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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Fun fact, at one point I had more gold badges on Movies & TV, because I have 6 famous question badges there, but only 3k rep
Ok other flags that could be interesting include: Chile, United Kingdom, and Greenland,
This question doesn't have to be closed. — Danut 10 mins ago
@mousetail 275 more days and I get a gold badge :P
@emanresuA X - doubt
@emanresuA 🤨
@mousetail Yes, but actually no: UK's been done, and flag challenges are boring
but profitable
I actually doxxed myself posting a crappy flag challenge years ago :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Did you post a IRL photo of it or something?
No, it was "I live in <city>, draw it's flag"
Not quite exact-address doxxing, but enough to be stupid :P
Then again, I have told people what uni I'm studying at, and what I'm studying, in TNB, and have met multiple people IRL from the site, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm sorry what
@cairdcoinheringaahing WHAT
I've said, in TNB, what uni I go to
no not that
(I'm especially surprised about the latter)
the part where you have met people from CGCC/TNB IRL
Oh, I was introduced to the site by an IRL friend of mine, and I've met both Adám and pxeger IRL
Greenland is interesting though, since you need to draw the inverted circle
@Ginger Must have been a couple of years ago
I have also joined a couple of lyxal's uni classes, and there was a possibility I'd do a year abroad in the same city as hyper
When talking with other golfers IRL, do you also keep your sentences as short as possible?
We should do an official CGCC North America meetup at some point. Some place with minigolf :p
Europe has minigolf, you should do it there
Well we'd probably have to do them contintent-by-continent
everybody gets on a Zoom call and plays Wii Sports
Just golf and bowling tho, and a bit of shuffleboard
I guess I'd be going to Australia
@Ginger That's what I imagine hell to be like
@RadvylfPrograms hmm depends how far :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing you live in australia?
@mousetail ;-;
We should get a sponsor who buys us all plane tickets
@Seggan I do not
@RadvylfPrograms Dyalog
@Seggan They were virtual uni classes :p
We joined some of Lyxal's zoom uni classes
It was chaos
It was very fun :P
I recall that
@RadvylfPrograms mmm
I also recall being annoyed it happened while I was asleep
We loved ourselves some Daniel
do you have recordings by any chance? q:
I think I actually revealed my full name(s) during those, because my zoom account has it
@Ginger It was 4am for me, and I was drunk most of the time :P
Actually, we should sell CGSE merch to pay for tickets, like Redvylf suggested earlier
@cairdcoinheringaahing are you known by many names? d:
Literally check my profile :P
oh right lol
I go by a minimum of 2 different names, and have gone by around 6-8 names throughout my life
Except "golfing" shirts means using the minimun amount of materials so they are just 2 threads tied together
You've shared screenshots of your phone with <human>'s iPhone
@mousetail @Ginger Y'all just need to win the grand prize in the APL Problem Solving Competition, and we'll meet up in the town where I live. (Grand prize includes a ticket here.)
@emanresuA Who?
Lemme grind APL quik
@Adám problem: I'm a distributed hivemind but there's only one ticket available
My phone is named "Jay's iPhone", so that's not much doxxing :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing so do you have like a UUID I can refer to you by or
caird lore time!
What's your public PGP key?
@Ginger Yeah, 1
I am the first UUID
that's not a valid UUID4
@Ginger Surely we can't discriminate against hiveminders.
My UUID is 0
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean you're CGSE user #66833
@mathcat Most info you could want to know about me is in my profiles :P
@Adám exactly :p
@Ginger No, I'm actually the first CGCC user, they just gave me that id because it's my favourite number :P
I knew it, all this time you were just Dennis in disguise!
Update python on TIO then please
I am not Dennis, I'm sad to say
You can know that, because I've been outgolfed in Jelly before
fair enough
I have realised tho that you could probably find me on various social media from my username, which tells you a lot about me
@Adám That actually looks interesting
can someone please tell me why JS doesn't have a simple Array#remove(obj)?
Because JS is cursed
@mathcat I'll be happy to assist with getting your APL skills honed.
however, i plan to win
I'm going to give it a try :P
@Seggan Because you can just do .splice(index, 1)
The trick is write it in Jelly first, then stick it through ChatGPT to translate it into APL
JS doesn't really do array methods
@RadvylfPrograms yes buts its so annoying to constantly do indexOf
Then make your own helper
Really should continue my side project of amending JS's Array (and other type) prototype with APLish methods.
Or use a better data structure
Well idk what your use case is
@Adám idk if you've seen this already but Lodash has some useful stuff
Doesn't get anywhere near what APL provides but it's probably enough for most stuff
@Seggan If you just want to keep track of a set of objects, maybe Set?
@user I don't like the syntax.
I want myArray.without(theseElements)
@user i need order + dups
its a hand of cards
so i found out why my client and server's hands were desyncing for my card game
the client was dropping a card on itself
Wdym "on itself"?
Like instead of to a discard pile?
@RadvylfPrograms literally on itself
Like you're doing a physics sim of the cards?
as in the card is somehow intersecting itself and therefore dropping on itself
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Division between two strings Inverse function of this challenge To multiply two strings, you take two strings and compare each character. The character with the highest code point is then added to the output. If they are equal, simply add the character to the output.1 Given an input and the out...

@RadvylfPrograms ooh did that once
It was a blender simulation, don't judge me okay
@RadvylfPrograms nah drag/drop
basically the card was set as draggable and as a drop target at the same time
so when i dropped it, the lib thought that i dropped it on itself
Imagine not using a library to handle everything for you
Average Python coder
says you?
@user who said its handling everything?
@Seggan Let me guess, p5js?
makes buzzer noise
I wish more people would use p5js :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is that not, like, the only reason to use Python or JS? The sheer number of libraries? :P
@mathcat idk whats that. im using phaser
It definitely has a cool name
@mathcat Dunno what that is but their website bugs me, they don't seem to have enough padding at the bottom so you can't see the bottom of their logo
Oh wait it's even more cursed, the logo stays in place and the page reveals it once you scroll far enough
They probably just wanted to flex their CSS abilities.
That's literally impossible (if they mean their community actually includes every single group out there)
@Seggan seems quite interesting
yeah its waaaay more game oriented then p5js
@mathcat It's also important to make sure your CSS works. Guess they thought it was !important though :P
kinda like pygame
Could be interesting, although not all non-text answers are equally cool
smh, I'm so bad at participating in this site, I haven't earned a single badge this year ಠ_ಠ
Perhaps some solid rocket boosters could be an alternative solution :D — MaplePanda yesterday
kerbals identified 👀
so it turns out that the reason my Jetson Nano order got screwed up seems to have been that I beat somebody else to the order by a matter of seconds
1 hour later…
My hate list is pretty short but a bit funny
What small dark corners of Rust do you hate?
I don't know what 2021 me thought of Rust :P
Birds are what my list contains
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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