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link pls :)c
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/59347/…, but it turns out someone already posted that same answer
1 hour later…
it seems that i can do that challenge in 1 byte
4 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenSolving an easy Sudoku in increasing order Tags: code-golfsudokunumbergridpuzzle-solver Introduction: I'm old-fashioned and still read a physical newspaper in the morning while eating my breakfast. Although I don't like Sudoku that much, I do solve the Light-complexity ones, which are extremely e...

2 hours later…
How did NP miss this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardAn even distribution number is a number such that if you select any of it's digits at random the probability of it being any particular value e.g. (0 or 6) is the same, \$\frac1{10}\$. A precise definition is given later on. For example \$\frac{137174210}{1111111111} =0.\overline{1234567890}\$ i...

2 hours later…
A: Cooling a cup of coffee with help of a spoon

drhodesI We did the experiment. (Early results indicate that dipping may win, though the final conclusion is uncertain.) $\mathrm{H_2O}$ ice bath canning jar thermometer pot of boiling water stop watch There were four trials, each lasting 10 minutes. Boiling water was poured into the canning jar, and...

This thread was linked to from the xkcd What If? article Stirring Tea. This should be taken carefully into account when interpreting its various metrics (including viewcount and question and answer scores). The time series of the question and top-three answer scores are here, and here, here and here. — Emilio Pisanty May 28, 2020 at 8:15
I Now Know how to blockquote; thats a comment on the question itself
you copy the comment link
that seems.... needlessly formal?
the comment i mean
ah well i guess im forgetting that other sites use votes in different ways :P
the user seems to be a high-rep, high-influence (as in, well respected) member of the community. He's probably invested in making sure people take all things into account when viewing answers
It's like the HNQ effect
yeah no it makes sense when you remember that rep actually matters on other sites lol
It's good to warn people of that
it's weird to think that on other sites, I can't just blindly upvote 99% of posts
right yea LOL
I sure would know something about that
given that I hold second place on most votes of all time :p
first place is that votepilled guy i forget who
absolute voting chad
101 1 2 4
such low rep for such an opinionated guy
its disproportionately funny to me
if he's ever felt the temptation to actually post here i wouldn't be surprised if at this point he'd use a sock for it :P
how come :o
for the sake of being that one guy who constantly votes and has never posted
it's a bit worth preserving
ok yeah wow i had no idea they never posted
i love that they dont even have enough rep to downvote
Most votes in general or specifically om CGSE?
is there a way to check in general stats like that?
Data explorer?
the cartoon with the spanish kid?
no lol um is that a feature on the site? or should i google that term
SEDE - Stack Exchange Data Explorer
doesnt seem like theres an obvious way to search the entire network?
It's very powerful in some very specific areas but also very limited for other random things that seem they should be easy
You mean SQL in general or just how SEDE is structured?
How SEDE is structured
SQL in general is fine
Nice and round:
ooh, and the prime factorization is neat, 2^5*5^3*7^1
@Adám Sorry what was that?
nice and round?
My CGCC rep.
Doesn't look as round anymore.
2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 7... if prime factorization wasnt a whole thing that could make for a fun challenge idea lolol
oh nooo
That was shortlived. Just got the +10 rep notification now.
I do a marginal amount of trolling :)
Hey, you should only upvote because an answer is good. Not for any other reason. Not even to spoil round rep counts.
wow, now its 2*5*2801
(relatively) large prime number in there suddenly
I think I'm a little past the point of just voting on good answers... I have 15.1k votes and counting
i only upvote bad answers and i downvote good answers. im the bad actor from all of your hypotheticals.
Might actually help them? People feel pitty that a god answer is downvoted and vote it towards what they view as a reasonable score. However, since upvotes are worth more rep you have ultimately helped them.
conclusion: bad actors are necessary and very good for the ecosystem
this is good for stack exchange - few understand
It only works though if most people are neutral actors
If there are too many bad actors it becomes problematic
neutral actors do nothing, youre thinking of anti-actors
they upvote downvoted answers and downvote upvoted answers
regardless of quality
good actors actually follow the rules, upvote good answers downvote bad answers
oh theres an entire world of nonsense if you follow this train of thought... will have to study further at some point
neutral actors are effected by comments, how popular the post is, current score etc.
crab actors downvote every post :P
Because of carcinization every actor turns into crab over time
become cynical with age
I can confirm this, I turned into a crab last year
Or maybe it's just because I tried learning Rust then
Rust is great
It is. It's also hard
The borrow checker clicked for me on my 4th attempt at learning the language
Q: What is the "-->" operator in C++?

GManNickGAfter reading Hidden Features and Dark Corners of C++/STL on comp.lang.c++.moderated, I was completely surprised that the following snippet compiled and worked in both Visual Studio 2008 and G++ 4.4. Here's the code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; while (x --> 0) // x goes to...

Apperently 2nd most downvotes post
Last night I had an idea for a challenge, but I've forgotten it :/
@mousetail XDDDDDD
@Adam RIP
@Adam this answer contains win
one could say that it's snooping as usual
Ugh, these not-me user name highlights are annoying.
Should have thought about that before being named Adam
yeah, lack of foresight smh
@mousetail so much shitposting in this thread lol
This one is great:
while( 0 <-------------------- x )
   printf("%d ", x);
I prefer my loops to be able to attack with strength:
int x = 10;
while( --x> 0 )
    printf("%d ", x);
> [it's the] armor-piercing arrow operator: --x> (note those sharp barbs on the arrow tip). It adds +1 to armor piercing, so it finishes the loop 1 iteration faster than regular arrow operator.
Why not both:
no way you be dual wielding
can someone explain why my code isnt working? i used armor piercing spiky arrows but its so slow: while(++x>0)
Well obviously that isn't going to work
@mousetail Yep :p
++> doesn't look like an arrow now does it
Sure it might from an abstract level, but C++ compilers from the 1900s were written with black and white arrows in mind
@thejonymyster They weren't expecting kids like you to go wild with arrow line choices
those are its spikes
The compiler is looking through the source trying to find an arrow
thats so funny honestly
arrowlang when
well theres that one thats just arrows in 2d
@thejonymyster yeah, but the compiler's pathfinding isn't optimised for spikes
s/one/so many/
The compiler only knows to find normal arrows
Normal arrows with recognised buffs
Using ++x> as your arrow is like challenging someone to a fight but then making them climb 50 floors to then fight on a bouncy castle while smooth jazz mixed with 21st century meme sound effects plays
Sure, it's a valid way to fight,but no one is gonna know what the hell you're doing
++x> is the equivalent of the rooftop battle to the C++ compiler you see.
@thejonymyster You've got too many spikes, they're interfering with the arrowdynamics. Try while(+--x>0) instead.
@thejonymyster That's like making it so that the radio station sourcing the jazz changes every 6.392 milliseconds and every time it changes you have to go through 200 years of unskippable ads
@DLosc see this is an arrow with recognisable buffs.
The compiler can easily find and follow that arrow
The guys who made gcc were expecting things like that. They weren't expecting broken arrowdynamica
Instead of arrows, I thought these were all pointers
No no those are the asterisks and the short arrows
The asterisks introduce their own pathfinding problems that interfere with normal physics. These problems are outside the scope of other arrows
An example is that the asterisks can sometimes lead to a black hole of void that leads you to a underground hybrid prison/mall on the other side of the country
On a completely unrelated note, I have an idea for a CMC: Determine if a number has its digits in lexicographic order (e.g. return true for "1357", "88" and "0", false for "523" and "121")
@Adám does it ping you?
@Adam vyxal, 2 bytes: Try it Online!
@lyxal Fortunately, you can solve these pathfinding problems with an A* algorithm
@PyGamer0 No, but it does highlight.
@lyxal I changed the spec so "88" should be true as well
@DLosc ^^
@DLosc touche. You've won :p
I should be able to write a userscript that turns off highlighting unless my accent is present.
@Adam vyxal, still 2 bytes: Try it Online!
Because there's still a built-in for that!
Of course there is
There's also one for reverse sorted and unsorted
So don't bother with those if you don't want a 2 byter :p
I mean, there's a reason I posted it here and not in the sandbox lol
@Adam Pip, 4 bytes: $<=a
Or 3 bytes if I can swap truthy and falsey: $>a Nope, nevermind, that doesn't work
3 bytes if 88 counts as false, though: $<a
CMC: On any DOM change, remove mention class from all <span class="mention">@Adam</span>s
Didn't know that was a thing
[bold-tag:javascript] CMC: On any DOM change, remove mention class from all <span class="mention">@Adám</span>s
**[tag:bold-tags]** ->
@Adam Stop ping-spamming me!
2 messages moved to Sandbox
Does each edit cause a new ping? That's some not great design
It is necessary to notify the recipient of the new content.
CMC: given a string, output it formatted as a tag
or should that be bold tag to be topical? lol
@thejonymyster As in, "[tag:" + s + "]"?
no spaces in tags as well, so kebab
Ah, okay
What if there's a ] in the string? :P
then i'll eat my hat
VTC as unclear :P
needed more time in the CMSandbox
not related to any of that but wasnt there an ais523 lang where it's TC if you have arbitrarily precise angles?
or i guess would i ask that in tarpit?
yeah ill move
I was just told about this job interview question. Each road in a road network has a random time to go from one end to the other. This is a normal distribution with some mean and distribution. If you are told the time to go between lots of different points in the network, how can you estimate all these different means and standard deviations?
CMQ ^^^
"some mean and distribution" - I assume you mean "some mean and standard deviation"
and what do you mean by all these different means?
why is there more than one mean/stdev?
CMC: Given a string, convert it to an XML tag with itself as content, e.g. abc<abc>abc</abc>
@Adám Pip, 13 bytes: "<0>0</0>"R0a
CMC: As above, but now also with itself as an attribute and its value: abc<abc abc="abc">abc</abc>
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdamImplement Bloom filter insertion A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure that is used to determine whether an element is in a set in a fixed number of bits. It consists of: a bit array \$B\$ of fixed size \$m\$, initialized as all \$0\$s, and \$k\$ different hash functions \$h_1,\ldots,...

(I remembered the question idea)
@pxeger yes sorry
@pxeger there is one per edge
I mean each edge has a possibly different mean and standard deviation
I mean, if you have enough data, for each edge from A to B, you can just filter for the times of travel between A and B
This is some speculation, but if we let T_{A,B} be a random variable for the traversal time on the edge between adjacent nodes A and B, then for each pair of nodes C and D we can define a new random variable T_{C,D} which is the weighted average of the sums of all paths between C and D (which will also be normally distributed), then use log likelihood minimization to find the most probable values for the means/standard deviations?
*maximum likelihood estimation
@Adám Vyxal, 15 bytes: `<Π Π="Π">Π</Π>
That's very impressive.
Managed to golf my Extended Dyalog APL down to 14: ⎕XML(≢,⍮,⊂⍤⍮)⍨ Try it online!
1 hour later…
@Adám Kotlin, 30 bytes: {"<$it $it=\"$it\">$it</$it>"}. Not particularly clever but I like it
CMC: given a string of 0s, 1s, and 2s, replace 0s and 2s with 012, and replace 1s with 210.
i have no idea how to do this sort of thing in slashes :P ^ but i wont make you do it
@Adám This gets more interesting because Pip can't put double quotes in regular strings. Looks like the shortest way is to use escaped strings but not to use their variable interpolation feature: \"<0 0="0">0</0>\"R0a (21 bytes).
Using interpolation, it's 23 bytes: \"<\a \a="\a">\a</\a>\"
@thejonymyster Pip, 11 bytes: CHRF012@:^a
@Adám funstack.hs, 90 bytes: Concat Cons '<' compose Concat Cons '>' compose Concat "</" Concat flip ">" hook hook hook
(very very work-in-progress)
@DLosc ooh :-) where do the tokens split here?
CH RF 012 @ : ^ a
Reflect 012 so it becomes 012210; chop it into two halves; index into that list with each digit of the input (cyclical indexing).
The result is a list, but by default it's concatenated together to be output.
... which, now that I think of it, means I can golf a byte: CHRF,3@:^a
1 hour later…
@DLosc wow!
CMC: Previous row of pascal's triangle
> Consider upvoting this challenge if you enjoy solving it
Desmos, 28 bytes:

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