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@NewPosts i feel like this is basically just "find the primes < some bitlength"
1 hour later…
@att ...especially considering it's not required to be in any particular format, so you can literally just translate a list of primes naively to DNF
@Fmbalbuena yeah sorry I didn't actually check this 😭 I kinda just automatically don't bother looking at fastest-code stuff usually
...unless the output encodes primality testing instead :3
Q: Decide Equality of Closed Surfaces

Dannyu NDosObjective Given two closed surfaces (a.k.a. closed 2-manifolds), decide whether they're homeomorphic. Introduction In layman's terms, a closed surface is a shape that resembles a flat plane everywhere (say, when magnified very much). Familiar examples of a closed surface include a sphere and a to...

We need more challenges involving .
5 hours later…
I found this weird code:
    let mut to_surface = |r, g, b, a| {
        let tr = a * r + 0x80;
        let tg = a * g + 0x80;
        let tb = a * b + 0x80;
        surface[i + 0] = (((tb >> 8) + tb) >> 8) as u8;
        surface[i + 1] = (((tg >> 8) + tg) >> 8) as u8;
        surface[i + 2] = (((tr >> 8) + tr) >> 8) as u8;
        surface[i + 3] = a as u8;

        i += SURFACE_CHANNELS;
I think it's abusing bitwise operators to do rounding
It's.... beautiful
Also fuck the concept of alpha premultiplication
1 hour later…
Also updated version:
2 hours later…
(1/5)^^inf mod 9
= (1/5)^(1/5)^^inf mod 6
= (1/5)^(1/5)^(1/5)^^inf mod 2
= (1/5)^(1/5)^(1/5)^(1/5)^^inf mod 1
= (1/5)^(1/5)^(1/5)^0 mod 2
= (1/5)^(1/5)^1 mod 6
= (1/5)^5 mod 9
= 2^5 mod 9
= 5

Can such thing get defined for (1/5)^^inf mod 7?
4 hours later…
isn't the answer 7 for mod 9? my reasoning was:

(1/5)^^inf mod 9
= 2^^inf mod 9
= 2^(2^^inf mod 6) mod 9
= 2^(2^((2^^inf mod 2) + 2) mod 6) mod 9
= 2^(2^2 mod 6) mod 9
= 2^4 mod 9
= 7
the + 2 is because the cycle 2^x mod 6 doesn't include 1
similar logic for mod 7:

(1/5)^^inf mod 7
= 3^^inf mod 7
= 3^(3^^inf mod 6) mod 7
= 3^(3^((3^^inf mod 1) + 1) mod 6) mod 7
= 3^(3^1 mod 6) mod 7
= 3^3 mod 7
= 6
@Mukundan314 Nope (x^y) mod 5 ≠ (x^(y mod 5)) mod 5
I used phi(mod)
so (1/5)^^inf mod 9 ≠ 2^^inf mod 9
can't believe how I forgot that
any reason why we can't use same reasoning for mod 7?

(1/5)^^inf mod 7
= (1/5)^^inf mod 7
= 3^((1/5)^^inf mod 6) mod 7
= 3^(5^((1/5)^^inf mod 2) mod 6) mod 7
= 3^(5^(1^^inf mod 2) mod 6) mod 7
= 3^(5^1 mod 6) mod 7
= 3^5 mod 7
= 5
I thought it would meet 1/5 mod 5, seems not here but other num would
ig we will have problems if modulo is 11 since then exponent would be under modulo 10
6 hours later…
Today is the one day American English is read right to left
It doesn't make sense otherwise, because you can't turn wood or ceramic into liquid
Is it really that tasty though that it needs a whole ahh musical performance midway through consumption?
@Neil The sequence continues 120,113,116,216,616,716,121,122,126,127,227,627,727
@lyxal what about British English? is that read vertically?
@Redz British English is too busy arguing with American English over what football means for it to be read vertically :p

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