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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@DLosc I think this is 54:
another 54:
2 hours later…
Hey is chat back?
Oh it is!
Hell yeah!
@Catija looks at the 15k+ votes I've cast whatever do you mean? :p
Huh, had a very weird chat bug
You sent messages but they kept deleting?
Chat maintenance baby!
Never had that happen with maintenance before :P
Fixed it by logging out then back in again
Imagine having to do that instead of just having it come back naturally
Looks like it was a network wide thing too
Well, it was bugged on both my phone and laptop, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
All rooms didn't have any messages for an hour
And smokey complained that something funky happened when chat came back
Must have just been read only mode for chat
> Planned maintenance impacting Stack Overflow & Stack Exchange Network sites and Chat is scheduled
So likely not a bug but a feature
Who would win, in a "is SE still alive competition?": SE's stackstatus website, that lists ongoing maintenance and likely problems, or, Smokey
in Charcoal HQ, 7 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
Makyen/EC2-linux received failover signal. <-- This probably shouldn't have happened. Check if Osiris is operational (e.g. !!/location) and consider executing !!/standby Makyen/EC2-linux to put this instance back in standby. (@Makyen)
> This probably shouldn't have happened
On Smokey, that's a problem :P
Oh the main site is out of read only too
@DLosc Ooh yeah
rip my messages, lost to limbo
i can't be bothered finding what Generalist tags i'm missing again
smh, elitist mods not joining in with the tag markdown fest
on an unrelated note, I'm actually considering running in the election
I know I said I wasn't, but after some consideration, I've got a nomination ready to go for the mod election
or is it "running for"?
So I'm considering running too lol
@Bubbler That is awesome! Especially the part near the end where it has to go through a tunnel, turn around, and come back through again.
@Bubbler Running in the election, running for moderator
2 hours later…
noob question: TIO counts dyalog unicode as multiple bytes for certain characters; is this a TIO flaw, or am i misremembering which langs use a SBCS
You need to fix bytecount manually for Dyalog Unicode
assuming i havent grabbed any characters from external sources: it's one byte per character right
wait theres a meta for that isnt there ill go look lol
also TIO's Dyalog is very outdated, so it's just infinitely better to use APLgolf or ATO
oh good to know ty
A: When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?

Adám GNU APL and ngn/apl use UTF-8, so use a byte counting tool. NARS2000 only uses UCS-2, so 2 bytes per character. IBM's APL2 is the only modern APL that natively supports APL EBCDIC, so 1 byte per character. Dyalog APL uses any Unicode format, or the classic Dyalog character set (Table 1 below).* ...

ooh many thanks
im preeeeetty sure im only using legal 1-byters but i still wanted to check so ty
More up-to-date one would be this
*sweating* where is right tack
no i mean in the uh
byte list lol
thankfully i also wrote one the same length that doesnt use it :P
gotta remake the post stuff though bleh
@thejonymyster ⎕AV⍳'⊢'
60? is that its decimal codepoint
oh i see
"⎕AV is a deprecated feature and is replaced by ⎕UCS. This is a simple character vector of all 256 characters in the Classic Dyalog APL character.", meaning that if it is in that list (as shown, it is), it is a single byter, or im insane
cool P: thx
If you use Adám's SBCS, you don't need to worry about byte counting unless the challenge requires using some weird unicode chars
ok cool ill just link that :P
APLgolf links to that SBCS for you, when postifying.
well alright i might as well
thanks for the help :-)
my first apl answer :-D lmk if i royally screwed anything up otherwise im going to bed LOL
@thejonymyster I think you can change ((+/,⊃)⊢) to (+/,⊃)⍤⊢
that does work :-D i was having trouble looking into all the combinators
ohh but then i gotta edit everything ahh ill do it tomorrow lol
Btw, the "different" sort of array is just a scalar containing the 2-element result. This is because / is reduce — it reduces the rank. The starting rank was 1 (list/vector), so the result rank must be 0 (scalar).
oh, hm
@thejonymyster I suspect you might be eligible for this:
A: List of bounties with no deadline

AdámDisclaimer: This bounty was posted by a person whose job is to promote APL. 50 – 500 rep for an APL answer I will reward 50 rep if all of the following conditions are met: The answer is in Dyalog APL Classic/Unicode/Extended/Prime, APL2, APL+, APLSE, GNU/APL, Sharp APL, sAPL, SAX, NARS, APLX, A+...

theres another dyalog answer on that one lol
Oh, right. Missed that.
and some unspecified apl
but yea so im ing to get the first value of a scalar, and im receiving it's value?
Also, in your footer, you could just do ⎕←F¨⍳20
The secret behind my rep is revealed again D:
ah right each, that should have been obvious to me
@Bubbler Mine too.
@Adám that makes sense now, ill edit that part of the description :P actual code and APLgolf edits will come tomorrow when im not sleeping or working (or both)
Some people frown on it, but officially, it is OK to use a "full program", which can save you the brace bytes when there's only one reference to : ⊃⊃(+/,⊃)⍤⊢/⎕/1
right of course, atop is literally the name of that little guy it just hit me
im not convinced this is the shortest it can be :? will investigate in the future while editing
for now i bid you all adeiou
@thejonymyster Probably, when reducing, but you can iterate instead (using ⎕IO←0) ⊃(+/,⊃)⍣⎕⍳2 or {⊃(+/,⊃)⍣⍵⍳2}
More fun: {⊃(⌽+\)⍣⍵⍳2}
16 hours ago, by PyGamer0
CMC: Given bit representation (either a string of ones and zeros or an integer with the value of the binary sequence) of a IEEE 754 (32 - bit), output the floating point value it represents.
C, 27 bytes: float f(float*x){return*x;} Takes the pointer to int as input
In assembly it is
        movss   xmm0, DWORD PTR [rdi]
which is apparently 5 bytes in machine code
@Bubbler is that implicit conversion when calling te function?
yes, you can pass an int* pointer just fine, though gcc gives a warning
@Bubbler how did you generate that?
with flag -Oz
what is Oz?
strongly optimize for size (weaker one is Os)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pajonkGenerate a different sudoku code-golfsudokugridopen-ended-function Task Given a valid sudoku board, generate another sudoku board that isn't equivalent to the one inputted. What do we consider as equivalent sudoku boards? they are the same, the digits are swapped (eg. 2<->7 or 2->5->8->2), one ...

Optimize aggressively for size rather than speed. This may increase the number of instructions executed if those instructions require fewer bytes to encode. -Oz behaves similarly to -Os including enabling most -O2 optimizations.
I had never heard of it before!
Q: A multidimensional strategy challenge

graffeThe wizard, annoyed by his witch cousin, is determined to pose the most challenging challenge yet for which he believes the previous solution techniques will not work. He decides to go multidimensional. The wizard has 100 real number lines, each stretching from 0 to 10 and they are all hidden f...

@Bubbler I always learn something new and interesting here
one up and one down vote so far...
never any explanation given the downvote
CMC Compute oeis.org/A103421 up to 2095744336
hmm.. would that be a good challenge on main?
for a second i thought you meant up to n=2095744336 lmao
@UnrelatedString :)
@UnrelatedString what do you think about a challenge that asks you to output oeis.org/A103421/b103421.txt ?
not the comment clearly :)
@graffe same
> One site, Code Golf & Coding Challenges, will end up with nearly 150 members earning [the Generalist] badge if these changes are made.
code-golf challenge posed!
argh... why the downvote?
It wasn't me, but it's not recommended to just post "Output this sequence, look it up on oeis".
@mathcat should I copy more of the description over>
yes, and probably explain why this isn't just a "Calculate this formula" challenge.
fixing it now
(the sandbox is recommended)
@mathcat thanks.. I am permanently impatient :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

graffeThis is a very simple challenge. Your code should output the following numbers in order. 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 7 6 14 7 30 8 62 9 129 10 263 11 534 12 1076 13 2160 14 4318 15 8612 16 17145 17 34097 18 67764 19 134638 20 267506 21 531606 22 1056812 23 2101854 24 4182462 25 8327263 26 16588973 27 3306...

@mathcat I think it is all fixed now
thanks for the kick :)
🠟 too easy?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mathcatParity bits Given a binary message, and the number of parity bits, generate the associated parity bits. A parity bit is a simple form of error detection. It's generated by counting the number of 1's in the message, if it's even attach a 0 to the end, if it's odd attach 1. That way, if there's a 1...

Nearly LDW!!!
Hi @m90
What are the currently WIP languages?
I don't know, but SunSip is one of them
Welcome to the eighth Language Design Workshop! The general premise is that you can post work you've done or are doing on esolangs and people will give feedback. In short, you'll get to show off our languages and their features, chat about them, get feedback, try out WIP languages, and, hopefully get ideas over the next 24 hours.
You just suddenly went active @lyxal
or was it a script?
it was manually sent
oh ok
@NumberBasher As I was saying
I would appreciate feedback
Anything changed since last time?
@mousetail WIP?
@mousetail not much, writing a tut for it.
@mathcat WIP = Work In Progress
@mousetail @Ginger integrated it to poetry
@mathcat Work in progress
Poetry is really nice
But can't really give more feedback if nothing has changed
@mousetail ah
I'm working on quro
@mathcat What's the USP of guro?
I'm er working on that
@mousetail you really gotta use less abbr.s
currently probably maybe it's that it's fractional-byte
Do you think I should make a golflang or an esolang
but I need to think of a better one
@mathcat interesting, but i dunno...
^ exactly
@NumberBasher again
@mathcat wait I know!
I'll add mathy and graphy stuff as digraphs.
drumroll here
@NumberBasher idk your choice
well, i'm sort of bad at making decisions
i'd be better off flipping a coin
hey google
heads golflang, tails esolang
golflang then
It's always Joe mama
@NumberBasher NIAMY
Good morming
good evening
@mousetail >>>>>>??????/??
hello all times of day!
@NumberBasher ETYL
New challenge idea: input a12bc r3c4d, output a bc r c d
@mousetail do not understand
tempted to post codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/25134/108721 unless anyone sees anything controversial
@NumberBasher That's basically a built-in in most golflangs
@NumberBasher is the input guaranteed to be <letter><number><letter><number>...?
@lyxal no
@RadvylfPrograms how
Run-length-encoding of the spaces
@RadvylfPrograms example
@RadvylfPrograms pulling the numbers out could still be kinda nontrivial depending on the language
Yeah, that's true I guess
@UnrelatedString i couldn't do this elegant in python, even...
unless there are flat rle builtins out there i haven't heard of lol
come to think of it there probably are
but then you'd still need to turn most of the repeats into spaces/insert spaces before numbers
CMC: input a12bc r3c4d, output a bc r c d
If the numbers are guaranteed to be nonzero, JS: x=>x.match(/\d+|./g).map(y=>+y?" ".repeat(y):y)
Vyxal, 13 bytes: `(\d+)`ṡ‡EIẇ∑
test link...? language...
Can't do a xIO link since I'm on school wifi
@lyxal accepted
frick didnt see that
@mousetail fast language arabic xjelly is still WIP after 10 months
9/10 months
@PyGamer0 .9 months?
@UnrelatedString can you do the tio link for me cant make it work
@NumberBasher can actually be 11 bytes: `(λ)`ṡ‡EIẇ∑ (which is the same as the 13 byter with the \d+ part compressed)
@PyGamer0 cool
@RadvylfPrograms does your weird proxy thing not work any more
@lyxal true
@mousetail except flax isn't fast lmao
If fast language arabic xjelly the same as flax?
Oh wait yes
Does \$n\$ work in chat?
it seems not
That's one of the worst acronyms
@mousetail ah yes, the acronym expert not being able to acronym :p
@graffe there's a userscript which makes it work
@lyxal true irony
@pxeger oh!
@lyxal I bow my head in shame
@mousetail yes lol
@pxeger thanks
Why arabic though?
Is the whole language RTL?
right to left evaluation
compared to jelly's LTR evaluation
i made the acronym yesterday
yesterday, by PyGamer0
or fast language arabic xjelly
Oh it's not official
yes :p
it's more of a backronym
@lyxal true believers know this was actually always the plan
@mousetail but arabic jelly was used before
Mar 15 at 5:34, by PyGamer0
@PyGamer0 @hyper-neutrino @cairdcoinheringaahing do the tacit ruels make sense for arabic jelly?
@pxeger No, the school somehow detects any traffic coming from my Chromebook's Linux container and blocks it
I have no clue how that's even possible
Maybe like, TTL or something, in which case there's nothing I can do
It the linux container were inside a host os other than chromeOS it would be much easier to work out how
What kind of container is the container? Is it a full VM, or is it a literal container
It's more like a full VM
But they call it a container
Ok but it runs its own kernel, and you have root access inside the container, right?
Actually I'm not sure
I know I've got sudo and can do most stuff
I wouldn't be surprised if it is more of a container though
Tryna think of how I'd check
You can change the default TTL for TCP on Linux - see askubuntu.com/a/670276 - but I think that would require proper CAP_SYS_ADMIN in the root namespace, so wouldn't work in a container
Lemme try that
Blocking based on TTL sounds conceivable to me
Because depending on how the container is set up, the host OS may effectively be acting as a router
It actually does seem to be working a lot better now that I've set the default TTL to 65 (some stuff still seems to be silently dropped, but it's at least usable)
although if they were trying to block extra routers on the network, there are probably better ways of detecting them than by TTL
I think Windows and Linux have different default TTLs so maybe that was the goal
I've changed it to 129 now, seeing if that works any better
Q: Count the number of compositions of \$n\$ in which the greatest part is odd

graffeA composition of an integer \$n\$ is a representation of \$n\$ as a sum of positive integers. For example the eight compositions of 4 are as follows: 4, 3 + 1, 1 + 3, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1, 1 + 2 + 1, 1 + 1 + 2, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. The challenge is to output the number of compositions of \$n\$ in which th...

Q: How many undisrupted rectangles are there in the given figure?

SquareootYour function/program will receive an image as input and has to calculate the amount of rectangles within that image. Only a rectangle that is completely clean in the inside, meaning no other strokes dividing it, counts. The strokes will all be in any color other than white. The background will b...

the problem with code-golf questions is that people give answers that will never actually output the right output :)
@graffe What do you mean? Answers must be valid
@graffe "never actually output" as in like, time?
Oh you mean brute force algorithms
You can always them
thats what i thought but now im not sure so im asking lolol
I mean before the heat death of the universe :)
restricted-time is annoying a you need to run them all on the same computer
I've seen it a few times but not often
It's hard to prove a answer correct you can't test
I mean, it's possible and an entire field of study
but hard
is anyone able to test Rest[ CoefficientList[ Series[ Expand[ Sum[(1 - x)^2*x^(2n - 1)/((1 - 2x + x^(2n - 1))*(1 - 2x + x^(2n))), {n, 35}]], {x, 0, 35}], x]] ?
it's mathematica code
CMP: What are your thoughts on the challenges that have a good amount of upvotes but have gone unanswered for a long time? Examples to follow:
Answering them will get you a bounty
i guess i should have said "opinions"
I mean, what would our opinions be? They're typically perfectly fine challenges, just hard
have they already had 500 point bounties on them?
i guess its just kind of crazy to me that we have a selection of challenges on the site that have gone unanswered just because they're unbelievably hard to approach
@thejonymyster why is that crazy? I mean being hard seems a good reason for being unanswered doesn't it?
I've answered an unanswered question before, took me a whole weekend. I have an answer prepared for another one, but I never bothered finishing it for some reason
that is cool
we should sponsor you :)
thats not that cool. plenty of people answer unanswered questions :P
jk obviously
i guess every question is unanswered until it isnt
I am definitely a loser.. on the one hand I love upvotes and answers to my challenges but I also love making challenges that are as difficult as possible. I need help!
i also just feel like some of them will never be answered
at least I got one answer today
@thejonymyster that is possible... I do wonder if they have all had the max bounty yet
@thejonymyster Not ones from 2016 tho :p
I think it was tjjfvi who swept through the unanswered questions and knocked out like half a dozen of them
@RadvylfPrograms you should definitely link it here btw i wanna see
Q: Hexasweep (part 1): The Solver

clismique(This is part 1 in a two-part challenge.) Your task is to solve a Hexasweep puzzle. A Hexasweep puzzle is set out on a grid of diamonds arranged in hexagonal shapes, of which the board looks like a hexagon, like so: _____ /\ \ _____/ X\____\_____ /\ \ / XX /\ \ /X...

> Wow. This was not as fun as I expected it would be.
> Thank you for a fun challenge.
duality of radvylf
It wasn't as fun as I'd expected, but still pretty fun :p
oh ok, singularity of radvylf then :-)
The point at which the laws of radvylf break down and the density of my radvylfness is infinite :p
yknow i guess im guilty of the whole "unbelievably hard challenge" thing, but not on main,
@thejonymyster where do you pose them?
A: List of bounties with no deadline

thejonymysterAbsurd thematic challenges These can only be claimed once each, first come first serve. I will answer any clarifying questions for any challenge given below if needed. 500 rep for answering Transform characters of your choice into "Hello, world!"... As a self-validating challenge. This challenge ...

anyone read javascript? In this code, f=(n,m,i=1)=>n?i>n?0:f(n-i,i<m?m:i)+f(n,m,i+1):m&1 , would it benefit from memoization?
if so, how would you do it?
I typically do memoization with a Map
@RadvylfPrograms can you memoize that code? It is explained at codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/252129/108721
Just like, var memos = new Map(); f=(x,y,z)=>{ if(memos.has(x+","+y+","+z)) return memos.get(x+","+y+","+z); ... memos.set(x+","+y+","+z,r); return r; }
in Attempt This Online, 7 secs ago, by pxeger
My ATO rewrite in Rust is now at MVP! Check it out at https://staging.ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m704sTx7wYKlpSVpuhY3rZ1c3T39qtPyizSs87S1bYzMrTVBnGRbMxNrbe1kG0tDa82Cosy8kjQl1WQlHW3tTFUjc_tkq6DgWogRUJNgJgIA. (but most languages don't work yet)
It's noticeably faster
Ironic, rewritten in rust but rust doesn't work
(thanks to codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/87549 for providing a random test program one of the few working languages lol)
@pxeger You didn't even upvote it
My apologies
@pxeger Yes, very!
oh nice ldw
@pxeger ayyyyyyy nice
LDQ: should i have cond ? a : b or if cond a else b?
it is a clike
everyone seems to hate the latter
go with ?:
@RadvylfPrograms i like rto.run's minimal design :P
@Seggan Use rust style if cond {a} else {b}
terrible for golfing great for anything else
python style is terrible
@PyGamer0 Funny you mention that since I'm actually redesigning it right this moment :p
@Seggan I'm a fan of ternary
It could probably get ambiguous if you use ? or : for other stuff though, which isn't unlikely
@RadvylfPrograms oh :p
i was considering making ifs expressions but then decided not to as i hate that feature in kotlin
@RadvylfPrograms i use ? for nullable types and : for specifying types (i.e. var a: Num)
@RadvylfPrograms how is it going to look like?
If you have lazy list syntax, you could do [b, a][cond], but that's kinda ugly
as long as you don't allow types in expression positions that won't be ambiguous
@PyGamer0 Probably a lot like a simplified version of ATO's interface, but with a separate language selection page like TIO
@pxeger yeah i dont
@RadvylfPrograms what about the colorscheme?
i agree that ?: is better
@PyGamer0 Grayscale and light blue
someone should make a userscript to change ATO's ui to RTO's current ui, if possible
@RadvylfPrograms ok
RTO's going to have not one but two publically accessible APIs tho, so making a clone with the current UI would be trivial
You'd miss out on a lot of RTO's cool features though, like per-language customizable UI, and terminal emulation for output
you are adding those?
very cool
@RadvylfPrograms What I really want is WeekGolf's feature where a single button can go back to your shortest working solution for a challenge
Yep, aside from maintainability, RTO's primary goal is to have a better user experience and allow more possibilities
@mousetail this
radvylf are you gonna support per-language encodings?
@mousetail That's actually a pretty cool idea. Maybe a sidebar where you can save iterations of your program, and quickly go back to them?
@Seggan Of course, yeah.
BTW if anyone finds frontend development non-soul-destroying they'd be welcome to add more features to ATO
Maybe even a button to generate a test harness from the test cases of a CGSE challenge
@pxeger Anything specific?
Any of the few TIO features that ATO is missing, or any of the would-be RTO features, or any of the open GitHub issues labelled frontend, or anything else you think would be useful
ahh you are trying to usurp rto? :P
Competition is great for open source since you can just steal each-others features easily, so both become better
And I'm not sure it's usurping when I'm the incumbent
I'd say TIO is still incumbent
Well yes, but compared to RTO
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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