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@lyxal as a matter of fact I be getting my associates degree in a semester :P
I don't have a uni selected yet, but got a few candidates
@Seggan Where did you get in?
A local community college
Ah, so no applications yet
Well, enjoy that associate's degree!
Sounds cool to get at least something that soon
Will start applying within a week or two
@UnrelatedString I technically am getting it this semester but I apparently can't graduate high school and get a degree at the same time lol
So I have to wait till the end of next semester
Are you even going to be attending the community college for the next semester, or are you just going to technically be a student while you wait for the next graduation ceremony
Yeah I'm just gonna be technically a student
What languages use 4-bit charset?
Nibbles, HBL
I noticed an interesting problem with HBCS compared to SBCS the other day, and I don't think it's something that can be solved. Say you have a SBCS language (call it X) and a HBCS language (call it Y) solving the same problem. X and Y might solve it in the same amount of bytes using the same algorithm. But say that the algorithm can be shortened by removing a single operator/step. And that implementing this golf is equivalent to removing a single character
Removing the character from X saves an entire byte while removing the character from Y only saves a half byte
HBCS languages are really only good for the initial golf it seems
lyxal's enigma
Because once you get into harder to squeeze out golfs, the value of shaved characters is less in Y than it is in X
@lyxal What amounts to one operation in a SBCS lang could very well amount to two in a HBCS lang, considering their minimalism
@emanresuA the example I saw the other day was length
In nibbles and vyxal it's both one token
It was able to be removed from both, with a full byte save for vyxal but only a half byte save for nibbles
Fair :p
Also my school wifi will occasionally randomly fail to load specific sites for some reason and I can't figure out why or how. It's currently refusing to access chat
And then when you consider the fact your operation set isn't going to be as usefully large as sbcs (without getting into digraphs and trigraphs), meaning more complex operations will most likely end up equating to one sbcs character, I don't see the benefit of HBCS outside of novelty
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Plenty of golflang design ideas don't pay off. Some do
And nibbles is actually fairly competitive - the author claims it beats Jelly 75% of the time, and while CGCC doesn't quite match that it's still decent
Jelly IIRC is the golfiest language around, so id doubt that claim :P
mayyybe vyxal 3 + vyncode competes
Vyxal 2 (without vyncode) is in general slightly golfier than Jelly from experience
(also nekomata/thunno2 are doing surprisingly well)
Jelly's remarkably competitive for its age, but it's old, and it was far enough ahead of the pack for most of the time it was being actively developed that it doesn't have a lot of the modern seasoned insights the newer gen golflangs take for granted
@emanresuA I'm honestly not surprised Nekomata's doing great--nondet is very powerful, Brachylog's just shackled in golfiness by some idiosyncratic/aesthetic factors (being made to actually feel uniquely like Prolog-the-golflang instead of a golflang with some Prolog inspiration)
Surely I'll get back to Perhaps one day 🤔
@emanresuA although that could be due to lack of answers for both languages
@UnrelatedString And Risky, which kinda sucks most of the time but can highball occasionally
Oh yeah lmao
@emanresuA And a range of answers that isn't as diverse (e.g languages only being used where it's going to be shorter)
@Seggan hasn't been on top of the elo rating for at least a year now
1 hour later…
I think my cat's a genius
The door to the room with her sandbox in it got shut, unbeknownst to me. But of all the objects she chose to pee on, she chose the only waterproof thing in the room
(my motorcycle jacket)
mfw my headphones default to immersion (motion) rather than immersion (still) when I turn on immersion mode using the action button
can't believe I had to use the touch strip to select still
> be me
> looking into how to use express.js and react in the same app
> find tutorial
> seems simple enough :D
> section titled "What the heck!! CORS ?"
> D:
as if i haven't suffered enough cors this year
@NewPosts Ayyyy I triggered the CAPTCHA while posting this
I'll pin this for now
I just noticed that the usual binary representation of integers is justifiable as the inverse limit of $\mathbb{Z}_2 \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_4 \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_8 \leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_{16} \leftarrow \cdots$.
@NewPosts Also, it's interesting just how many things are covered by standard I/O - I guess it's not too surprising considering it's edgecase central
*Cough* I'm installing Firefox on Windows just for MathJax.
And on the second look, that doesn't identify just integers, but the entire 2-adic integers.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosFactoriadic Fraction Addition Objective Given two rational numbers represented in fractional factoriadic as defined below, add them, and output the result in balanced factoriadic. Fractional factoriadic Fractional factoriadic is a numeral system that represents every rational number using \$1/2\$...

Any dupes?
You mean Q[0, 1] right
I don't understand how this is supposed to represent a) negative numbers b) numbers ≥ 1
Added some more examples for you.
Ah, I missed "The digit at 1/2's place may be any integer."
CMC: Golf this algorithm from my computability theory class. Registers are nonnegative integers, and we have an increment operation, a decrement-unless-zero operation, and while loops / if(else?) statements that can check if a register's nonzero or zero. Goal is to create a macro that executes code block Q if r2 > r3, and code block Q' otherwise. I have nine lines:
while r3 ≠ 0:
 r2 = r2 - 1
 r3 = r3 - 1
 if r2 = 0:
  do Q'
  while r3 ≠ 0:
   r3 = r3 - 1
if r2 ≠ 0:
 do Q
(no, this isn't a homework question, I've done said homework (unless there's a "this is code golf, least lines wins" hidden in the fine print somewhere))
@emanresuA there's a hanging "tips questions don't need to have objective winning criteria. Neither of these" (end of paragraph)
@att (@Adám) fixed
Sometimes I start typing things and forget to finish them, in this case I forgot what I was typing in the first place
@emanresuA gonna go and sneak this into the homework
@UnrelatedString someone should try giving javascript 52 builtins :)
while r3 != 0:
if r2 == 0:
if r2 != 0:
For 7 lines, no?
Subtract r3 from r2 and if there's still value in r2, it's bigger
(we have if-else statements)
Doesn't change the line count, only changes the number of comparisons :p
and produces slightly shorter byte code if you were to compile it to some set of byte code
Yeah. These are theoretical register machines in a theoretical computer science / mathematics course, so I doubt it somehow
@emanresuA also, it only works because of the non negative restriction
So does mine
Ah didn't notice
@emanresuA theory of computing one of the best courses I ever did
Yeah it's fun
Only behind compiler design ofc :p
I might look into some non-Java comsci courses at some point, not entirely because Michael Homer teaches some of them
(mostly postdoc stuff though)
I just noticed that a std::set is just a free commutative idempotent monoid.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosReduce a string up to idempotency Objective Given a string consisting of printable ASCII characters (!0x21 ― ~0x7E), treat it as an element in the free idempotent monoid (as defined below) over the printable ASCII characters, and output the same element represented in the fewest characters as pos...

@emanresuA have you looked at regular v context free yet?
Suggested testcases much appreciated.
Don't think so unless we've done it under another name, we're only two weeks in
Sounds like you haven't
Surprised you're starting with register machines then
The theory of computation course I did dove straight into finite state machines and regular expressions and the pumping lemma
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is specifically a third-year mathematics course
Yeah no so was mine
Huh okay, I'll look into it
It's a bit weird because due to budget cuts it's a hybrid computability theory / mathematical logic course
@emanresuA good luck with that btw
Basically all compsci uses java
yep :\
Come to the software engineering side where we have python, react, and sometimes even whatever language you want
Also network engineering has C (although from what I've heard it's not much actual programming)
I don't think that's a degree type
At least not at the uni I go to
Networking is considered a SENG (software engineering) course
Yeah, it's not a separate degree type (there's comsci or software engineering afaik) but there are NWEN courses for network engineering
I'll be doing one this semester :p
The course has an AI generated banner on canvas and everything
Finally got around to watching oceans 11, shows its age a bit but came for a good heist and got a good heist
Q: Simulate Text Cursor

z..You are given a string [A-Za-z|]+ that contains exactly one occurrence of | denoting the current position of the cursor and a sequence of moves [><#]+ where: >: moves the cursor one position to the right <: moves the cursor one position to the left #: moves the cursor one position to the left, d...

@lyxal is it worth the risk of getting python or react
@emanresuA in France we have Computer science, and Networking and Telecoms as degrees
Q: Substring of Fizzbuzz

l4m2Decide if a string is substring of Fizzbuzz without separation 12Fizz4BuzzFizz78FizzBuzz11Fizz1314FizzBuzz.... Notice that it doesn't necessary cover whole tokens, e.g. zz78Fi is a substring. Input will contain only letters and numbers, aka. match RegEx /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/. True cases zz78Fi FizzBuz...

1 hour later…
@lyxal yep, same here
Q: Golfscript whole-stack rotation

StyleurcamThere isn't a builtin in golfscript which lets you rotate a bigger portion of the stack than the three top-most elements. I came up with this ]-1%(1$1$1$1$<@@)>+@@=\~]-1%~ But this is GolfScript, it can surely be done with fewer characters

2 hours later…
CMC Given a range of angles (in counterclockwise order) and an angle, calculate if the angle is in the range. Must properly account for wrapping.
Or actually CMC Given a) a starting angle b) a span angle, either positive or negative, c) an angle. Determine if C is in the range given by a and b. Should probably handle wrapping, eg. 2PI is in the range -1/4PI and span 1/3PI
Isn't that just an "in-range" check with a modulus?
It's not that easy when you are intersecting 0
Or maybe it is but I'm not seeing it
The arc has a certain direction, if you do a modulo it might invert the range if you intersect 0 naively
Not if your modulo built-in is designed properly.
Q: Double dequer sort

Wheat WizardIn this challenge Bubbler describes sorting a list by inserting its elements left to right into a double ended queue or "deque". Take a number from the front of the array, and push it into one of the two ends of the deque. Repeat this until the array is empty. That challenge asks if it is possi...

I came up with something like this:
fn point_in_angle_range(point: Vec2, start_angle: f32, range: f32) -> bool {
    let angle = point.to_angle();
    if range > 0.0 {
        (angle - start_angle).rem_euclid(TAU) < range
    } else {
        (angle - start_angle - range).rem_euclid(TAU) < -range
@Adám is this what you where thinking of?
2 hours later…
@mousetail 1=⍸∘(360∘|) (in degrees just because it's one less set of parens)
@mousetail idk what this means
i think sol includes start endpoint but not end enpoint, not sure how to fix that
Basically the angle can be either clockwise or anticlockwise dependingon the sign of b
is b a difference from a or another angle?
Yea but the sign matters. So for the same other angle you could have two different spans
okay so you want to know if the angle is in the range (min(a, a+b), max(a, a+b))?
Depends again on if you are going clockwise or anticlockwise
You can't really define "min" on angles
i'm really confused
i'm either not understanding what you want or you're making it much more complex than it is
Suppose you have one of those shitty coin operated binoculars. They start looking at a). They can turn up to b) degrees counterclockwise if b is positive or clickwise if it's negative. Can you see the mountain at c?
does bqn 1=(360|·∧+`)⊸⍋⟜(360⊸|) do what you want?
It might, if I spoke BQN lol
@RubenVerg Maybe add a try-it link?
idk how to make one
anyways paste it into bqnpad and pass range on the left as a tie b (type tie by pressing backslash then space) and angle on the right, the function needs to be wrapped in parens
like this: 45‿¯30 ( 1=(360|·∧+`)⊸⍋⟜(360⊸|) ) 42
anyways this does "is the right argument modulo 360 between the range specified by the modulo 360 of the sort of the sum scan of the left argument?"
oh wait it's wrong
should be 1=(∧360|+`)⊸⍋⟜(360⊸|)
"[...] specified by the sort of the modulo 360 of the sum scan of the left argument"
does this look right
since the initial angle doesn't matter
Nice thanks
@RubenVerg ≠´(360|+`)⊸≤⟜(360⊸|)?
About to go golfing…
There we go: ≠´+`⊸(≤○(360|⊢))
Which will hopefully work in Dyalog 20.0 as ≠/+\⍛(≤○(360|⊢))
@Adám oh, ≠/≤ is a cool pattern for "is in range"
is it in aplcart? looked for "in range" but had too many results
No, APLcart uses 1=⍸ because it is more general (TAO).
i guess i could've figured it out myself if i wasn't so fixated on using Bins
@Adám yeah, but the former has the advantage of working with reversed ranges
i think it deserves inclusion
It is also scalar (and so, numeric only)
Should be ≠⌿≤ I guess.
2 hours later…
@Bbrk24 Not to brag, but I've been confused about aspects of my queerness for the past 7 years :P
you win :p
only 7 pfft
Wait, no, caird time drugs. The first queer identity I felt comfortable using was describing myself as gay when I was 14, and I'm currently 22 and questioning whether to switch to using bi or not :P
I've only been questioning my gender for fiveish months. Gotta start somewhere I guess :p
@mousetail Do you have a link to a relevant meta discussion for this edit? I've rolled it back, as I cannot find one, and last I was aware, is still on topic
ugh message timestamps are gonna be so hard to parse
just a sample: "4:55 PM", "yst 11:22 AM", "Sat 5:30 PM", "Jun 13 9:00 AM" and "Jan 5, 2011 12:56 PM"
@emanresuA damn noob (:
TIL that numpad keys skip to point num/10 in a vt video
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Decide if a string appeared for infinite times in Fizzbuzz without separation 12Fizz4BuzzFizz78FizzBuzz11Fizz1314FizzBuzz.... Input will contain only letters and numbers, aka. match RegEx /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/. Unlike the existing version, this one might be easier, since pattern /\D\d+\D/ is instantl...

Q: How comparison-heavy is this list?

Kamila SzewczykGiven a list of strings in any convenient format display the amount of comparisons between individual characters that a merge sort algorithm would perform. The merge-sort algorithm is a divide & conquer method for sorting lists. It divides the unsorted list into n sublists, each containing one el...

Woah, five new challenges in one (UTC) day
@Seggan same for vlc
@Seggan Discovered that by accident a while back. 0 seems useful, the others much less so.
(And it's not just numpad, the regular number keys do it too)
I occasionally do it by accident and it's annoying
@NewPosts Unrelated, but why the heck is the G in "margarine" pronounced like "gem" rather than like "gar"? I can't think of any other soft G's before non-front vowels in English. And apparently, the original French pronunciation uses a hard G as expected. Did someone just start pronouncing it differently for no apparent reason?
That's how a lot of English works :p
True... that's why one starts with a W sound, near as we can tell.
> Why they changed it, I can't say
People just liked it better that way
@DLosc I think it's soft because of what's before it, not what's after it. Think "large" or "Marge", there's lots of precedent for "arg" being pronounced "ardzh"
Is the "e" in "less" a front vowel? If not, "largesse" would be an example
Have we considered that maybe it's not a coincidence that so many people here are queer or questioning their gender? Maybe it's just inherently rainbow to want code to be short
The causation can't go the other way I don't think, the time doesn't match up
Unless some of us were having golfy thoughts before we came out as CGCC users
@RydwolfPrograms Ah, maybe that's why trans is overrepresented with APL. APL is generally shorter than other "real world" langs.
@RydwolfPrograms Yes, E and I are the front vowels.
@RydwolfPrograms Counterpoint: arg(ument). But yeah, maybe, especially if people started abbreviating it as "marge." (OTOH, my mom has a cousin who goes by "Marg" with a hard G, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@RydwolfPrograms There may be a correlation with being analytical. The kind of person who enjoys questioning whether their code could somehow be 1 byte shorter, might be in the habit of questioning things in general.
@RydwolfPrograms A lot of people here are younger, between the ages of 15 and 25, which is very often the age people start questioning if they are cishet. Combine that with the fact that being queer is becoming seen as more and more acceptable, the fact that you can be "anonymous" online so there's less danger, and the fact that queer-friendly communities embrace and encourage people who discuss the possibility of being queer
After all, if you see someone be openly queer and those around them in that community accept them for doing so, it might lead to you being more willing to mention "Oh, I had a similar experience" when they discuss being queer (which, frankly, we like doing :P) which then encourages you to do some internal reflection
Especially if you can "hide" behind an online avatar if you aren't fully comfortable being open and out
@DLosc Wait... Marge is short for Margaret, which still has the hard G even though its abbreviation has a soft G. So why would the soft G be backported in the case of margarine but not Margaret? Aargh! (Or should I say "aarge"?)
@Adám Nah, being queer is wanting to golf your gender
@RydwolfPrograms It's me. I'm Cishet Man, straighter than a beam of light. I feed on the straightness of those around me, growing ever more straight while everyone else grows ever more queer. Mwahaha.
do you gain straightness and cisness from every time somebody comes out here?
Yeah, it's like how in games, there's a loot drop when someone dies, except everyone wins
so-called "straight beams of light" when a thousand-solar-mass black hole
Honestly not sure what I'll be doing with my straightness but I am slightly less hunched than I was in high school
@Ginger Most people do not have holes massive enough to bend my sexual orientation
I figured you set me up for exactly that
Could've just done a normal gravity joke
"oh ginger maybe he's learned self-restraint" "naaaaah, he's gonna do it" "have some faith, maybe this is where the line is" "if there were a line he'd be jumping to cross it"
I have done literally nothing to make people think I've learned self-restraint. Every day I spend in this community only makes me sink deeper into the gutter
hope springs eternal
@RydwolfPrograms yeah what caird said
@user fitting given you're the president of vices
@RydwolfPrograms i was just thinking the same thing
@user so thats why my power isn't working: ure stealing all the queerness!
til seggan powers his house with GAY ENERGY
@Seggan No, you've misread user: user feeds on the straightness, not the queerness
can u please 11 that
thanks firefox
Wait, how can I see people's pronouns?
No, Amazon, I do not want a new pressure cooker
you do now
I did not want one the other times you recommended one
And I still do not
Oh boy I sure love when installing a chat userscript on mobile makes me join all my favourited rooms
wait how are u doing a userscript on mobile
same thing really
It has extension support and tamper monkey is available
i see
im too addicted to chrome
Kiwi browser beat it to the punch though
It had arbitrary extension support for a while long time
@DLosc there's the archaic "gaol" (pronounced "jail")
@lyxal were you feeling pressured into purchasing one?
it made me wonder who let Amazon cook

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