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Idea: using fly.io to host a Minecraft server
bets on whether it’ll be better than aternos
What do you think the JS code require('fs').fstatSync(0) does?
Stat stdin and return the result, right? At least that's what would be most intuitive
I'll give you a hint: not exactly
For some reason, on Windows, fstatSync(0) throws EISDIR
stdin is a directory on Windows for some godforsaken reason
I have half a mind to use this to make an answer to this challenge, but it's not going to be anywhere near competitive with the other NodeJS answers
The shortest I can get is 43 bytes: _=>new Promise(r=>require("fs").fstat(0,r))
Has that kept up to speed since then?
let's go
Is it just me that cannot use the link at chat.stackexchange.com/users/555374/mark-reed to access the parent user?
worked for me
err 500 for me
I get a blank page.
wait, even my own user page is err 500, uhh
Huh, opening in a container tab fixed the issue for me! (in that tab — still cannot open it in a normal tab)
I can open both Jo King's and my own.
yep blank page here too
y'all do mean that link, right?
stackoverflow.com/users/16781396/jacob fails for me too. Maybe only SO parent users fail?
odd that loaded for me too
Tried a few other users; all worked, except stackoverflow.com/users/182705/neil which is also on SO.
@JoKing What about other profiles on CGCC
i haven't found any user that works yet
SO is being extremely slow as well, something definitely seems wrong
So, I could open Mark Reed's profile in a container tab, but I cannot switch to his activity tab; I get "Oops! Something Bad Happened!"
@JoKing yeah, it's slow for me too. Although the pages still manage to load
i just got that too trying to see @UnrelatedString's CGCC profile
@Adám That link is a 500 for me
@Adám This one loaded, but slowly
I assume we use various browsers. I'm on FF111/Win
none are loading for me, error 500
unable to handle request
I'm on Chrome 111, Windows 10
@Adám FF112 Win11
just got that
they load in incognito though (Vivaldi 5.7 Win10)
Whoa stackoverflow.com doesn't load at all for me now.
anyone else just get a chat refresh?
@lyxal refreshing the page loaded the link straight away
on incognito mode it loaded but it say "Oops! Something Bad Happened!
We apologize for any inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site."
we did it, we broke SO SE
Now I can't access CGCC either.
@Adám Yeah me neither
stackstatus.net down for everyone else too?
not loading at all
omg what is happening to stack exchange
yeah same
why is nothing loading
how is chat still up????
it loaded for me a few seconds ago
@AidenChow chat runs on a different server iirc
🦀🦀🦀🦀 StackOverflow is gone 🦀🦀🦀🦀
Meh, chat works. All is well.
cgcc just load for me
oh now on my incognito tab i reload the stackoverflow tab it is saying "We are currently offline for maintenance
@Bbrk24 but if SO and SE is gone, that means no PLDI :p
stackstatus is back, no issues it lies
stackstatus is back after emptying my cache
bro is someone ddos stack exchange or what???
stackstatus is not loading for me lol
@AidenChow not the first time it's happened
I tried some of the other ones with different domains: superuser is down for maintenance, but serverfault is fine
oh no it say cgcc down for maintenance :(
Why is serverfault of all sites the only one that's still up
CGCC main loaded for me
@Bbrk24 cuz its their fault that the servers r down :P
Now, stackstatus.net loaded (all ✅, ofc).
math se down too :\
@Adám wat, stackstatus still not even loading for me
some weird stuff is going on lol
@AidenChow Same here. Now, but a moment ago:
they probably gonna put out a full on meta post about this like they do with many of other incidents like this, like they gonna explain what went wrong and everything
Having the status page become unavailable is pretty bad.
Oh serverfault is 503'ing for me now
"So, some people were spamming the stack overflow user pages..."
"Are you sure about that"
@JoKing O_O as if thatll crash the entire stack exchange network lololol
ohhh math se back up
took ages to load tho
imagine its just becuz too much traffic on stack overflow
thatll be hilarious
Maybe there's been a major drop in capacity to the servers, like a backbone going out of service, and traffic needing rerouting via lesser paths.
codegolf.se took 43 seconds but did load
damn cgcc was just working for me a second ago, now its not loading
same with math se, its not loading again
oh, stackstatus is reporting errors now
i didn't time it but cgcc... half loaded
tex se is also slow but there
guys chat is starting to bug out for me, it took me multiple tries to get this msg out
it said the msg fail to send, retry edit cancel
oh now it working
it only took one try for this message
yeah i've seen no chat issues
I've had chat issues before but not today
oh that message sent twice on my end
chat does that though sometimes
I find it ironic that that was the message it did that to
what then it must be wifi bugging out or smth lol
I think we're back
MSE and CG both just loaded for me
as did SO and SuperUser
SO is up for me
nevermind, I clicked on my pfp and it 500'ed
i got an interesting plain text error "The service is unavailable." at one point
@JoKing me too, on both SO and math se
cgcc seems to be loading now
just in the top left corner, small font
and blank page everywhere else
yeah that's just what unstyled plain text looks like
stack overflow profiles are still broken
cgcc is actually working for me, including profiles
ok everything is loading for me except for stackstatus bruh
Ironically, area51 is fine
ok everything is loading on an incognito tab but not everything loading for regular tab, whaaaat?
cookies are borked?
now we wait to see what the SE team says happened :p
@lyxal yep im interested to figure out how they got ddos this time :P
wouldn't it be funny if trying to launch the PLDI site caused the error
it's just too strong
That's semi-feasible
that's the best part
lol i could totally see that happening, some dude just trying to set up the stuff necessary to create pldi website, move the wrong files or copy the wrong code, cause some major servers to error, and boom
nothing's loading for me again
ah fuck here we go again
code golf is "offline" again
stackstatus refuses to load again too
does anyone still golf in powershell on SE?
I've seen it occasionally
not necessarily new/recent answers, but
quick intermission: I was working on an UML class diagram and accidentally had int compareTo(): int for a second and now I have the idea that could be a cursed syntax thing
so like types on the left are in types, types on the right are out types
meta SE is up. Anyone want to ask wtf is going on
int int: divides(): int = {
    return $_1 % $_2 == 0;
no named parameters
only indexes into a parameter list
int : factorial() : int = {
    if ($_1 == 0) { return 1;}
    else {return $_1 * factorial decr $_1;}

~ : main() : ~ = {
    int n = toInt stdin.get prompt: "What number to find factorial of";
    stdout.write factorial n;
no brackets for function calls I decided
@lyxal then how do you differentiate f(x + y) vs f(x) + y?
f x + y and y +$ f x
where the $ swaps argument order
okay then, f(g(x), h(y)) vs f(g(x, h(y)))
prefix notation is only unambiguous when argc's are known
@Bbrk24 i see. I do like powershell a bit, wondering if there would be company on week.golf
@Bbrk24 f g x h y for both.
How do you differentiate if f and g are variadic?
you don't
there's no variadic function
is chat working pleeeeeeeeease work
it does work.
well, at least for now it seems to be
oh fuck FINALLY, been trying for ages
stack exchange log me out for no fucking reason
and with the loading speeds that they have rn it took ages to log in
like i tried to send a msg and it just randomly say i was logged out???
and MSE is "offline" again
^ oh and this happened at one point, pain
regular login wasnt working either, the login button refused to work or smth
that was so stupid
i wonder why it suddenly just log me out all of the sudden
i thought to myself that i should go back to work rather than see if the site comes back up, then immediately tried to look up a programming question
@AidenChow That happens to me often on mobile, and then when I log in it drops me on the "suspicious request" page, and then I have to close the tab and open chat in a new tab
Q: Someone please post Python code which removes all instances of "$" and "%" from a file

user117696def replace(): file = open("hi.txt", "w") for char in line: if char in "%$": line.replace(char,'') basically i'm an idiot and this doesn't seem to work. What do I do to fix it. Please post the fixed code because i'm an idiot

bro idek anything about mathematica and i help this guy golf 150 bytes off his mathematica code lmfao
if someone could figure out how to make an anonymous function for what seems to be a map then i could save even more bytes for this guy lol
if you linked the answer, it would get more help.
cuz its currently like z/@(some random list) where z is another function
im assuming /@ is map here
but the issue is that z isnt anonymous, so i cant remove it
A: Enumeration of free polyominoes

138 AspenWolfram Language(Mathematica), 532 496 366 bytes saved so many bytes thanks to the comment of @Aiden Chow Modified from the Mathematica code provided by A000105. Really naive. I don't know what I'm doing. z[p_]:=Union[(#-(Min@Re@p+Min@Im@p*I))&/@p];Q[1]={{0}};Q[n_]:=Module[{f,g,a={}},g=((f=#;({...

4 hours later…
Q: Identify 22edo intervals

Dannyu NDosObjective Given the distance between two keys in an octave, identify its name. But there's a caveat. In this challenge, there are 22 keys in an octave, not usual 12. Here, a porcupine[7] scale will be assumed. Mapping White keys are marked bold. Distance Name 0 Unison 1 Augmented Unison...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lyxalIs it a plausible chess move code-golf decision-problem chess Not a duplicate of the valid move challenge because that asks for specific pieces. Backstory The other night I was doing a little trolling with ChatGPT and chess. I was trying to get it to call me out for making illegal moves, as a lot...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bigyihsuanThe number of solutions to Hertzsprung's Problem Tags: code-golf combinatorics number integer Hertzprung's Problem (OEIS A002464) is the number of solutions to a variant of the Eight Queens Puzzle, where instead of placing \$n\$ queens, you place \$n\$ rook-king fairy pieces (can attack like both...

Q: Alternating factorial

chunesThe alternating factorial is an alternating sum of decreasing factorials. For example, we could calculate the alternating factorial of 4 as follows: First, calculate the factorials from 4 down to 1: $$ 4!\quad3!\quad2!\quad1!\quad = \\ 4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1\qquad3\cdot2\cdot1\qquad2\cdot1\qquad1\...

Does anybody know a more effective method of summing the stack in ><> than l1-?!v+?
agh what tf did GitHub do to their UI
@emirps Without crashing the program that seems like a reasonable option
A: "Hello, World!"

Ferro LucaGAIA, 14 bytes “Hello, World” Try it online!

@Ginger what did they do?
@zoomlogo that
@Ginger what the hell
this doesn't look very good
well atleast i can easily see the license now
the ui is just broken on mobile lmao
even on my laptop it doesn't quite fit on the screen
They made the new UI opt-in a while ago
I guess it just became the only option?
they made it opt in for beta testing?
2 hours later…
@zoomlogo stuff for beta is always opt in
@Ginger i dont see a diff
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardMeccano construct a 17-gon I recently read an interesting manuscript: Gerard ’t Hooft, Meccano Math I (2006) I will summarize the key bits here and then present a bit of a challenge. Meccano bars are metal strips with holes in them at integer lengths. A bar of length \$n\$ has \$n+1\$ holes evenl...

I plan to make a programming language called Lambda.
CMC: Given some a, a list x and a list n (all of positive integers) such that a % n[i] = x[i], output a list y of positive integers such that a = n[i] * y[i] + x[i]
You may assume all of n are pairwise coprime. Example: a = 53, x = [1, 2, 3, 4], n = [2, 3, 5, 7] -> [26, 17, 10, 7]
@cairdcoinheringaahing a very challenging challenge!
3 bytes in Jelly :P
@PlaceReporter99 Lambda calculus already exists, you might want to consider a more creative name
@mousetail that’s exactly why I called it lambda: it uses lambda functions. And only lambda functions.
Lambda calculus is exactly that
It doesn't even have numbers
only lambda functions
something something church numerals
Lambda calculus (also written as λ-calculus) is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. It is a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any Turing machine. It was introduced by the mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s as part of his research into the foundations of mathematics. Lambda calculus consists of constructing lambda terms and performing reduction operations on them. In the simplest form of lambda calculus, terms are built using only the following rules...
I meant where you either write or apply a function. Lambda in python is not like the real one.
Yes that's what lambda calculus is
Lambda in python isn't really like real lambda, you are correct there
In mathematics, Church encoding is a means of representing data and operators in the lambda calculus. The Church numerals are a representation of the natural numbers using lambda notation. The method is named for Alonzo Church, who first encoded data in the lambda calculus this way. Terms that are usually considered primitive in other notations (such as integers, booleans, pairs, lists, and tagged unions) are mapped to higher-order functions under Church encoding. The Church-Turing thesis asserts that any computable operator (and its operands) can be represented under Church encoding. In the untyped...
Example code:
Should be self-explanatory.
Hmm, chat doesn’t like code blocks…
You need to indent 4 spaces
Chat markdown is dumb
But it has to be its own message
Not embedded in another
Just hit ctrl+k to turn a message into a code block
You seem to have a squared operation though so you already have more operators than defining or applying a function
And 6 which is a number
and thus not a function
that’s better
@cairdcoinheringaahing Seems that's just integer division, right? So x is not a necessary input?
@DLosc It's the inverse of the Chinese Remainder Theorem
I’m doing exponentials
but I understand it’s usually **
Depends on the language
in some more math oriented languages it's ^
# equivalent to f0=lambda x:x**2 in python
# same in python
@mousetail TIL QBasic is a "more math oriented" language ;)
QBasic fits in the general category I mean with "math oriented languages". Mabye it's the wrong term. Beginner oriented languages aimed in part to experts of different fields may be a better term
@PlaceReporter99 This just seems unnecessarily restrictive. It isn't pure enough to be computationally interesting (i.e. lambda calculus), and restricting it to lambda functions instead of normal functions is just... why?
It seems like you are trying to create a just slightly worse python. No interesting restrictions but just slightly annoying to work with
@mousetail Hm, that's a fair point.
Saying “x or 2” in this language would be valid btw
It’s a shortened version of lambda in python
How are you going to do loops?
@cairdcoinheringaahing BQN, 2 bytes: ⌊÷ (takes a and n as arguments, returns y)
f0(x-1)*x if x!=0 else 1
Factorial example
So if you add a function in the middle you need to change all your f numbers
that sounds annoying
@DLosc Works in APL too.
How to print 1 in a code bowling challenge using python:
And thus, 1 byte in Jelly: :
@PlaceReporter99 That's not pristine
@DLosc Yeah, I'm realising why that works when my original code was _:⁵ :P
Aka, (a - n[i]) : x[i]
@mousetail Not all code bowling challenges require answers to be pristine
@mousetail is having to be pristine a standard rule?
CB challenges can have all sorts of validity criteria
Yea, or some kind of rule that prevents simply creating a infintie length program
But even with those rules it's often abusable which is why we don't really like code bowling in general
1 + 1 = 11 and 10 and 2
concatenation and (?) and addition?
different bases
unary and binary and decimal
well the last one could be ternary too
Or base 586845957486846252770807856351437957485847574547958666
or any standard positional base above binary
Or bijective base 2 or higher, for that matter
Base √2?
Or base -√2
Well there's two base sqrt(2)s
I will die on the no-principal-roots thing :p
1 hour later…
@mousetail i think even in general it comes down to abusing the restrictions within the constraints of having a functional program rather than vice versa :P
@mousetail from experience with golflangs, it is so annoying, and that’s just to the extent that you ever even use it in golflangs
like not in jelly since most of the time you just use the previous/next/this link quicks instead of link-n, but it’s a pain in husk, and doubly so in brachylog
Yea that's why stack based is the best
because brachylog’s inline predicates aren’t anonymous :P
it’s unironically pretty useful but can make test headers kinda funny to write
I find it's most unexpected when it's a fork, since that's not wrapped in curly braces so I don't think of it as a predicate
@cairdcoinheringaahing (Pinging you because you seem to have been around recently) Can please unfreeze MATL CHATL? No hurry, of course
Thank you!
2 hours later…
@Bbrk24 It's because Windows only supports fstat for file handles to files, and the CRT assumes it's failing because it's a directory (which would be realistic for stat, but they didn't bother emulating it properly). It's due to be fixed in a newer version of Node.

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