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I don't understand what my C++ Language Server has been smoking recently
I literally include <cstdlib> in this file!
the more concerning thing is that the ; is an error :p
(yes, it works just fine if I compile it with g++ or clang++)
have you tried closing then reopening vs code?
@lyxal It thinks the i < ... is a template expansion and is complaining about the lack of closing >
that's horrible
@lyxal Yes
... the errors go away if I say using std::size_t; at the top of the file
that usually fixes it for me
my experiences with vs code and broken ahh things
@Bbrk24 Why does that do anything???
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

鳴神裁四点一号AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! expressions code-golf interpreter parsing AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!, which is 14 A's and 4 exclamation marks, is a procedural esoteric programming with no implementations yet created by User:Zzo38 since 2006. As the language name suggests, the program syntax consists of lots of A's and ex...

Ah, this is a known issue: github.com/microsoft/vscode-cpptools/issues/12618 . Switching to the pre-release version fixed it
2 hours later…
> numberOfnunberOfAllocatedDoctors
2 hours later…
you set the parent to "The StackExchange Network"
and that makes it parentless
@rydwolf not with that attitude it didn't
in It's, in fact, (not) possible, 1 min ago, by lyxal
room parent site changed to default (no parent site)
for those using poetry/rye/whatever for python package management, it's about time to move to uv (blog post from the creator of rye, uv)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Input a 28-bit unsigned integer. Write it into 7 hexadecimal digits. Replace each F as T(aka, -1) Read it in hexadecimal. Shortest code wins.

1 hour later…
Q: Waiting girl's face

Kamil KiełczewskiIn June 2023, at Xenium Party 2023, a 4KB intro created by Wacek, Luke, and Jammer for the Commodore 64 was presented, featuring the face of a waiting girl. The task is to write the shortest possible program that draws a girl's face before what she is waiting for happens. The background and pixe...

5 hours later…
@lyxal ahhhh
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

鳴神裁四点一号Is it fsed and/or fsed? code-golf parsing decision-problem list fsed from usp Tukubai fsed, useful for developing a business information management system, is a command-line utility from usp Tukubai that applies some s commands as in sed to a given space-separated file. Its synopsis is1 2: fsed [...

Q: Five Hundred Cigarettes

ConnieMnemonicThis is a cigarette. _ // // // ° This is two (2) cigarettes. __ /// /// /// °° This is three (3) cigarettes. The third is stacked upon the other two. _ // /// /// /°/ °° Write a function to print 500 cigarettes, stacked according to the following rules: There must be a ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Unnamed Given an address p, return int32 of bytes [p xor 0], [p xor 1], [p xor 2], [p xor 3]. Either endian fine. You can take actual pointer or a byte array and an integer, behaving like the array is your RAM. Shortest code wins. Background During 16-bit period, this allow both endians by changi...

@pxeger mathematica, 9 excluding trailing newline: Echo@­®
2 hours later…
@Ginger how do i reload the pronoun cache for not-chat?
i'm guessing ctrl+shift+click on any existing pronouns, but i was on a page that had no pronouns anywhere
@Themoonisacheese you have to find a page with pronouns then :p
(and it's ctrl-alt-shift-click)
i have now noticed
1 hour later…
I had an amazing idea for the BigNum Bake-off Reboot
but it might be heavily downvoted
A: BigNum Bakeoff Reboot

The Empty String PhotographerSlightly Silly but Still Serious Submission Python 3, 468 bytes import sys p=print t=sys.stdout sys.stdout=open("a","a") def b(l): a=[] for y in range(256**l): try: a.append(y.to_bytes((y.bit_length()+7)//8,'big').decode('utf-8')) except: pass return a for x in b(99**99**99**99**99*...

2 hours later…
@Themoonisacheese I've updated the script to add buttons for clearing the cache to chat/Q&A preferences
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

The Empty String PhotographerSmallNum Bakeoff In this challenge, your objective is to output a positive number that is as small as you can, but without using division, multiplication, exponentiation, logarithms, \$n\$th root, or any other way to indicate these operations. Rules, Objectives and Assumptions Output a positive ...

Q: Print 4 billion if statements

emanresu ARecently (okay, December 2023, I'm a little late) there's been a meme going around about a program checking if a 32-bit unsigned integer is even or odd using four billion if statements: if num == 0: print("even") if num == 1: print("odd") if num == 2: print("even") ... if num == 42949...

yay my chat library works thanks again @Ginger for the prior art(: now i have to stray from the path and add support for a bunch of extra stuff that makes sense for a client but not for a bot library
you're welcome!
@RubenVerg advance warning: as far as we know there is no way to get the starboard as JSON
you have to parse the HTML chunks yourself
and stack could not have structured them in a more annoying way if they'd tried :p
working on the PR btw
getting [Bot] CRITICAL: An exception occured in the task of room 1 but even with debug printing on it doesn't tell me anything more useful
oh wait i found where that's printed
will try debugging myself
nevermind the same error happens when using the unmodified sechat package
am i doing something wrong?
i'll make the pr but test it before merging, i guess, since i can't test locally
@RubenVerg weird, it's supposed to log the error
@RubenVerg looks good, but I'd suggest making the servers an enum
good idea but maybe they make a fourth some time for some reason
in the java impl I have an enum as well as a string version
tomorrow morning though, gtg now
@RubenVerg I can update the library in that case :p

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