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And now we can put 4k in a 13" laptop
(Which by the way, even as someone who loves really stupidly high pixel densities, that's stupid. There is literally no upside.)
(It's the only way to fit in enough subliminal advertising.)
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Test cases, Test cases, TODO title
2 hours later…
@Ginger i reckon that's for accessibility purposes you silly billy
4 hours later…
This seems like a really dumb question, but
If something gets "compiled to java bytecode", I'm assuming e.g. a Java program compiles code to java bytecode, not that the compiler is written in java bytecode itself.
How would that be faster than directly compiling the code to java, which is compiled to bytecode by the java compiler?
That greatly depends how similar your language is to Java
If it is very different there might not always be a convenient Java equivalent syntax, requiring a ton of code to emulate simple things. While in bytecode this might just be a handfull of instructions
Q: Remove a given substring 'n' number of times from the end of a string

anomanThe user inputs a string and a substring. It also input a positive integer 'n'. Remove the 'n' duplicates of substring from the end of the string. If the substring is not present in the string or the number of times the substring appear is less than 'n', then the output is the original string. No...

I've never heard of anything that compiles to java source code, while I have for C and java bytecode
So that means if I write a language in java, it's not necessarily slower than compiling it to bytecode?
I mean you need to parse every intruction instead of just executing it
A compiled language, not nececairly
Kotlin exists, it's not slower as far as I'm aware
hmm, conda update is trying to install jellyfish
Darn WhatsApp is down
@DialFrost lol.
3 hours later…
error: you cannot unrickroll the pizza.
-> (()=>tar((,))())()
@Ginger ... but that's the most useful part of Firefox
what kinda firefox yall got in britain
just learned about Python f-strings and all I can say is how tf did I not know about these earlier
I will never use another string-replacement method again
I've not used anything except f strings for years
It's good for golfing too, str(x) vs f"{x}"
ooh, clever
Especially when cocatenating multiple things, like str(a)+str(b) vs f"{a}{b}"
anyone here use OS X? I have done "brew install texstudio" but I don't know how to run texstudio now it is installed!
Feeling very dim
Simple: Use Debian instead and install it from apt /s
@Ginger hmm... :)
which *.se should I use to ask this stupid question?
Won't ./texstudio work?
Or without the ./
@mousetail sadly it can't find it
Very sad. Lets observe a moment of silence
that's not going to help me!
neither of us use Mac I think
@DialFrost seems like people don't like :3 ig
@Ginger windows is life
I have spent my life on linux
imagine not using linux
but the only computer here is an OS X machine
so you don't have a choice?
okay, good
I was a bit worried for a second there :p
the prequel to the current OS in apple is um... NeXT's kernel right?
or something like that
why does the room get quiet when i message
because we don't have anything to say
From the chattiquette:
bet none are researching right now
> Sometimes, there isn't anybody talking in chat. That's perfectly fine. Don't send messages just because the room is quiet.
thats the second time somebody sent me this now
... maybe it's time to read it then
That message really shouldn't be starred since it's slightly rude
would you like the star removed?
I would
first time I've gotten to click the "cancel stars" button on a post here :p
So you consider your message slightly rude but also consider that the problem is the person starring it and not you writing it?
@Fatalize I mean there is a difference between pointing something out at the moment and drawing attention to it for days
a = "eval()"
a = "eval(" + a + ")"
if only it worked that way
Actually, it doesn't
escape sequences are so tiresome
which is why I use ' instead of \"
no sequences need to be escaped there
My bad, the thing is that I just get so used to escaping " so much that for code-golf reasons, I switched
to using '
But ' escaping is exactly the same as " escaping
as in, "We are the \"Vikings\" from the north" = "We are the 'Vikings' from the north"
'We are the \'Vikings\' of the north' vs "We are the 'vikings' of the north"
Especially usefull with contractions
"This won't hurt" vs 'this won\'t hurt"
@mousetail don't you recognise the source?
I do not, sorry
If a string contains single quotes PEP8 recomends surrounding it with double quotes, else if it contains double quotes suround it with single quotes
I used w3schools for learning c
w3schoolds is kinda terrible though
@mousetail I totally disagree
This would be a good submission to yet it's a example for students
To think people actually copied this code to their website
The quotes example is also a good example of w3schoold being terrible actually, since it somehow implies that single quotes require less escaping even though they work the same
What would you recommend them to change it as?
Cite PEP8 and include some examples for both single and double quoted strings
Also explain what hex and oct values are
The escape codes are not really explained at all
What use is a list of escape codes if they have vague descriptions? Might as well not include them
It can link to a page about character encoding/unicode maybe. A link is good no full explanation needed
one day an OS X user will be in this chat room
Don't hold your breath
I highly doubt it :p
so prejudiced! :)
Can't you ask in one of the askDifferent chat rooms?
this is the only working chatroom in the world.. but I'll try
ooh, they don't have very many rooms
@graffe What a honor
their main room is currently completely empty
@mousetail yes! And deserved
For chat rooms it's quality over quantity
@Ginger cough... my point exactly
I have an idea, just a second
What if we invite someone from Ask Different into this room? they'll get notified so they're sure to see it
You just said there was nobody in that room though
alternately, you can ping someone in the ask different room
I think that'd work better
That seems 1000% easier
Does the "ping everyone" hack still work?
nope, the user I had in mind hasn't logged on for long enough that they're unpingable
Wow Apple really is dead
I guess the USB-C thing hit them harder than expected
I tell you, this is the only working chatroom left on the planet
TNB is one of if not the most active SE chatroom
...that's a weird sentence
I actually have to think about parsing it
There's plenty of discords I'm chatting in right now though
it made sense to me
@mousetail I never found a useful discord
@mousetail discord is a different beast entirely
@graffe What about this one? discord.gg/VtXcQawp
can you explain it to me. I think I don't get it
Explain what?
@mousetail discord
it's just chatting just like here, except you can add reactions under messages
I can never log into it. It is now saying I already have the email address but I don't know the password. I used a different address and it wants an administrator password to install the app.
is there an OS X channel on discord?
There are literally millions of discord servers
Not like here where there are a few about specific topics
well I can't log in to any of them :)
@graffe There probably even is one about Harry Potters's left toenail.
I can 100% guarentee it
Not really because discord but because Harry Potter fans are totally insane
can confirm, unfortunately (the insane part not the toenail part)
ok one step towards running texstudio taken
I have found it but it says "“texstudio” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified."
Can't you just ignore that?
not sure there's anything you can do about that
Windows always warns me about every single program but you can just click ignore
Imagine using Mac or Windows lol
@mousetail it won't run at all currently
ok cracked it
what a pain
the secret is to ctrl click the icon for texstudio and then choose open
who knew
amazingly apple.se gave a useful answer
Why was this edit approved? It singificantly changes the rules of the post: codegolf.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/66566
good question
Also I'm not convinced formatting the whole test cases section as code improves readabiltiy
remind me: if you draw a card in Uno do you have to keep drawing until you get a playable one?
wikipedia doesn't seem to say
Depends on house rules
should Schrodinger's Uno do that?
I'm going to go with yes
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JordanIncrement, decrement, undo, peek code-golf code-generation Write a program or function (hereafter "function") that returns or prints the source code of four new functions: Increment, decrement, undo, and peek. The initial function has an internal integer value of 0. Each of the returned functions...

I just got a suggested edit for one of my Pip answers, changing the ATO link to a DSO link (since ATO's Pip interpreter is currently broken). Not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, it's true that DSO currently works and ATO doesn't. On the other hand, I expect ATO will be fixed at some point in the future, so is it really a necessary edit? What do y'all think?
Update: Schrodinger's Uno is rapidly becoming one of the most complex projects I've ever made
@Ginger s/Schrodinger/Schrödinger/g
I'll gö back and replace all the os önce the cöde works
should we add a feed for new AoCG sandbox posts?
It's pretty easy to keep track of new ones, there's at most 25
1 hour later…
I think I have just written the worst piece of code of my life
was it written in rust
no, it's python
that function is responsible for dynamically making the image that the Schrodinger's Uno bot sends to the players
it's full of garbage but I think the worst offender is line 17:
im.paste(card.image.resize((128, 256)), (((c % 7) * 128), (((c // 7) * 260) + 25)))
that's like 7 magic constants in one single line
Code Review would have a seizure if they saw this
why so many unnecessary parentheses
honestly you can remove most of them
order of operations has bitten me in the ass many times before
I'm making sure it never will again
Yeah I would consider parentheses around *//////% operations reasonable, since treating them as left-to-right and the same precedence isn't super natural
around what operations
you must have some userscript installed
I do
Chat Monospace Fix
Mar 21 at 17:17, by Radvylf Programs
@Ginger Do you not have chat monospace fix?
We've discussed this before :p
it just looks like *//////% to me (which I believe is ASCII C syntax for the bitwise norxor gorgondax)
@RadvylfPrograms I would if I could :b
im.paste(card.image.resize((128, 256)), (c % 7 * 128, c // 7 * 260 + 25))
to me it looks fine and clear :P
Hello :) Just a quick Python question. To get a submatrix (in my toycode, getting a "box" from a sudoku board), I can get the first box by running sudoku_board[np.ix_([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2])]. Is there a way to do this without having to explicitly note all columns (0,1,2)? I'm thinking in a notation like 0:3
I mean you could use list(range(2)) but I don't think that's what you want :p
@ihavenoidea does 0:3 not work?
@Ginger 3* :P
Unless I did something wrong, it doesn't work with np.ix_(). If I do sudoku_board[0:3] or sudoku_board[0:3][0:3] it gives me the first three lines (all of it, not capped until the third column)
dunno then, I don't use numpy very much
I didn't really do anything but ok no problem I guess :b
gave me your time, that's more than enough xD
oh, got it
np, anytime!
> numpy, anytime!
oh no
sudoku_board[0:3, 0:3] does what I want, derp
was using your range suggestion, but it was bothering me lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Pacmanboss256Binary as Base 10 [OEIS A008559] Computers like binary. Humans like base 10. Assuming users are humans, why not find the best of both worlds? Your task is to find the Nth term in the sequence here where each term is the binary representation of the previous number interpreted as a base 10 number....

CMC: Given a list of permutations of the same list/string(whatever), output the one that is missing. example: [[1,2,3],[1,3,2],[2,3,1],[2,1,3],[3,1,2]] => [3,2,1]
@thejonymyster Vyxal: 3 bytes (you can add the s flag if outputting in a singleton list isn't allowed)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

corvus_192Render an Ideographic Description Sequence codegolf graphical-output unicode There are 12 characters in Unicode that can be used to describe any CJK character, which are often made up of reoccurring parts ("radicals") composed in different ways. For example, U+86D9 蛙 can be described as U+2FF0 U+...

ok who wants to play Schrodinger's Uno?
I'm pretty sure I got it working
cc @emanresuA
@Ginger whaz that
like quantum chess?
@Sʨɠɠan it's a chatbot that lets you play Uno against other users
I call it Schrodinger's Uno because it uses magic trickery to show each player their hand using only one image
do you want to play?
i might not have time?
doing school rn
a game usually takes 5-ish minutes and as long as you don't leave chat you can take as long as you want on your turn
fine ill just hide this tab behind my giant circle of dead pixels
u wot
(also the bot is in the sandbox)
@Ginger i conveniently have a giant circle of dead pixels right on top of the reload button
so if i pin this tab i can hide it
2 hours later…
@Ginger wait it actually works?
Hell yeah!
CMM: whats our consensus on posting answers that are longer than another answer (in the the same language), but uses a different tactic?
Go for it
ive done it a few times but i thought it might violate the "no effort put into golfing" bit
Sometimes multiple people are drafting answers in the same language and one posts first
did you golf it within the constraint of "interesting and meaningfully different approach"
@UnrelatedString yeah
i think its as golfy as it can get with my algo

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