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@NewPosts it was fun creating non-built-in answers that act in the most goofy ways :p
We honestly don't have enough Bignum challenges
I've just come up with a cursed challenge idea: Golf the median of the chi-squared distribution χ²(1).
There is no simple closed form of that.
We should have more challenges regarding floating-point numbers.
Though C++ is gonna just invoke reinterpret_cast, ironically, higher-level languages is going to suffer.
AFAIK, Haskell's unsafeCoerce is not reinterpret_cast so
Ah yes, BitConverter.ToFloat(BitConverter.ToBytes(i)), a nice and short way to represent (float)(void*)i
What language is that? C# I guess?
Java has a similar expulsion as a solution IIRC.
Gmod Lua, Returns via Callback. function(i,cb)util.AddNetworkString"s"net.Receive(s,function()cb(net.ReadFloat())end)net.Start"s"net.WriteInt(i)net.Broadcast()end
(Only works in Singleplayer)
i cba to look up how to do c++ `reinterpret_cast`, but
Still worth a challenge tho
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosMedian of Chi-Square Output the IEEE-754 single-precision floating-point number represented by the following binary decomposition: Sign, Exponent, Mantissa 0, 01111101, 11010001110110101101101 This is the most accurate approximation of the median of the chi-squared distribution \$\chi^2(1)\$, wh...

Related fun fact: The GHC.Exts module in Haskell has unsafeCoerce#, which reinterpret_casts not only types, but also kinds. Never use it.
Nvm, this challenge is solvable without unsafeCoerce. I can do 0.454936423119572751942516646979649 :: Float.
@DannyuNDos lmao what
To speak more seriously, most Haskellers don't care about the "magical" sides of Haskell. So IDK, I mean.
@UnrelatedString Does that mean Int in TIO is 32 bits long??
i just VTCd a question for the wrong reason, but when i retracted it now i can't VTC it for the right reason :o
vtcs be like that
do you think this challenge should be closed?codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/39752/…
i think it should be a dupe of rickroll
@DannyuNDos no
there's probably just either some stronger constraint stopping the other half from being garbage or it's a total coincidence
Maybe the "garbage" was zero-initialized from the start? Who knows...
that's my assumption
4 hours later…
CMC draw a line at 22.5 degrees that is the width of em dash in your current font
6 hours later…
1 brick moved to The Nineteenth Bakery nyeh heh heh!
Dang. I would've liked to see NP's censoring message.
TIL ruby's MiniTest has a method i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!
@DannyuNDos "Butter is something I crave please give it to me do it now I require it straight away"
I guess/presume NP is fixated of butter?
That's the running joke :p
well i guess NP and i have that in common
it—they? he? does the NP bot have pronouns
@noodleman brb gonna edit your chat messages to be fixated on butter :p
they already are butter
subliminal chat messaging
is that a butter reference?!?!?
1 hour later…
@NewPosts The lack of edit indicator on mobile makes this even better
I saw the edit indicator and thought "aw did another mod edit my edit to a different joke?"
and then realised "oh no wait a minute no that's my edit to the original message"
forgetting that of course my edit would make the indicator show :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lyxαlSimulate Round Robin Scheduling Alternatively, guess who's doing a course on operating systems code-golf Round Robin scheduling is a way to schedule ready processes in an operating system. Each process in the queue is run for a certain amount of time (quantum), interrupted after that time (if not...

^ is a way more simplified version of what I had to do for an assignment
I had to account for different arrival times, different scheduling algorithms in the one simulation, priorities, pre-empting based on priorities, and a whole bunch of process stats :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

math scatWhat's my score? The question score on Stack Exchange is the total number of upvotes minus the total number of downvotes a question receives. However, the reputation gained/lost for every upvote/downvote is different (10/-2 on Code Golf). Given the total reputation and the reputation gained/lost ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Shiran Yuan==The Legend of Koth Episode 1: WANTED== Alright. The WumpusWars project turned out to be more than I can swallow, so I had to give it up. If you're interested in hosting the competition yourself go ahead: it would be very fun. I instead thought of a simpler-to-implement King of the Hill! I plan ...

> A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, on the planet of code-o-sphere, a civil war broke out between CGCC and CRSE
Those code review fools don't realise that we've already infiltrated their site! :p
2 hours later…
@noodleman No. NP is run by Tim in the dungeon, and in order to further strip Tim's identity away to extract labor with maximum efficiency, Tim no longer gets pronouns.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MTNSum of consecutive nth powers code-golf math Related. Given a positive integer \$n\$, output all integers \$b\$ (such that \$1<b<n-1\$) where \$n\$ can be written as the sum of any number of consecutive powers of \$b\$. Example: Let's say \$n=39\$. \$3^1+3^2+3^3\$ \$= 3 + 9 + 27\$ \$= 39\$ This...

5 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms would using Tim's name everytime we want to refer to Tim not just grant Tim a stronger sense of identity though
2 hours later…
@Adám the room? currently I can open it though maybe it was down 2 hours ago. your link is to /error though so it'll always show an error page
Solaris is a proprietary Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems. After the Sun acquisition by Oracle in 2010, it was renamed Oracle Solaris.Solaris superseded the company's earlier SunOS in 1993, and became known for its scalability, especially on SPARC systems, and for originating many innovative features such as DTrace, ZFS and Time Slider. Solaris supports SPARC and x86-64 workstations and servers from Oracle and other vendors. Solaris was registered as compliant with the Single UNIX Specification until 29 April 2019.Historically, Solaris was developed as proprietary...
I find it amusing that Oracle has an operating system that allows multiple processes with multiple threads while their most famous product (Java) only allows one process with multiple threads :p
Me on my way to dox user's whereabouts :p
that right there is where user is

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