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Q: Randomised Terrain Generation in Board Game

MalekaiI'm designing a Board Game, where as more sections of the Board are added, terrain is randomly placed on the new board section. The Board section itself is 2 feet by 1 foot so the idea we are currently working with is using Dice to randomise the coordinates (4D6 for the X and 2D6 for the Y). For ...

2 feet by 1 foot is a large thing, is your game field large like warhammer fields?
the total length is 4 feet by 2 feet, tiles are added to the board as the game progresses.
so there is a total of just 4 board sections?
yes that is correct
oh ok, so you add terrain "tokens" to the section right? is there a fixed amount of terrain tokens on each section?
That too is correct, as players move across the board, new sections are added, as sections are added the idea is to add terrain tokens to the new section. We haven't decided on how many tokens are added yet either, that will probably be another question :)
hey there, i moved the discussion to a chat =)
Good idea
dices are indeed random
but the problem is,
how long will it take to roll for all those terrain tokens?
well we are currently working with 4 terrain tokens, so it takes 8 sets of dice
4 lots of 4 and 4 lots of 2
4 tokens is just a preliminary idea we are using, we would also like to change this rule but thats for another question
so the total space in a section is 24x12 right?
inches, yes
a terrain token is roughly 2 inch by 1 inch (but again this is subject to change)
no, i'm talking about spaces where you will place terrain tokens
the board is not in a grid if thats what you mean
it is just a plain (ignoring art work) 2 foot by 1 foot board, with no marking
but is there any division in the section?
and so how you place the terrains?
and what you mean with X and Y
players move in terms of inches, not spaces
ah ok
so currently we just say for eachterrain piece, roll 4D6 and measure across the long edge, then roll 2D6 and measure the short edge. then place the terrain at where these 2 lines would meet
but the minimum value for X will be 4 and for Y will be 2
but we find that terrain tends to bunch together nearer the middle of the board
another problem we have is as you say, minimum values
well... the dices are Ok for randomization I guess, I don't think it is a good idea to add something like an Android application to support the game
so dices are OK
you will just have to create some rules for when the terrains overlap I guess
the diagram may show better my point
I did understand it
you would place the terrain piece on the X
ah ok
good, we were just looking for a more inventive solution as rolling the dice can be long winded, has minimum values etc
you can have a 24 sided dice XD
and a 12 sided dice
so you will ahve to include them in your final product I guess
anyway you would have to include the 4+2 D6 in the product anyway
yes the project would come with roughly 40 dice we think
40? WOW
never seen that amount even in a RPG table XD
lol yeah. each player has to have 8, and then we thought 8 was a good number to have for none player related rolling (terrain)
well then, if you use a 24 sided dice and a 12 sided dice for that you solve the minimum values and also reduce the space needed to roll the dices
anyway you will end up with the possibility of overlapping terrains
and still you have to define some rules
yeah in which case we would just have them reroll the result
OR =)
you could use an 8 sided dice
to chose the direction where to put the overlapping terrain
1 for north, 2 for north east, 3 for east and so on...
and you could modify the 8 sided dice to have N, NE, E instead of the numbers XD
any other ideas on how we could place the terrain? as I said we were looking for a more inventive way of randomising where to place things
use cards I guess
instead of dices?
what do you mean cards? cards with coordinates on?
so you would need something like 12x12 cards so 144 total cards
one for each possible terrain position
but shuffling 144 cards might be not that good
what if we had say 8-12 cards, each had a diagram showing the position and number of terrain pieces?
then you laid out the section as the card showed
still you would have overlapping stuff
oh wait, no overlapping stuff, but the "layout" would be always the same
but each seciton would be randomised
you'd draw a random section from the card pile
pseudo randomized
and then you'd add the terrain as the card shows
so each section is one of a possible 12 layouts?
and all you're doing is randomly choosing a layout from the desk
with your idea each section will be the same layout, but different terrains
yeah, sorry by layout I mean terrain
oh understtod
each section has one of twelve possible terrain layouts
i guess you can make more than 12 cards then
true, aslong as we designed the board layouts
make it something like 50 or 60, like a magic the gathering deck
to give more "randomness" to the game
yeah thats a good idea
think we've got it there :)
thanks for your time mate, and thats for the help
combination(12,4)= 1485 possibilities?
something wrong in my math here
im not following you
with 12 layout cards
the total number of boards you can create is 495
ah right, i follow
not a bad number :)
with 60 cards that would be 487635
may be over kill lol
but let me check how many cards you can make with that fixed amount of stuff
i mean terrain spaces
how many terrain types will you ahve?
well, probably 5-6 different sized tokens
also, if you plan on just adding 4 terrain tokens of 2x1 inches, will the rest of the board be blank with no terrain?
or will you just fill the whole board with terrains?
the board will be mostly plain, but with a set number (4 is just a test number for now) of terrain pieces on there
so they will not be just 2in x 1in right?
no, typically AT THE MOMENT, theyre about 1in by 2in
but in the final thing there will be many different types of terrain in varying sizes
got it
have you ever played Diablo 3, the pc game from blizzard?
they have a cool way radomizing the maps
they have loads of terrains with different shapes, that have some "linking points"
each terrain will link to another with their "linking points"
yeah I have
see the board sections will link like that
yeah, but you got only 4
hang on, drawing a diagram
but with the cards you are randomizing the layouts
you could do something like blizzard, but you will need a real good artwork on those sections
so, basically. the blue line is just an imaginary line
the red wavey line is artwork on the board sections
and the green dots are the random terrain
both the red and blue lines are nothing in game terms or rules
only the terrain actually has an effect on the game
aslong as the red lines meet the blue at the board edge, each tile will line up as part of the board
(if you havent guessed already by now, the board is a road :) )
each tile on the board can be drawn onto a card (ignoring the red and blue lines) and then drawn randomly as we said
can't you have something like this?
I tried my best to explain the issue with using dice for randomization, though judging from what you two are talking about here you might want to broaden the scope of your question a bit
@Robson no the board is just laid out as a straight road
@freekvd thanks for the answer, it helped me to understand why I was seeing the problems with the randomisation using dice
@freekvd how have you done that diagram? did you use any site? =)
I found it on Math SE
well, thanks for your time guys. Think I've got my answer for now. Cheers, take care

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