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@lyxal That's a load-bearing hyphen if I ever saw one
It is called the hyphen site around here after all
@lyxal I watched the whole thing!
Q: Compute Dickman

SimdInput A floating point number \$x\$ between 1 and 8 inclusive. Output The Dickman function of \$x\$. The Dickman–de Bruijn function \$\rho(u)\$ is a continuous function that satisfies the delay differential equation \$u\rho'(u) + \rho(u-1) = 0\$, with initial conditions \$\rho(u) = 1\$ for \$0 \...

Argh! Downvote :(
Some users are known to downvote challenges that are "too math-heavy on the surface so I can't even read it", so don't worry too much about it
I just ignore [math] challenges lol
@NewlyFeaturedPosts CMP: Is it appropriate to add ?
Also I think I just discovered a bug: If you open the "edit tags" dialog, then someone else edits the tags, the edit tags button disappears
classic race condition
why is every one of those career assessment things the exact same and completely awful lol
Why are they lumping honesty and humility together?
I'll tell you straight up I'm the coolest person in the world
@RydwolfPrograms is that a freely available test?
Not sure, I know I've found the same one both on college board's website and some thing CMU pays for
I found one on the college board website and it's top three for me were conventional, enterprising and then social
5 hours later…
Q: Braille-based Base64

l4m2Make a one-to-one map from the base64 character table(0-9a-zA-Z+/) to Braille(U+2800-U+283F). These characters are fixed map for compatibility. For other characters you can choose any map as long as there's no collision. ⠁ a ⠃ b ⠉ c ⠙ d ⠑ e ⠋ f ⠛ g ⠓ h ⠊ i ⠚ j ...

Seem enough questions about braille to have its tag
3 hours later…
/searchlanguage all function names have default function. To define a new function, you need to overwrite an existing one.
@RydwolfPrograms I guess I can kinda see how being un-humble could be viewed as dishonest even if you never lie, just by overly focusing on the truths that paint you in a positive light... but it's also very possible to be very humble and very dishonest by going out of your way to spin things to diminish yourself :P
@lyxal I'm not sure how conventional selling stolen limbs is but it's certainly enterprising and potentially social
amputation has been around for like 31000 years, so it's well established as a thing
therefore, I'd say it's conventional
it's the convention to do so when limbs are involved
I'm imagining you at the limb-stealers' convention, LimbCon
I mean, yeah, they asked me to do the keynote presentation after all
if they did their research though, they'd know I use Windows, not macos
4 hours later…
@l4m2 This does ring a bell vaguely, but I might just be thinking of languages where that's true for non-function values--either all variables having trivial defaults or that one esolang where you have to redefine literals
Very cool esolang concept either way!
Yeah, vaguely ringing a bell for me too.
2 hours later…
I've been looking through and there are a few ... questionable ones in htere
this one's kinda irrelevant - nowadays we just have "[language] + [library] is generally considered separate from [language], anything's fine as long as you haven't created a language specifically for the challenge"
this is also somewhat irrelevant - most people just don't accept answers anymore, and IMO doing so is rare enough that we don't need a faq on it. Ironically, because we still have accepted answers pinned on meta, the accepted answer of "a week or two" is pinned above the community consensus of "just don't"
this is a subset of Welcome to CGCC
this feels just unnecessary - you can get that by looking at almost any question on cgcc
this is an exact dupe of the winning criterion tag list
this and possibly its predecessor don't feel like FAQ posts at all - FAQ posts are meant to be a single consensus, not a list of not-particularly-up-to-date vague post types
For example questions about golflang design seem to be at least somewhat on-topic here
@emanresuA (and IMO the more recent discussion about tips questions needing OWCs is more up-to-date on this topic)
Also this is also a subset of welcome to CGCC
this is... iffy. On the one hand, people do inevitably ask "why require objective winning criteria", and the accepted answer is quite a good explanation of this; on the other hand it doesn't feel particularly relevant to the functionality of the site.
this at least needs to be partially updated to the new consensus on functions throwing exceptions
this is ... three bytecounters, a no-longer-functional TNB lookup and a worse version of adam's language bar
and this just feels like something that'd need a ridiculous amount of work to keep up-to-date for not really any good reason. "function or full program" covers almost all of these cases anyway, and "truthy/falsy" is usually defined in the language's own docs.
this has been at least partially superceded by this, and a) we can only define truthy/falsy in terms of I/O since anything else is unobservable b) anything challenge that requires outputting a truthy/falsy value is necessarily a and has these defaults applicable unless otherwise specified.
this is fully covered by the /editing-help#latex page, although it is more accessible
</rant>, if there's enough interest I might type up a meta post about this
fully support you ranting on meta
While trying to write a Regenerate answer for It was just a bug, I generated some interesting bugged output of my own: ATO
That is quite interesting
mfw I forget that the code golf gold tag badge also reopen hammers dupe questions
Q: Braille-based Base64

l4m2Make a one-to-one map from the base64 character table(0-9a-zA-Z+/) to Braille(U+2800-U+283F). These characters are fixed map for compatibility. For other characters(aka. A-Z and +) you can map any Braile as long as no two base64 characters map same Braile. ⠁ a ⠃ b ⠉ c ⠙ d ⠑ e ...

Y'all agree it's not a dupe of ascii to Braille?
Just graduated high school 👀
@Seggan 🧑‍🎓🤳
Any uni/higher education plans yet?
@Seggan congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

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