Seems that SE had changed url parameter answertab=active into answertab=modifieddesc. And the link to sandbox in the info box is now broken. Any moderators may help to fix the link?
Due to changes in sorting the sandbox link in our info box no longer works as intended. It should sort by active, but it doesn't.
The existing link is:
The fixed link should be:
The π was recently computed with accuracy to 100 trillions digits, but it is useless to us. We can't do accurate enough math, because rational numbers are too boring and so we don't know that much digits of them!
Your task will be to write program or function which takes string ...
Special String
We call a binary string \$S\$ of length \$N\$ special if :
substring \$S[0:i+1]\$ is lexicographically strictly smaller than substring \$S[i+1:N]\$ for \$ 0\leq i\leq N-1\$
Given a binary string \$T\$ of length \$N\$ we are interested in the first special binary string of length ...
Is it correct? Would it be helpful to someone new to calculus? Does it makes sense to someone who already knows a less technical definition of derivatives/integrals?
@Neil @JoKing: Okay, so what is happening is that a* is matching the beginning of the string, and that match has 0 characters. But with the g flag, it matches that one as well as the aaa one, which it matches greedily. That makes sense.
i guess a lot of people new to java might be new to programming overall and just think every programming language is in all caps because of fortran and cobol
Fun fact: Although rSNBATWPL is intended to be run right-to-left, and most of its built-ins play nice with this, it's possible to write one or more built-ins which override this