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@thejonymyster If you want to add to the polyglot, pretty much all you need to do is insert a #<code> in the middle and whatever's in there will be ignored.
i wanna be somewhat stylish
but yea fair gsdfg
is now a good time? id hate to snipe
I think Radvylf's given up for now
I think at some point someone's going to add a third thing to the print statement
Yeah, anyone can go ahead and answer I'm not really a polyglot kinda guy apparently
im allowed to exit with error right lol
I have a neat way to add python 3 at some point
Perhaps even now.........................
FYI it should print 5 if it doesn't
occourse it does :]
but yea maybe we should be like
keeping count
It's HeadAss, isn't it
Edit answers to have the format N. ???, X bytes
was literally doin that rn lol
@emanresuA sure is pardner :P
happy polyglottin to-ya
I'm adding this to DSO
Because the interpreter was a pain to use and it's JS
Is there somewhere you have it hosted for autoupdate or should I just yeet the code in
it wont update, this lang's done
only change id make maybe is having the error actually print to stderr
but uhhhh idc enough
Okay :)
Might take a bit of time
^_^ no rush
[ and with that, the sneaky programmer smuggled his half baked lang onto a better website ]
It is pretty terrible
You're using wayy too many global variables, so I've yeeted it into an isolated module
Also the spread operator can be used for function calls as well - (code, ...input) => <stuff>
OTL im a failure :P
next time you see me with a lang itll be way way better so so sooo better way better
Hey, at least it works
T_T thank u
I wonder why SO doesn't have a PM feature
@thejonymyster that’s how I felt when I snuck RProgN onto tio back in the day
except making a new room
That’s also one of the two reasons I haven’t asked anyone to host Funky3, and an instead hosting it myself
@thejonymyster Am I stupid, or is there no way to modify r2/r3?
+[ stores 1 onto r2
+( for r3, is the esolangs page wrong?
it does seem to be poorly phrased
@emanresuA what do you mean by modify?
Oh okay got it
Missed those
ok whew i was sweating i was like what did i break oh god
even though i havent touched the source in a million year
Is there a gift for this lang?
@emanresuA woohoo!
ty OTL kneeling before you bowing down etc
Wasn't too hard, it didn't have any obscure bugs although I did a slight cleanup
ty LOL
may go through and port some of my answer links there now :think:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NobodyDesmosian Music Create a script that takes in notes as numbers and note lengths as decimals. You do not have to accept rest notes. For instance, when given [[1,1],[2,2],[3,0.5]] you should return a desmos graph that plots: - <== 3 ---- <== 2 -- <== 1 Scale the note lengths to fi...

@thejonymyster I had to rewrite the program so many times because of various jumps existing then not existing :P
i am so sorry
It's fine - part of the challenge lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NobodyCan we do it with an 89? This was originally meant to be a Puzzling Challenge: Can we do it with an 89? 89 is my favorite number. Your task is to make 1~100 using only one 89. Operations allowed are: Factorial (3! = 6) Parenthesis ((3!)! = 6! = 720) Double Factorial (4!! = 4*2 = 8) Square Ro...

@emanresuA ok
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NobodyGood Rectangles and Evil Numbers This is meant to be a Puzzling Challenge: Good Rectangles and Evil Numbers - Integrated Original: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/116168/good-rectangles-and-evil-numbers Good Rectangle We define a good rectangle with base \$ x \$ as a rectangle in wh...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody¯¯\/¯¯ __/\__ Morse Tangles: ASCII Art Given a word (with only letters, case insensitive), say SOS: Change the word into Morse code, in this case, ... --- ... Change dots to parallel bars and dashes to tangles. Output the result as ASCII art: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ \/\/\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______ /\/\/\ ______ No...

I think this surpasses a reasonable number of sandbox posts in a row
The question is does it get moved to the bakery?
It is kinda clutter – so yes
Q: Counting Rhythms

NilsterThe Narrative You are a bad musician. You never bothered to learn how to count rhythms. To remedy this shortcoming, you decide to write a program that will tell you how to count in any given time signature. You are still a bad musician, but you can at least pretend that you can count rhythms. The...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NobodyTwo In One: Guess That Language: Robbers This robbers-and-cops challenge challenges the robber to create a script such that it runs in language A forwards and language B backwards. Language A and B must be distinct. By runs, a program must not ask for input and can only give text output to STDOUT...

@ATaco ok then
@Nobody For a few reasons: 1. SO/SE isn't a social media, there's no need for private messages in the strict and impersonal Q&A format SE is aiming for; 2. it creates safety issues, as allowing users to privately talk on the platform would make it harder to stop rude and abusive discussion (or worse, given there are children here); 3. there sort of already is private messaging, but only from mods to normal users, for situations where that's necessary
3 messages moved from The Nineteenth Bakery
@lyxal No. 3 of them are legitimate Sandbox proposals. Just because they were posted within quick succession doesn't mean they should be trashed and so decrease their visibility
No worries, it's an easy mistake to make
Best rule of thumb for trashing stuff is "Would people coming into TNB expect to see this?" If yes, keep, if no, trash
2 days ago, by emanresu A
@ROs What should I do for messages/groups of messages like this, which make no sense and aren't valuable to anyone?
My general rule is that if it's 4 or more messages, and they aren't immediately "pushed away" and ignored by ongoing conversation, then trash them
(1, 2 or 3 messages, the "messages moved" message takes up basically the same amount of space)
@cairdcoinheringaahing And, if they are ignored by ongoing convos, then you can also trash them. I generally give a higher "weight" to trashing stuff that's been sitting visible for a while than stuff that fewer people are gonna see
Okay, will keep that in mind
Just saw this (10k+ users only, deleted) in the Bakery, and decided to give it a try; immediately, let a = b= c = 1 and the two matrices are different :P
Alternatively, \$b^2 + 2ac > 0\$ for all \$a, b, c > 0\$, but \$bc - a^2 < 0\$ for some \$a, b, c > 0\$
@emanresuA How on earth did you find this answer to cast a delete vote on it? The Q's been inactive for almost 2 years, and the only other DV was cast in 2018 I believe :P
Good question
Found it while browsing, probably
Appreciate help
for my qs
I hope Zoom will support md
@RadvylfPrograms oh ok
Okay so, I've got a challenge in the sandbox (not at all fleshed out, just a title) that I want to discuss/get feedback on, to see if the concept's worth pursuing
Basically, given a 64-bit floating point representation of a number, you try to approximate the square root of it as quickly as possible (and I'm talking like, individual CPU cycles, no time for looping)
E.g., you can very roughly approximate the square root of a float by right-shifting its exponent
But you'll be off by quite a bit
You could use that quick inverse square root trick too, or maybe right-shift the exponent and use a degree-1 taylor polynomial on the mantissa
All sorts of possibly interesting approaches, I think, but I'm not sure how the specifics would work
E.g., I'm not sure if there's a viable way to accurately determine how long it takes using actual hardware
or, a scoring system based on both time and accuracy?
Possibly. I don't really want to have to make my own semi-realistic CPU architecture though, and it'd be a bit neat if it was a real one. Maybe I could use some sort of old processor that's super thoroughly documented?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, that's sort of what I was thinking. Maybe time divided by accuracy (math.max(sqrt(n) / approx(n), approx(n) / sqrt(n)) or similar)
Damn, of all users without Marshal, I'm the 6th closest to getting it (technically 7th as WW is ahead of me, but mods can't get Marshal while being mods). ProgramFox, flawr, DJ, SS Anne and PeterJ are ahead of me (in descending order of number of flags)
Maybe I could use something like the Z80
Although maybe a custom one would be better, since I could make it 64-bit which is more natural for working with floats
A: "Hello, World!"

badatgolfMSWLogo, 16 bytes pr[Hello, World!

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Tapes, Pointers, And sub=tapes: BrainFuck+ In this challenge we make an interpreter for a subset of BrainFuck+. As with BrainFuck we start with the tape [0] and pointer at index 0. BrainFuck+ Simplified: Commands + and - Update the current cell, as in BrainFuck. Example: ++ => [2] ^ --+-...

@cairdcoinheringaahing why 10k_users (i understand just dont know why
i know it is a rule but
It's not a rule, it's just that you need 10k reputation to see deleted posts
You can click the link, it'll just take you to a 404 page instead of showing the question
yah i know
i dont understand the purpose
@cairdcoinheringaahing .
@Nobody as in, why can only users with 10k rep see deleted posts?
It's mainly because at 10k, you can cast delete/undelete votes, and so you kinda have to be able to see deleted posts. And, if anyone can see a deleted post, then what's the point of deleting it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I haven'e even got pamarshal yet :P
...do you mean Deputy? :P
I currently have 63, plus four pending.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok
@cairdcoinheringaahing i would say the link still works
@cairdcoinheringaahing what;s that
what is helpful
today in reasons my laptop needs to be exorcised, thrown into the ocean, or possibly both: i have somehow managed to get steam stuck open in the background, i cannot stop it with task manager or actually open steam
@Nobody Whenever you raise a flag, one of the moderators takes a look at it, possibly does something because of the flag, then, if they decide that the flag should have been raised, they mark it helpful. If they think that "No, this didn't need to be flagged", they mark it declined
oh ok
i have school in 2 days
physical school that is
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok
@PyGamer0 wow, far away for china
@cairdcoinheringaahing ooh, I have 53 flags available each day. Theoretically, I could get Marshal by the end of the week :P
Oh wait rep
I forgot about that, what's the cap again?
@emanresuA and 1 flag per 10 net helpful flags
Hm okay
so I could actually get there by earlier, as I'd get more available each day
I could just go around flagging downvoted answers and get it in a week or two
But I have a feeling that would annoy the mods
And the flags have to be helpful :P
As in, looking through downvoted answers and flagging those that are invalid
Good luck finding 500 posts and comments that should actually be flagged :P
1 min ago, by emanresu A
But I have a feeling that would annoy the mods
I probably could
frick, those were meant to be the other way round
ah i has a suspicion lol
wait offline? :(
Or not
god i would love it if anything with my computer would work right
the steam game i have been trying to play for the last two days consistently doesnt start the first time i hit the play button
and then when it actually starts it wont let me sign in to my xbox live account, so it doesnt work
@cairdcoinheringaahing If I used all my flags each day starting today, I'd have Marshal by 5pm Friday :P
aka, one work week away :P
I kinda want to flag 28 posts just to prove my point
5 mins ago, by emanresu A
But I have a feeling that would annoy the mods
If they're worth flagging, you could get away with it
you know you could keep using that quote after every message
One super easy way to get a bunch quickly, then get told off by the mods, is to raise a "no longer needed" flag on every comment in a long chain that is, well, no longer needed
Ykw, fine. I'll do 13 today which will get me up to Deputy
@cairdcoinheringaahing You might get a few of them declined tho
how do i flag an x without y question?
They're not off-topic, just discouraged.
If it has other criteria like unobservable requirements, then sure
(as long as it's open)
oh ok
@Nobody same way you flag any question: click the "Flag" link under the body of the question
gotta love that firefox can't connect to localhost
but, as emanresu said, only flag it if it should be closed (i.e. off topic, unclear, duplicate)
Voting to close this because "a mutable string" and "mutating the output" are unobservable requirements — emanresu A 9 secs ago
Speaking of which
(and I accidentally clicked "needs details or clarity" when closing)
@TheGuywithTheHat Mutable. The description specifically says that if your language doesn't support mutable strings, character arrays are acceptable. — IchBinKeinBaum May 12, 2014 at 11:58

 Superior Simple

Superior Simple: A 2D programming language. See github.com/Sup...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mutation is still an unobservable requirement
For example, some langs (e.g. Scheme) have no concept of mutation
@Nobody Ah, a programming language for fans of Belle Delphine :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing idu
i dont understand
who is that
And I appreciate it if anyone can give any suggestions for my questions in the sandbox. BTW I wonder if there is a reason not to post 5 questions in the sandbox post at a single time (except perhaps that it is not seen before or something similar)
@cairdcoinheringaahing nah that is for anime fans :P
I dont understand at all
@cairdcoinheringaahing can't believe they made programmatic gamer bath water!
@Nobody generally, you should post in the sandbox when you write up a post. so, generally, it should take you a decent amount of time between drafting and posting your Sandbox drafts to avoid flooding the chat room with new posts
e.g. if you have 3 ideas for challenges, the time it takes to write each one up would prevent all three from being posted at once, as you post the first, then write the second, then post and start writing the third etc.
good, this should be a better name

 Superior Simple

Superior Simple: A 2D programming language. See github.com/Sup...
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok
@Nobody An internet celebrity (wiki page is mildly nsfw)
yah seen it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody lol is a palindrome, dad isn't Given a dictionary, find all visual palindromes. When reversed: b > q d > p l > l n > u o > o p > d q > b s > s u > n x > x z > z Assume only lowercase letters as input. Test input: [ this, another, lll, lol, dad, dab, dap, wow, ] Output: [ lll, lol, dap, ] ...

@mathcat yeah otherwise this may happen
and that wont be fun to handle
#even more
language be like:
- macros like C
- simple like python
- functional like haskell
- object oriented like C++
- pattern matching like scala
- typed like C++
- fast like k
- array oriented like APL
popular like javascript
@PyGamer0 Nah, typed like TypeScript
TypeScript is very close to my ideal type system, although making it a bit smarter would be nice
@PyGamer0 I would say object oriented like Java or similar
Not C++
C++ is a bit special plus it has multiple inheritance which is bad
Singular inheritance + interfaces are the way to go
You know when you have a bug that only occurs on certain browsers, investigate and fix it, and wonder why it did work normally on the other browsers?
@AidenChow Fixed, idk why it was working on other browsers – it shouldn't've lol — emanresu A 1 min ago
the only weird bug ive ever had was the one where javascript will let you confirm that an array exists and that all of its elements exist but the moment you try to read them it denies it ever existed
it was for a school project and not anything serious, so i just stringified it and regex searched for the data i wanted
every other bug ive had was a regular mistake by me
language be like:
- macros like C
- simple like python
- functional like haskell
- object oriented like java
- pattern matching like scala
- typed like Typescript
- fast like k
- array oriented like APL
- popular like javascript
hello world
why am i
in CGCC Mod Office, May 16 at 7:13, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops‭ by Number Basher‭ on codegolf.SE (@hyper-neutrino @lyxal)
@PyGamer0 put Julia in there :)
@Nobody why is my question being downvoted??
@graffe what does julia have? unicode?
@Nobody I like this
oh ok
@PyGamer0 someone should make this language
or we all should :P
it should be like those umm
logic langs as well
like prolog or brachylog or whatever
i forgot what the word is for it
i dont understand logic programming
I sorta get it, like a little?
The microkanren paper helped me a lot: webyrd.net/scheme-2013/papers/HemannMuKanren2013.pdf
@lyxal what is logic programming
also what is lisp like
besides lisplike
functional i think
ah yeah
Jeff Atwood on April 06, 2009
Are you familiar with the Penalty Box? The penalty box (sometimes called the sin bin, bad box, or bin) is the area in ice hockey, rugby football and some other sports where a player sits to serve the time of a given penalty, for an offense not severe enough to merit outright expulsion from the…
is someone still able to chat
if so (i can still chat) i would like to test it out ;-)
You are not incapable of chatting, if that is what you are asking.
Your messages come through, to me at least.
no i mean
i am not banned, but
if i can still chat after i am banned I want to try the banning feature out
Got it.
IDK, then.
i dont think you can chat
when you are banned
oh bad
chat suspensions and site suspensions are separate
when your site account gets suspended, if it is the parent account to your chat profile, your chat account gets automatically suspended for the same duration, but technically they're separate
let me change my oarent account
and smokey's blacklst is a different thing altogether
i know
@emanresuA .
@hyper-neutrino .
i sort of want to
@NumberBasher You can edit in a reply btw
make you suspend me in site
@emanresuA oh ok
why exactly? I can suspend you upon request but I am not sure exactly what the point is
i want to test it
@hyper-neutrino is the meta and the normal together
for what
what is there to test even, you just become unable to do anything basically, it's not that interesting
so it's like a qban?
the only thing interesting there is to test with suspensions is what happens when a moderator is suspended and i tested that already lol
but you have qban and aban and many stuff
@hyper-neutrino what will happen
@NumberBasher it's a question ban and also an answer ban, also prevents you from voting, commenting, flagging, etc
the only thing you can really do i think is edit your profile
@hyper-neutrino what will hapeen
i suddenly so want to know haha
wait maybe you can't even edit your own profile while suspended, hmm
Did you test that one while suspending yourself
IIRC you can because I remember one FAQ saying to avoid communiacting with suspender users through profile edits
CMC: Append the fewest required characters to a string to make it a palindrome
@emanresuA yes
my list says i can't edit my own profile with no further notes
i also can't edit other people's profiles like i normally can
icee -> iceeci
thats interesting
YOu can use brute force but that's gonna be slow
@ATaco can it be say ebce->ebcbe or must be ebce->ebcecbe
It must be appended to the end of the string, so only the second
ok then that's easier
i think this is a challenge on main come to think of it
but i can't find it so i'm going to write a shitty jelly solution before i spoil myself :)
def p(x):return x==x[::-1]
def f(x):return min(list(range(len(x)))[::-1],key=lambda m:p(x[m:]))[0]
def s(x):return x[:f(x)]+x[f(x):]+x[:f(x)][::-1]
the actual answer is s
def p(x):return x==x[::-1]

def f(x):return min(list(range(len(x)))[::-1],key=lambda m:p(x[m:]))

def s(x):return x[:f(x)]+x[f(x):]+x[:f(x)][::-1]
The modifier stacking is snazzy
edit, doesn't work
@UnrelatedString Maybe. It’s a relatively canonical challenge
f=lambda x:max(range(len(x)),key=lambda y:x[y:]==x[y:][::-1])
g=lambda x:x[:f(x)]+x[f(x):]+x[:f(x)][::-1]
105 chars
can anyone shorten that?
CMC: Append the fewest required characters to a string anywhere to make it a palindrome
For instance, abcbca -> abcbcba instead of abcbcacbcba
@UnrelatedString Very probable
Q: Complete my palindrome

theonlygustiCreate a function (preferably) or a program that takes an ordered collection and outputs the smallest possible palindrome that starts with the input. For example: >>> completePalindrome( [1, 2, 3] ) [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] >>> completePalindrome( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2] ) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] >>

Q: Palindromizing the strings

AdnanIntroduction For the ones who don't know, a palindrome is when a string is equal to the string backwards (with exception to interpunction, spaces, etc.). An example of a palindrome is: abcdcba If you reverse this, you will end up with: abcdcba Which is the same. Therefore, we call this a palind...

Even though they use a different method it is the same question
why is everybody suddenly gone?
@NumberBasher because of this answer (deleted post so only you and 10k+ users can see)
how does it know what are TP and what are FP
because humans tell it so
when it thinks a post might be spam it asks for people to say whether it's actually spam or if it's wrong
i was actually testing if i had an ansban so
spam reports appear in the Charcoal HQ room
and spam reports for this site appear in the CGCC mod office
@NumberBasher that is not a valid reason to post clutter
@hyper-neutrino ok i know but then what should I post
you can test by posting a legitimate answer or you can literally just ask me, i can see who has qbans and abans
oh ok thnx
@hyper-neutrino so i write up a question in the sandbox? ok
i'll ask you
i think compressing a program into a picture makes 6 bytes into one codel and i think that is sort of... unfair sometimes (even tho piet for example doesn't use all colors
aren't codels a concept specific to piet because it doesn't distinguish all colors and isn't tied to a specific image format
oh ok
picel then
i think compressing a program into a picture makes 6 bytes into one pixel and i think that is sort of... unfair sometimes (even tho piet for example doesn't use all colors
Depends on a lot of things. Images can be really well compressed.
i mean, you have rgb => 255x255x255
i think compressing a program into a picture makes 3 bytes into one pixel and i think that is sort of... unfair sometimes (even tho piet for example doesn't use all colors
I am nobody again!
Good news, my computer is FIXED!!!
A: Palindromizing the strings

emanresu AVyxal, 2 bytes Ṙ⋎ Try it Online! ⋎ # Merge on longest prefix/suffix with... Ṙ # Input reversed

That was surprising :p
there couldn't be a shorter one
i think
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

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