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@RydwolfPrograms Display implementation for Something
^^^^^^^ is just syntactic sugar for that
And what if there're no methods in the trait
@Ginger So traits can only have single methods?
@RydwolfPrograms something like default Display implementation for Something I guess
I would've expected your Display trait to have a display method inside that you'd implement
oh yeah lol
my mistake
Also why implementation
I like Rust's syntax tbh
That is a long word
impl is too short, and my brain doesn't auto-expand it like it does with lol
Unnecessarily long keywords, especially when shorter alternatives are already commonly used, make no sense
@Ginger Really? I thought impl was commonly understood to mean implement/implementation
it feels glpbjlbpth on my tongue
@Ginger your brain auto-expands lol?
I need to type ten extra characters over impl for basically no reason
How about instance? Still long, but a full word
I just pronounce it "lol" like a single syllable
It doesn't stand for anything
wait yeah that's what I meant
@Ginger People who know Rabbit will know what it means
It feels weird to put the trait before the keyword
@user better!
Easier to parse if you do impl Display
struct Something:
	int beans
	instance Display:
		function beans():
yeah, agreed. TBCH when I saw that snippet I thought Display was the keyword because of how long and un-keyword-like implementation looks (to me), and that's even though we were just talking about this
@Ginger Still only a single method inside the trait?
What is "instance" supposed to mean here
It's an instance of the trait
A trait isn't something you're an "instance" of, it's something you have
You wouldn't say I'm an instance of green eyes
I'm using one of my "free weird syntax" cards for an alternative keyword for impl
it can be something else, but it's not going to be impl, because I don't like impl
In OOP terms, you can treat typeclasses as interfaces and their implementations as instances of those interfaces
How about yeet
Rust gets away with using yeet meaninglessly :p
Haskell uses instance, which is why I suggested it
@RydwolfPrograms nah, that'll be for break and/or throw :b
impl is much better, but at least instance is shorter than implementation
I mean I could just go with entropy q:
@Ginger One problem with making this available to all methods in your typeclass: you can't have associated functions
make the keyword i for maximum shortness
@user hm?
Like in Rust you can do MyTrait::foo()
Without requiring an object that implements the trait
and when you say "typeclass" you mean the thing that impl implements?
how about... just using typeclass as the keyword?
@user static function beans()
I don't like static either, how about associated?
Oh god no
Why do you want all your keywords so long?
associated function beans(), that sounds nice
Use assoc at least
it's like yall don't have tab-completion
You don't
You don't have a language server for Rabbit yet
I will make the fastest goddamn language server the world has ever seen q:
why does everyone but me want to shorten everything?! oh wait
I dislike having to depend on tab completion because it doesn't always work, it requires me to wait for it to appear, and it might complete to something else because of a variable name
and I bet yall'd have me use op instead of operator
in what context
operator +()
or, even worse, oper ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ
I am not making a language where code looks like pub assoc fn beans()
well, technically there's nothing stopping me from making both the long and short functions parsable
Compact keywords are good
You only need to learn a shorthand once
You need to type a longhand six thousand times
@Ginger op
oper is weird but op is pretty standard
I personally like compact keywords both for writing cuz it saves time and also (arguably more importantly) reading because that way less is taken up by keywords and you can see the structure more easily (IMO)
it seems like I'm in the minority here
Why stop at single word keywords
I use IDEs for everything so I don't need to worry about the typing, but reading is easier with short keywords
I'd rather learn what pub assoc fn beans() means (not that I'd have to, those are all obvious shorthands) than have 10 lines of boilerplate including a public static void main in every single program I write lol
As long as they're not so short you can't distinguish them
This is a class Dog { runnable function bark() returns nothing { print to stdout("woof") } }
@hyper-neutrino At least the main method only gets written once. That's not even the most boilerplate-y part of Java
@hyper-neutrino blech, in Rabbit you'd just do main function foobar()
public isn't too long, and I'm used to function from JS, associated seems long though
instance? it's shorter
@user well yes ik but it's an easy thing to pick on :P
I dislike typing un because you have to use the same finger for both letters
fn is nice because it doesn't have that
wait what
okay, I will give you this: associated has too many syllables
People actually do the typing with all 8 fingers thing? Spiders ffs
@hyper-neutrino You have to use your right index finger for both "u" and "n", which is mildly annoying
you can just use the middle finger for the u no?
Wait yeah why can't you
Even if you're doing the all 8 fingers thing
That's extra movement
even if it's not "proper" (who the heck cares anyway) it's faster no?
@user and moving your index finger two rows for consecutive presses isn't? :P
I got my training from NitroType University, and I will do what they taught me
@hyper-neutrino Hmm, idk, maybe I should try it
for me, right middle finger U is less movement
@hyper-neutrino It's easier
Actually yeah I can start doing the middle finger thing
Thanks lol
This funfunfunfunfun
given how common the digraph "un" is I find being able to type it at once to be quite helpful
Do you use your left middle finger twice for "de" or do you use the index finger for "d" or something?
anyway yeah my finger positions isn't necessarily something you should learn from though :P I probably use up to 3 or maybe even 4 different fingers for some keys depending on what i'm typing
index for d, middle for e
my finger positions are not really based on what key but what sequence of consecutive characters i'm typing lol
like to type lol I use my right index finger on l and right middle on o
My typing speed is over 80 WPM with just my middle fingers
It does mean that I struggle to adapt to new keyboards tho
Oh dear, how did you lose the rest?
do you do that often
I get 64 but I'm not used to it so I have to correct errors and look at the keyboard constantly to keep my positioning correct
I can type while looking in the opposite direction, using just two fingers, at normal speed. I tend to desync and drift after thirty seconds or so, but still
I see
yeah I don't really have much practice typing with fewer than all of my fingers :P
well not really all; I don't use my right thumb or right pinky and only use my left pinky for meta keys
I think you kind of have to get taught the right way to type shortly after you start using a computer or you're doomed
It was already deeply habit by the time I got taught typing in 6th grade
I was never really taught how to type; I might've done typing exercises when I was young? but clearly it didn't stick
I use my right index finger to type the apostrophe for example
I hold pencils wrong too, same thing. I started writing before anyone told me how to do it right
to type double quotes I use my right thumb on the right shift key and right index on the quote key
I use my left thumb on left shift apparently
I would say that's weird but I am not exactly in a position to judge :P
I like how I have no clue how I type a certain character, I have to actually do it to recall what my muscle memory is
@RydwolfPrograms I don't think so. I used to type using only my index fingers, and I didn't know the Shift key could be used to capitalize letters, so I'd just hit the Caps Lock key, type a letter, then hit Caps Lock again :P
I mean same and tbf that is probably normal
^ @ having to do it to recall muscle memory, not using caps lock to type uppercase letters xD
Also I started a three minute typing test five minutes ago without remembering that everyone else in the class was still working quietly on an assignment...try typing at the absolute maximum speed you can manage...as quietly as possible lol
It wasn't until like 7th/8th grade, when I took this nonsense class where we were made to just do NitroType all class long that I started typing more or less "properly" (I even started typing in the air, sometimes involuntarily, which was mildly worrying but it's mostly stopped now lol)
I really do think it's super cool how I can get random insight into brains learn from my typos. Like, most of them aren't mistypes, they're me autocompleting an uncommon word to a common word that starts the same
@RydwolfPrograms interestingly enough typing quietly versus normally on my membrane keyboard actually doesn't drop my typing speed by all that much
at least, not as much as I'd expect
@user That's just how you perform magic spells. Wiggle your fingers in the air in order to type out the thing you want to do in butchered Latin and it'll happen
Are membrane keyboards super quiet?
no they're just not as loud as mechanical keyboard (depending on the switch ig)
I think mechanical can be a lot quieter tho. Like with silent linear switches, assuming you don't push them down enough to hit the bottom
I feel like it would feel kinda gross tho
Like, no feedback or noise
it's why I hate mac keyboards lol
I've got MX blues (to the annoyance of everyone else in my house) since like, if I'm buying a mechanical keyboard, I want it to feel and sound good
just did a 30s monkeytype test on mac and got 154 so like apparently I can use it I just really hate how it feels
I hate clickety clackety keyboards
someone brought a clicky mechanical keyboard to a coding contest once lmao
unsurprisingly many people were somewhat annoyed
@hyper-neutrino Barely any travel either, right?
@hyper-neutrino 154 WPM or some other metric
I quiet like my current laptop's keyboard, no idea what the specs are but it's very silent and goes down enough that I can feel like I'm pressing something without it being too much. It's started squeaking recently though :(
@hyper-neutrino Holy heck, 154 WPM is amazing
I really like my current laptop's keyboard. It feels great compared to anything else I've used
Might not be super accurate with a 30s test but still really good
I really hate the trend of excessively thin laptops
Thin, small laptops are great if you need to walk around a lot
I don't like that I only have 2 USB ports on mine, though (and both on the same side)
My current boi is pretty solid and thick, and I love it. Ridiculous battery life, great keyboard, fans that actually cool stuff down, etc. Compare that to my god awful HP laptop that's half the thickness, barely lasts two class periods, feels shallow and squishly, and has literally burned my skin before
Plus USB ports that require weird like, doors
Is the warranty still good? Seems like it has actual problems
No, it's just poorly designed
@RydwolfPrograms ?
Q: Shortest code to generate a list of prime numbers within a given range

Aira ThunbergStrangely never asked before, this question pertains to the generation of a list of prime numbers within a given range using the shortest possible code. Several algorithms, such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes and trial division, are known to be effective for this purpose, but require significant co...

@RydwolfPrograms WPM yes
@RydwolfPrograms You have to push that little thing down to fit a USB plug in
@hyper-neutrino ...wow
to be fair, it was only 30s, and I get reasonably high scores on monkeytype because the word set is easier
@RydwolfPrograms Ah, my ethernet port has that. Not too bad tbh
I hate the trend of barely any ports
3 mins ago, by user
Thin, small laptops are great if you need to walk around a lot
Although there should still be plenty of options for people who don't want thin little notebooks
Yeah but this thing's not chonky by any metric. I can carry it with two fingers.
And it's a 3:2 screen so it's taller than most as well
Seriously. If y'all want a solidly build, all around great laptop for a good price, and don't need much more than a browser, Acer Chromebook Spin 713. I love this thing so much.
i need much more than a browser :P
It runs VScode fine for me
And it's basically got a full Linux install
You could probably even just jailbreak it and install Linux
But Chrome OS is super convenient
@RydwolfPrograms mines 44 apparently
terrible compared to hypers :P
Tbf above like 40-50 your bottleneck's probably not going to be typing speed for anything
rephrase that?
As in, your typing speed is probably more limited by thinking about what to type than actually typing it :p
eh, tbh I can usually think faster than I can type lol
Unless you're doing audio transcription or data entry or something, but we have AI for that now
granted if it's for like a paper then I'd need more time to think but even then once I have a skeleton/outline I can usually fill in the details with thoughts faster than I can actually type it out
my sister types really slow. as in she takes like 20 secs to type in an 8 word sentence
shes like how do you type so fast
@hyper-neutrino i type faster than think when it comes to papers
i like dictating my papers to ms word
I just type quickly because I have no life and spend too much time on my computer lol
lol i learned to type fast in coding
thats also why i have a lot of typos :P spend too much time pressing tab
Having just moved to an IDE with tab completion I'm having trouble getting used to it since...I finish the word before I can process the tab completion menu popped up lol
And half the time it's the wrong thing it suggested since apparently I tend to start my variables with similar prefixes
im apparently addicted to copilot
esp when typing method signatures
but its not so useful when ure in the middle of methods
ok, ready for some syntax?
I'm sure you'll all hate this, but here goes nothing:
trait GreetingFormatter:
	function format(str name) -> str

struct ScreamingFormatter:
	trait GreetingFormatter:
		function format(str name) -> str:
			return name.upper()

struct Greeter:
	function greet(str name, T with trait GreetingFormatter formatter):
		print(f"Hello, {formatter.format(name)}!")

main function main():
	let g = Greeter()
	g.greet(input("What's your name?"))
ok, what'd I do wrong
too many tabs
skill issue
inconsistent parameter/variable syntax
how do you explicitly specify a variable type?
let <type> <name>
so like let str g
nvm then
@Ginger i dont like that you write trait GreetingFormatter inside the struct
I've decided to sidestep the whole impl problem by just doing that
I agree it's a bit weird, but it's better than impl
@hyper-neutrino I second (third?) everyone's "wow" response. I just tried it a couple times and got around 80 WPM both times. I guess your unconventional typing system is pretty good! :P
@Ginger just do like implements like java
everyone else said that's "TOO VERBOSE!!11!1!1!"
I think they're wrong, but it seems to be a popular opinion
i think theyre wrong too
or do a colon like kotlin
@Seggan what?
class X : Y == class X extendplements Y
but we don't have classes anymore
@Seggan Yeah but this is trait-based
I nuked them at Radvylf's behest and replaced them with structs
you still implement traits, no?
Yeah but the way the syntax looks a colon wouldn't make sense
struct X : Y == struct X implements Y == impl Y for X
kinda, the syntax right now is trait Trait for Struct
@RydwolfPrograms i like it
implementation is a massive word, so no using it
@Seggan No as in...it literally wouldn't make sense. You'd have a line that looks like : Display:
I want all keywords in this language to be 3 syllables maximum, and ideally 2, without abbreviations if possible
@RydwolfPrograms oh yes
@Ginger Abbreviations are not a bad thing
Readability is not the same as distance from English
The keywords could literally all be made up words
flua Wobz jal Musy
You can florb your Plornks and mip your quxbux and people will learn what keywords mean what in ten minutes
Honestly quxbux would be a great name for a virtual currency for programmers
Ooh...a programming language with microtransactions and loot crates to unlock features
yeah my favorite part was when Plornk said "it's florbin time" and florbed all over those guys
Want dynamic dispatch? That's a legendary, you'll need 200 quxbux to get a crate with a 10% chance of that feature
aa i just switched to mobile mode
this is terrible
how do i go back
Hamburger -> full site
oh ty
@RydwolfPrograms recipes from the forbidden section of the JS cookbook
@DLosc yeah :P it's strange at times but works for me for simple words like what monkeytype gives
might get tiring over time though I'm not actually sure
I can type for a long time without getting tired though but that's also because I spend too much time on my computer and playing piano might've helped with that too? idk
monkeytype gives 66
I can get 80ish
My typing method is kinda random though
I got 120 WPM but my accuracy was like 71% :P
I went back to correct my errors which probably slowed me down a lot
These typing tests aren't super accurate anyway: they don't usually have numbers or punctuation and you don't try to type as fast as possible irl
The one I did has punctuation
Oh, which one?
I'd like a typing test but for code
Ah, I did monkeytype because that's what hyper did. That one has randomly generated words, very easy ones, and no punctuation
@RydwolfPrograms Still doesn't have a lot of funny stuff
No quotes, citations, subscripts, etc.
Looks like I'm really bad at typing code (or at least JS), only got 50 WPM with 94% accuracy on that one
Q: 2023 Usaco January bronze #3

RadicaIhttp://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=1277 codegolf? Was able to get 115 ish in python, probably faster in other languages

VTC as "what???"
shame there aren't badges for close votes d:
> According to Hugging Face, the chance that this post was generated by OpenAI is 93.14%
we are having an influx of invalid questions lately
Q: Help Me Type on My New Keyboard

SegganOverview As most of y'all who visit chat know, I am Russian by ethnicity[citation not needed]. Recently, I switched from a keyboard that maps the letters 1-to-1 (mnemonic) to Windows' default mnemonic keyboard. Here are the letter mappings: "`" -> "ัŠ" "q" -> "ั" "w" -> "ัˆ" "e" -> "ะต" "r" -> "ั€" "t"...

wtf SE
where did Improve Edit go for tags
Someone proposed a half right wiki+excerpt for a tag, so I'd normally just improve edit and add in the other use for it, but I can't >:|
And it takes two to approve so I have to wait and thus probably forget
@RydwolfPrograms skill issue :p
But yeah the tag's used both for rotating lists/matrices (which is what they said it was for), as well as points in space
Anyhow you want it approved or nah
I guess approve it
Q: Summing the Digits of a Number

Aira ThunbergChallenge Given a non-negative integer, find the sum of its digits. Rules Your program must take a non-negative integer as input. Your program should output the sum of the digits of the input integer. Your program should be able to handle inputs up to 10^100. Examples If the input is 123, th...

@NewPosts a little trolling
Only a smidgen
i feel like its a dupe
The closest I could find is "is a number divisible by twice its sum"
Which isn't a duplicate because answers to one can't really be applied to the other

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