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Q: Diagonal Binary Sequence

Kevin CruijssenChallenge: Given a positive number \$n\$, convert it to binary, and output a sequence where all 1s form a top-left to bottom-right diagonal line, including a leading column of 1s. To give two examples: \$n=1\$ will result in [1,3,5,9,17,33,65,129,...], with binary values: 1 11 101 1001 10001 1000...

A: Golf you a quine for great good!

The Empty String PhotographerPython 3, 93 bytes Note the trailing newline. f=lambda x:chr(34).join([x,x,'))']);print(f("f=lambda x:chr(34).join([x,x,'))']);print(f(")) Inspired by Vyxal’s I builtin. This quine isn’t winning any challenges, but it’s still a quine! Try it online!

New quine on the block
@noodleman who actually uses that?
2 hours later…
@noodleman Hmmm seems really hard/impossible in ><>, while I can construct a number that follows the properties I can't find a way to print and exit without creating two programs with the same output
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bsoelchI permute the source, you permute the output! Write a program or function that outputs a string that has the same length as your source code, but is different form you source code your score is the percentage of permutations of your source code that lead to the same permutation of the output. The...

Lemma: for every I do X you do X challenge, there exists some language, implemented before the challenge, where it's possible to do it in the absolute minimum number of bytes required for the concept to make sense
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer twas a bit of humor
@mousetail if you can do it in ><> then 200 rep
idk i like giving bounties but i don't have that much rep myself :p
I'm stuck for now but I'll keep thinking about it, maybe I'll have an insight for a method that would work
@lyxal (@Ginger)
you rang?
14 hours ago, by lyxal
neaeeaeaetscape naeaaeavegator
I don't get it
@lyxal thank you
i forgot about ytp
can't believe I forgor 💀
@noodleman -1 marks: forgetting to add an apostrophe when using elision.
Linear time is not going to cut it for numbers with hundreds of digits, need log n
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer a’polo’gie’s
@mousetail I think it's linear in log n
see theorem 1
Theorem 1. There is a perfect-power classification algorithm that uses time at
most (log2 n)^{1+o(1)} for n → ∞
time complexity is normally given as a function of the input length which in this case is bits
it's algorithm X on page 13 I think that we need
PART VI. PRACTICAL IMPROVEMENTS gets even more hardcore
Ah oops, I think you are right
Linear is a bit of a confusing term when it comes to algorithms that run on numbers
it's even worse with matrices where O(n^2) is linear in the size of the matrix :)
I am fascinated to know what preprocessing Command Master is going to do and how much difference it will make
4 hours later…
CMC: It's my birthday! Your challenge, given a single three-digit positive integer, is to output whether its last digit plus 1 is equal to all the other digits together. For example, 109 would be true, because 9+1 = 10, and 122 would be false because 2+1 != 12
@AlanBagel Can we take input as a list of numeric digits?
If I'm not mistaken, 109 is the only truthy input.
Oh, wait, I read the challenge wrong.
@DLosc it is :P
So then the cheeky answer would be Pip, 5 bytes: a=109
But a less cheeky answer would be
@AlanBagel Pip, 7 bytes: Ha=UDQa
How about not restricting it to three digits and making it ?
maybe we could characterize the yeah that
just drop the three digit restriction and the two digit fits are still relatively boring but they do exist
and combining them could be fun
@AlanBagel also hi btw
@mathscat what does kolmogrov-complexity mean?
constoant output
as a code golf tag that is
(10, 21, 32, ..., 109)
because the actual math concept is iirc, what, something's kolmogorov complexity is the length of the optimal golfed program to output it
@mathscat See also oeis.org/A127423
ooh okay
i.e. it's a measure of structural complexity by what patterns can be generalized and how complex those patterns are themselves
Though I'm not sure why they decided to start that with 1 instead of 10
@Adám sure
@mathscat okay sure
@AlanBagel Happy birthday!
@mathscat Regenerate -a, 17 bytes: ([1-9]|10)${$1-1}
Regenerate, 18 bytes: ( ${$1+11}|10){10}
@mathscat 24 bytes: print(*range(10,110,11)) ;)
... right
but pretty sure Vyxal, 4 bytes: ₀ƛ‹J is as short as it can get.
Pip -p, 7 bytes: t+11*,t
Oh, actually, 6 bytes: \,t.,t
@DLosc That looks like Pir, not Actually.
@Adám fair point
1 hour later…
@Adám What's Pir? ;P
@DLosc surely Pip - p = π
pir is Pir Isnt Relatedtopip
@Neil Or perhaps Π, to be more precise 🤔
@thejonymyster inb4 someone makes this an actual language
brb, making a new language called Pip (Pir Isn't Pipyesthisisntarecursiveacronymwhatyougonnadoaboutit)
nip isnt pin
pin isnt nip
nin isnt nin
@mathscat BitCycle, 68 bytes (it's messy and probably suboptimal, but it works):
0v v  <
0>0~1<A \
0^v ~
 0BA~ ^~!
0^00<^ <
@thejonymyster Pipir is Pipir isn't relatedtoPir
...i feel like @ly
@lyxal could make something out of that :P
Pir Is Rip-spelled-backwards
leading to a potential hard mode esolang spin off "Rip is Pir-spelled-backwards"

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