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@Steffan ah
@mathcat :(
@Steffan im confused lmao
my JS actually doesn't use that hint
Mine does
I can't get shorter than 56 without it
i guess i have an alternate, the 0 based 55 is simpler
@JoKing :o
@Steffan Strange, it produces the same code, but it fails???
the dart quine
Probably trailing newliens
at least i dont think so
actually it might be, im at 75 bytes only, im missing 5 bytes of something
@Steffan welp
you need stdout.write, not print
it's trailing newlines
i'm not sure how the 75 bytes works, but sisyphus said on discord that it's cheating too
@Steffan :/
i got 80
if you want diamonds, then the same tip as joking: go to the less solved holes and the less used languages
for example, i have one on reverse polish notation in dart because only two other people tried it and they have massive solutions
also, like, emirp numbers long in elixir
@Steffan i dont know less used langs
which is why all i can get are golds
you can try learning less used langs
julia seems fun
@JoKing for your 69 byte python solution in collatz, did you use a function?
lydxn has some super magic formula somehow
ye lmao
he posted one on cgcc but he probably has a better one that he hasn't revealed
im using a function but i got dumb 72...
i have 71 with function
literally only 4 people have it though so i think i'm missing something obvious for 70
im missing something even more obvious for 71
the and in my function is annoying me
how are you looping?
while n<1e3:
starts with n=0
A: Collatz Encoding

dingledooperPython 2, 49 bytes f=lambda n,x=1:1/n*x or f(n/2-n%2*~n,x-n%2*~x<<1) Try it online! Explanation Notice the following: if n is odd, 3*n+1 must be even. This means that in the odd case, we can combine two steps into one, with (3*n+1)/2. Although it seems more complicated, the formula actually bec...

why are the numbers there so large in the tio
@Steffan and what about it? it uses diferent formulas
@Steffan Nice hint, got down to 70
@Bubbler that's a hint? :(
Oh wait I'm blind
I got 71 :3
you can actually get 71 without it
argh are there really no huffman coding libs for the jvm
@Steffan oh hell yeah, got the 68
you forgot to update the packed code btw
i'll do it later
@JoKing :(
@Steffan how?
i had 69 without it actually
@DialFrost try looping differently
But... gahhhh
So I dont use while?
bruh how am i literally missing one byte in j primes
nvm got it
@JoKing jo?
Or u ain't giving me more hints :p
how many different ways of looping can you list?
for, while
RANDOM QUESTION: What was the first computer you did anything in?
Did anything at all or did programming?
The former
For me it was a BenQ
I don't remember. Do Atari consoles count?
And hear this: I was so smart I could operate the file system, but so dumb that I couldn't play a simple pinball game
@forest perhaps
back when I was 6 years old
First "real" computer was probably something running Windows 95 or 98.
@JoKing for and while
@JoKing for, while, exec("code;"*n), map
well, it's none of those
Not possible
recursive function?
you can loop with that
I alr have one
That'll be so messy
@forest I have no memory of the OS I had then
@JoKing I remember posting a message about code that would print 1, and then read and execute its contents once again
@Steffan tbf, you edited it after i posted my message
Nov 1 at 5:50, by py3_and_c_programmer
oh, i got 70
i thought of it a while ago but didn't think it would be shorter
@UndoneStudios boo, reading your own source code
should be done muriel-style
@JoKing It's devious though
modifying it is deadly
@JoKing its map?
No way
@JoKing imagine we could edit our own selves
Imagine if we had a JTAG port in our heads.
@forest what?
Instead of reading our own source code and editing ourselves, debug ourselves!
JTAG (named after the Joint Test Action Group which codified it) is an industry standard for verifying designs and testing printed circuit boards after manufacture. JTAG implements standards for on-chip instrumentation in electronic design automation (EDA) as a complementary tool to digital simulation. It specifies the use of a dedicated debug port implementing a serial communications interface for low-overhead access without requiring direct external access to the system address and data buses. The interface connects to an on-chip Test Access Port (TAP) that implements a stateful protocol to access...
we need a cops-and-robbers challenge where cops create programs that print the encrypted source code and post it and robbers have to decode what the original program was
@forest still devious
hold on while i educate the guy in front of me about what compound assignment operators in javascript is
aright im done
literally I'm in the middle of revision time for computers exam
but im so bored cuz i already knew everything
omg no way
seggan and steffan are 2 seperate accounts
and they're faking each other
but who's the sockpuppet?
They're both sockpuppets of me. All y'all are my socks.
But I don't want to be footwear!
Neither do I!
(i'd prefer to die)
Sorry but you are.
All of SE is just one person, and that person is me.
Much like /b/, but with less spam and gore.
Though you might wanna get rid of me
if your allergic to cats
I really hate to do this but...
Sorry. Part of the oath I swore to become a grammar nazi.
that's steffan
so get rid of him
@lyxal is this the real meaning of programming socks
That's socket programming, duh
@forest I know something about cryptographers using bad spelling to keep their messages harder to cryptanalyse
But cryptanalysts won anyway
till now
@UndoneStudios That's my cat
@emanresuA you don't mean steffan stole it for a pic and uploaded it?
@Steffan how to use map
I've never used it as a loop b4
now i'm wondering if you are also a sockpuppet
@UndoneStudios I gave the picture to steffan
@emanresuA since when?
Several months ago
@DialFrost map(function, list) or *map(function,list), if you need it to be evaluated
oh wow sh*t thanks
trailing comma was the key
what's the problem?
@JoKing I got recursion error
I think it's not looping
> Uncaught TypeError: code.length is not a function
there it is
how do I fix it
remove () after code.length
ah now it works
@DialFrost have you tried not recursing so much?
k now it works
@JoKing heh wut?
I got it
But it doesnt print properly
how so?
Prints with spaces
Not newlines
why are you printing with spaces though
@JoKing idk
im not sure how to fix it :/
@DialFrost python?
remove the *
* prints items with spaces
does it work now?
@UndoneStudios <map object at 0x7f72e5421de0> :/
what's your full program
send it and I'll see
f=lambda n:n-1and-~f(n//2-n%2*~n<<n%2)
f is just a lambda
f=lambda n:n-1and-~f(n//2-n%2*~n<<n%2)
for i in x:print(i)
see now
thats too long :/
f=lambda n:n-1and-~f(n//2-n%2*~n<<n%2)
[print(i)for i in map(f,range(1,1000))]
78 bytes
and that's it
does it work now?
there you go
kinda strange you had to ask someone your junior to fix your code
@UndoneStudios jo, bubbler got it in 68 somehow
using map
not where, they didnt share of course, jo king just gave a hint
and bubbler found it
and me being me, i cant find it
f=lambda n:n-1and-~f(n//2-n%2*~n<<n%2)
[print(f(i))for i in range(1,1000)]
75 bytes
Future advice: avoid map
it's byte-y
@UndoneStudios it seems to the solution of getting 68
unless Jo is trolling me
just use map lol
@JoKing @UndoneStudios see? :3
I sincerely hope Jo is trolling u
@JoKing i cant find a single way to fit print in there >:(
ru trolling me
@JoKing no; do not
its too byte costly
@UndoneStudios not in some cases
where you use lambdas
you want to print each element of a list, right?
@DialFrost I disagree
@JoKing uh ya?
Just apply the lambda on the target
map is just syntactic sugar to do that
is there some function that lets you run a function on each element of a list
it matches the function to each target
@JoKing no?
i mean you can do for i in list
@JoKing it should be possible
though idk
i give up
@JoKing :P
you were trolling Dial all this time?
@JoKing map? lol
I can't tell if @JoKing is @JoKing
@JoKing SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument???
@DialFrost That's because keyword args always must come after positional
ye but i dont get what it means
"he" is positional, mom is keyword
you probably mean to do :=
oh ya
still got 71 XD
*map(print,map(f:=lambda n:n-1and-~f(n//2-n%2*~n<<n%2),range(1,1001))), @JoKing
you figured out the mysteries of map, congrats. you can get 69 from the tip at code.golf/wiki/hole-specific-tips (the one @Steffan posted), and one more from the collatz encoding answer
@JoKing but i alr used the encoding hint
redacts clap
ok time to write my exam bye
@DialFrost you can trivially save one more byte actually
Why doesnt this work
*map(print,map(f:=lambda n:n-2and-~f(n//2-n%2*~n<<n%2),range(1000))),
i assume it gets stuck recursing in the zero case
@JoKing this recursion error is so annoying
recursion error or user error
@JoKing ?
2 hours later…
can anyone send which number this befunge code outputs
yeah now ik
thx anyway
Just found out there's a review queue for spam flagged spam messages and I can vote on it
wait what
oh i dont have it
It showed up like a ping except blue instead of red
those are chat flags, and they show up to anyone with 10k+ rep cumulative
something feels off here
Oh I get I just got 10K total
I'm going to type a few more messages
since if you post a lot in a row it shows your total rep
not sure how many it takes
next to the parent user part
Seems I have 10032 total
where did your scheme get black?
dark mode extension for firefox
I've downloaded it
omg its so cool
but how do i merge my existing google data into firefox?
nah forget it
admin problems
@mousetail your rep became 3,996
what's the julia way of doing the python trick :=
@DialFrost i dont think there is one
@PyGamer0 shit
just try the plain = sign?
actually wait that works :|
Are you able to assign to variables in a statement?
but it doesnt work all the time
anyone can golf this? (x="Fizz"^(i%3<1)*"Buzz"^(i%5<1))>"" ? x : i
quite similar to python
@DialFrost can you remove the spaces around ? and/or : ?
@UndoneStudios Apprently it counts only your total rep of all sites combined
@PyGamer0 no
@UndoneStudios a computer from 2009 running windows 7
2 hours later…
greetings, hominids
would've logged on earlier but I was very sick for about 3.5
I'm better now though
@Seggan I read that as "@UnrelatedString" :/
@Ginger me too lol
actually, i know ive used an older computer, but idk which os it had or exactly how old it was
I just ordered a new computer
how good is it
I'm in the process of buying a new computer
I'm building it myself so some stuff's ordered and some isn't
laughs in Raspberry Pi
fun fact: the LHC is firing at this exact moment
@Seggan Medium, balance between specs and budget.
It's a 1100 € AMD based setup
oh wait, they're charging the beam right now
@Ginger I'll blow some neutrinos in their direction to help them charge
assuming I'm reading these graphs correctly
yea it says the beams are "armed"
current experiment status: "PHYSICS"
Anything specific they are trying to measure today?
Ok cool
I'm not kidding:
Oh lol
according to the status page the beams are "ARMED" and the klystrons are "PULSING" but there is "NO BEAM"
can someone with more physics knowledge check that I'm not wrong? :p
That layout is fantasic, very functional
Even the text is pixelated
that took me far too long to do
@JoKing the collatz encoding answer doesn't use zero-indexing
however, i did come up with a formula myself which is the same length
i+~i%2*(i*5+6)>>1 for the record
@Ginger Gross, subpixel antialiasing
The ANSI black color should be the same as the terminal's background color right?
@Ginger its running now
id love to take a look at those showers of particles
@Seggan oooh
1 hour later…
@DialFrost use max. max("$i","Fizz"^(i%3<1)*"Buzz"^(i%5<1))
@RadvylfPrograms they're out of stock
i was able to place an order on sunday but apparently their inventory hadn't updated yet; they don't carry the item anymore, i just checked irl
Oh :/
Thanks for checking though, I really appreciate it
yep np, wasn't too much trouble cuz i usually don't get much done between these two classes anyway :P
So I can either try to get it shipped from South Africa or consider another mousepad
i think one of those is considerably less complicated
the only annoying thing is i just barely missed one of the buses heading back to the uni and the other two don't come soon either but i could always use more exercise so i'm just gonna walk back cuz it's probably faster than waiting anyway lol
@hyper-neutrino do you have like a browser window dedicated to chat or smth
You don't need to have the tab open to be in a room
fair enough, but if anyone did it'd be hyper :p
fun fact: that screenshot doesn't show the top because it doesn't fit on my laptop's screen
no I only have one chat tab open at a time
It does show the bottom of "Rooms"
@Ginger i'm not even that active in chat lmao
I've seen hyper and caird with enough rooms open to push "Rooms" off the top of my screen
@hyper-neutrino I still wouldn't put it past you
(which is >1000px)
(although tbf starting about halfway up, so closer to 500)
I used to be in more but nowadays I'm usually only in my starred ones which is also a shorter list than it once was
I'm only in like 20 rooms
There's like 2 or 3 private rooms I'm in that don't show up on the list tho, so it looks like 16 atm I believe
oh bruh, who let talk.tryitonline.net freeze
i guess it had to happen sometime
2 hours later…
@Steffan but you can trivially modify it to do so
@Steffan doesnt work too
@JoKing >:(

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