
Hello again @AnnonomusPenguin
Python really doesn't have "anonymous functions". The closest thing is a lambda.
That's okay. You have all the time you need.
And even if it's not in some Python-like language, that's okay as well.
Alrighty, sounds good. Just put a lot of comments in there. (Java is a little verbose for me.)
It's usually just the type declarations and such that throw me off a bit.
Simply because in Java, you can sometimes have something like public static final HashMap<int, HashMap<int, float>> x;
I know what it is. That's really just a small example. Java can be, like, 10 times more verbose than that.
1 hour later…
My prototype is almost done. Just gotta tweak a few more things.
1 hour later…
Man, I'm running into some shit too. I think I'll have it done in the next hour though.
Goodbye @bazola
[ShearOfDoom/TextEngine] ShearOfDoom pushed commit e96d6dc3 to master: Added playability to the prototype. Do note, it has not been tested yet.
[ShearOfDoom/TextEngine] ShearOfDoom pushed commit fecbdd4a to master: Fixed a few issues with prototype.py, and added a test.
@AnnonomusPenguin / @QPaysTaxes Alright, I've finished my prototype, and while creating a game is slightly more complex, I'm satisfied with my final product.
@EthanBierlein not that complex
Compared to Python, yes. More complex than it needs to be, yes.
@EthanBierlein C++ is my language of choice to put this in perspective :D
Well, ahm, ah... *wipes brow*
@QPaysTaxes *GitHub
@AnnonomusPenguin To be honest, I don't think either of our prototypes are more complex than the other. Yours just has one choice, and an item interface.
I simply choose to include slightly more detail with a MapPosition
@EthanBierlein what do you mean by choice?
Hmm, let me rephrase that. From looking at your example, it appears that there is only one "location".
My example has 3 "locations".
I think that's just what makes my example look "more complex".
I also didn't define variables for "locations" as well either.
@EthanBierlein mine can do that, I just didn't do that in the example
Oh, I know :D
Oh, and by the way....
@EthanBierlein Also: you require the user to switch each location each turn
That's not practical
Hmm. good point.
But you make it easier to switch rooms in your example
Hmm... like you can just specify which room to jump to
Anonymous functions would be so much easier
Hey--could we use eval() and pass the function as a string?
Dear lord no
eval just makes things look... dirty...
@EthanBierlein so does having to create an explicit function for each item
Yes, but at least it's slightly cleaner than eval.
@EthanBierlein it's cleaner on the backend, but it would be a bit dirtier on the frontend
Well, I was going to make a joke about killing @QPaysTaxes, but that's already been taken care of. xD
Most users would do room_3_taco_eat_event_handler()
@Ethan another difference: mine requires an object to be acted upon where yours doesn't. I think that actually might be needed... I'll restructure mine I guess?
So when do we start actual dev?
@QPaysTaxes I'm tempted to pin this
I think development will start once we have all the prototypes done, and a solid style/schematic set in stone.
There's no rush though. (It's not like it's some front-end app for a big company.)
@EthanBierlein aaaarrrg
Tomorrow is the last day until I start a new project
I was hoping to get this done in like two days :)
Oh, well, hmm.
I mean, I could help with little PRs, but nothing major here
I still have 3 more days of school... Complications insue
That's why I want to get a final spec so I can start coding.
All. Day. And. Night. Long.
At this point, I think our efforts would be best to take one of our prototypes, modify it so we all like the start, and start adding features to it
Sounds like an idea. How far along are you with yours @QPaysTaxes?
@QPaysTaxes BTW the link in your bio to your project is dead
I see.
@QPaysTaxes What was it
Well, it's NodeJS. Why wouldn't it be?
I tried to make a small local-server multiplayer game once with NodeJS.
@EthanBierlein no, it's "Node.js"
I spent one day trying to debug anything and everything, and then I gave up.
Like it's "GitHub"
@AnnonomusPenguin It think it works either way.
@EthanBierlein ok, break the branding guidelines of a company, sure
I just copy-pasted this off Node.js's website: "Node.js at Walmart"
@QPaysTaxes well, it was a joke
I'm going to post my prototype on CR now. Any objections?
@AnnonomusPenguin You?
Because it's not part of the instance.
(Just a guess)
Q: Cactus (Prototype) - A game engine for text-based adventure games

Ethan BierleinMe, @Annonomus Penguin, and @QPaysTaxes are building an engine for easy creation of text-based adventure games, like Zork. The engine is still in it's early stages of development, and the following code is my prototype. Here's the library code. cactus.py class MapPosition(object): """ ...

The last time I flagged a question was around 2 months ago. I just use close-votes now.
room topic changed to Discussion about Cactus: General discussion about Cactus: github.com/ShearOfDoom/TextEngine. Specs docs.google.com/document/d/…. [fun] [game] [no-its-an-engine]
The missing periods were bothering me.
brb, I'm done with my prototype, so I'm gonna go play some games for a while.
room topic changed to Discussion about Cactus: General discussion about Cactus: github.com/ShearOfDoom/TextEngine. Specs: docs.google.com/document/d/…. [fun] [game] [no-its-an-engine]
room topic changed to Discussion about Cactus: General discussion about Cactus (github.com/ShearOfDoom/TextEngine); specs: (docs.google.com/document/d/…) [fun] [game] [no-its-an-engine]
Welcome back @AnnonomusPenguin
@EthanBierlein thanks!
Any decision on next development steps?
Did you see my question?
Not yet
Ack. I have a looming deadline
Or this?
@EthanBierlein what deadline for this?!?! :D
We don't have deadlines we have fuuuuunnnnnn
@EthanBierlein eh. Kinda.
@AnnonomusPenguin And by the way, I'm probably going to wait for a few answers on CR, and then improve the prototype, and release the initial version.
Hello @Quill
Hello @bazola
Hmm. I feel like I need to add a wiki to Cactus, but I don't feel like.

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