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...i didn't realize that was still going
it will never die as long as I remember it
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardDouble dequer sort In this challenge Bubbler describes sorting a list by inserting its elements left to right into a double ended queue or "deque". Take a number from the front of the array, and push it into one of the two ends of the deque. Repeat this until the array is empty. That challenge ...

I get these emails once a month now apparently
I guess that answers my questions about whether there's many opportunities for internships in government as a CMU poli sci student lol
That list goes on and on too
@emanresuA Somehow also average HNQ
> - Trump was not mortally wounded - it was a very minor flesh wound.
- Trump does not have seven heads and 10 horns
Coulda just led with the first one maybe :p
> Trump did not receive his power from the dragon who is "that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world"
[citation needed]
what the hell TIL the Air Force still flies B-52s
and plan to into the 2050s
yeah those are like the go to bombers
@emanresuA honestly not much
@Redz my cat used to do that all the time when he was a kitten
1 hour later…
Wait TIL the lyric in Wildest Dreams after "Even if it's just in your wildest dreams" is "ah-ah ha" and not actual words
I swear it sounds exactly like she's saying "you'll ever have"
Guys should I do my computability theory assignment in brainfuck
(we're doing register machines)
Doctors hate him! 10 tricks to not get shot in the ear
doctors want to charge you exorbitant fees to avoid long term repercussions from bullets piercing your ears, but this local man from scranton gave us a tell-all interview on how he avoided getting his face shot at
@RydwolfPrograms For this local man from Jamaica, Queens, getting shot in the ear helped his carreer. You won't believe what job he applied for next!
1 hour later…
@SandboxPosts until now I've never wondered how deque is pronounced...
it's not day-quay-eee?
i've always said it like "deck"
but now that i think about it it's probably wrong
nevermind, i'm right
dequeue Shortened from double-ended queue. IPA(key): /dɛk/ Rhymes: -ɛk Homophone: deck deque (plural deques) (computing) A linear data structure in which elements may be appended to or removed from either end. Coordinate terms: list, stack, queue deque on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Borrowed from English deck. Rhymes: (Brazil) -ɛki, (Portugal) -ɛkɨ Hyphenation: de‧que deque m (plural deques) (nautical) deck (floorlike covering on a ship) Synonym: convés (computing) deque
One of the first things you learn when covering data structures at uni
After linked lists of course
We love pointers
ayyyy i just got bronze array tag, cool
I wonder if they'll strike anyone out of the employee crowd in the coming months
There’s apparently a major outage with windows devices
Almost as if that's what I was referencing
Are you actually? Do I just find it difficult to infer things from text?
Are you being sarcastic?
Crowd Strike is the company that might be responsible
I thought Crowd Strike was the website that reported outages
They've pushed a fix out
> The ABC hasn't independently verified that this works and it's clearly designed for people who genuinely know what they're doing with IT.
I was wondering why it seemed to take a while for other countries' news sources to pick up on it but then I realised that y'all are waking up to this while it's an afternoon affair here
Reports of outages started 3 hours ago
@emanresuA I mean, they kinda sorta have to say that
Given that they're a government organisation
Definitely caused by crowdstrike
according to HN:
This was apparently caused by a faulty "channel file"[0], which is presumably some kind of configuration database that the software uses to identify malware.

So there wasn't any new kernel driver deployed, the existing kernel driver just doesn't fail gracefully.

[0]: https://x.com/brody_n77/status/1814185935476863321
(i can't open shitter on corporate wifi so idk what the tweet says)
> There is a faulty channel file, so not quite an update.

There is a workaround...
1. Boot Windows into Safe Mode or WRE.
2. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike
3. Locate and delete file matching "C-00000291*.sys"
4. Boot normally.

note that this requires your bitlocker key
Does Windows 11 Home have CrowdStrike installed on it?
not by default no
crowdstrike is a corporate antivirus solution that you have to installs on PCs in your organisation if you want to do business with the united states basically
My windows computer should be fine then
oh yeah
most computers worldwide are fine, it's just that apparently microsoft uses it on the cloud services so that's down as well
either that or they're having really bad luck because azure is also down
reminds me of a similar outage caused by a certain brand of a/v software which mistakenly identified a core windows process as a virus, but killing it causes a bsod or reboot or both
sounds like comodo
Just opened my windows device and there seem to be no issues
well, do you use crowdstrike to begin with?
And that, my friends, is why you should never use a Windows phone.
A fix has been deployed
no mention of the splanch on last night's xkcd. I am disappointed.
meanwhile Windows Defender now thinks that The Old New Thing is a virus
2 hours later…
I have two points with a vector direction each. How do I connect them with a series of arcs such that the arcs have maximum radius?
Something like this
You can also use line segments if nececairy
Basically, given two tangent points, find two circles that share a tangent
tha'ts much clearer
don't 2 circles on a plane always share a tangent?
unless they intersect, i guess
no even if they intersect, i tihnk the only way this doesn't work is if one circle is completely inside the other
Hmmm that's true
i should point out that i am not good at math
so grain of salt etc
I'm pretty sure you are correct. Though I'd still need to find the maximum radius
make both circles as big as you want, as long as they're the same size they'll never encapsulate each other
If you do that you'll basically create almost full circles that wrap back around
there's some leeway that somehow depends on the arragement of your inital vectors, either circle can be an amount bigger than the other, but i don't think thhere's a numerical maximum, maybe simply a rational one
You are right, it would be possible. Ideally I'd want the arc angle limited to 180 degrees but that seems like it would make the problem much harder
(as in c1 can be 30% bigger than c2, it's probably a more complex function though)
@mousetail in this sceenario, can you choose the initial direction of the arc or is it always forward wrt to the vector?
It has to be forward
then i'm pretty sure the hard part is figuring out if there is a solution, but if there is then the maximum is once again infinity
like, either a shared tangent exists, in which case the original problem apllies again, or it doesn't.
I'm think you can construct a scenario where there is a small arc angle solution upto a certain radius then it "overshoots" and then the only solution is nearly 360 degrees
you're right yes
okay yes you're right that this is much much harder with 180 degrees arcs
are the vectors always pointing in opposite directions? or is the direction pretty much random?
Pretty much random. sometimes they directly face eachother and you can just draw a line
right, basically 0 radius
there's only a subset of all angles between them such that there exists a solution, half of it is infinite, the other has an optimal solution where the 2 arcs are touching, i think
That sounds right, though I can't verify it
is it allowed to start drawing an arc no towards the other point?
if this is allowed then still inifinite, trivially
regardless thanks for the nerd snipe today is very slow
1 hour later…
@Themoonisacheese It should eventually connect
Anyway this is waht I'm doing with arcs
@mousetail right, but if you start your arc away from the other point then there's always a tangent that exists a long as a solution exists, with infinite radius
You mean essentially breaking up one long arc into many smaller ones such that each is less than 180 degrees?
Wish there was a good way to upload videos to chat
It seems to show only the first few frames
"Hey Google AI, can you please just go away?"
"I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
Found a solution on CNET that worked for me.
import random
class r:
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(random.random())
Who said __repr__ had to return the same string every time it's called 😁
nobody, afaict
You really need to learn that in programming there are no rules
Only suggestions
writing an se chat library and cookies strike as always smh
you are not worthy
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

guest4308ASCII/Unicode Progress Pride Flag code-golfkolmogorov-complexity Take in a boolean value indicating whether unicode has full monospaced support, and output the appropriate flag: __________________________________________________________ |\ \ \ ...

1 hour later…
@Ginger turns out i wasn't setting the form parameters correctly
took me forever to realize content-length was 0
Out-of-context comment of the day:
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be naked--" — Darth Pseudonym yesterday
HNQ reference?
It's from an answer on the HN question you're probably thinking of, yes
2 hours later…
Q: Check if two lists are permutations of each other

Andy LiuChallenge Given two lists, find if one of them is a permutation of the other. Output truthy or falsy values, or 1 or 0. Test cases {0,1,2,3,4},{2,4,3,0,1} --> True {2,4,4,7}{2,7,4,6} --> False {1},{1} --> True Other Stuff This is code golf, so shortest code wins Standard loopholes and I/O metho...

...there's no way that's not a dupe, right
by the way is it like frowned upon or bad practice or whatever to submit the same solution in many languages?
like for this challenge there's trivial respellings of the same solution in three APL dialects
I'm supposed to post just one, right?
(≡⍥[<≤∧] respectively in dzaima; Vision; (Extended and Kap), I think)
i think it's kind of "conventional" to include them all in the same post in cases like that
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosA robber flipped some bits. This is what happened to the cop's code. cops-and-robbers Objective Cops shall pose a code that outputs a truthy or falsy value deterministically, depending on the input. The output must be truthy on some inputs and falsy on some other inputs. Flipping exactly half of ...

Changed the criteria for validity of a cop, and also changed the robbers' winning criterion.
But what kind of winning criterion is this, for robbers?

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