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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

If someone refuses to sign it, the mixer would just need to remove their old and new key from the list and have everyone else sign it again.
(Everyone needing to sign it is so that the mixer can't accept someone's old key but then replace their new one with a key the mixer controls)
lol. yeah, there's too many boring issues with the real world that make actually implementing computer-based voting a fairly bad idea, but I can dream okay :p
\o/ just beat the hardest level in run 3
Y'all ever just Ȧ?
Q: Find the weight of five apples

Alex R.Problem John bought 5 apples. You are given the weights of every group of four apples, and must then find the weights of the apples themselves. For example, if all apples without the first one weigh 798 g, without the second - 794 g, without the third - 813 g, without the fourth - 806 g, and with...

I drew a line that only contains diagonals through a 6x6 grid on an Android pattern lock simulator
apparently u can make ur own semantle now: semantle.novalis.org/make
@BgilMidol well i got 982
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Construct integers from 1, -, and (
@AidenChow did you get it?
@BgilMidol no, not yet
i have a lot of top 100 words, didnt get the answer yet
@BgilMidol ok i gave up on it
gotta say, i mightve been able to get it if i thought about it a bit more lol
didnt want to spend that much time on it tho
those were my top 1000
I solved Semantle #71 in 150 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 10.72. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #35. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 60.00 (997/1000). semantle.novalis.org
Q: Shuffle an array, a little bit

flawrGiven some input array a = [a1, a2, ..., an] and a positive integer k, shuffle the input array a such that no entry is farther than k from its initial position. Example Given the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and k = 1, this means the entry 3 can be at following positions: [*, 3, *, *, * ,*] [*, *, 3...

Sup guys
I have a project im doing but im not sure im wanna go about doing it
Its about finding the most suitable place in a school compound to have urban farming
Data is collected via a app that senses light intensity
reminder this exists


For discussion about today's puzzles (spoilers!). A full list ...
Q: Removed J-brackets

Wheat WizardFor a 2 dimensional array we will call the elements in either the first row or the last column the "J-Bracket" of the array. For example in the following array elements in the J-bracket are highlighted: \$ \begin{bmatrix} \color{red}{\underline 1} & \color{red}{\underline 2} & \color{red}{\under...

@UnrelatedString yeah, i just wanted to share semantle.novalis.org/make to everyone, not everyone here checks that chat
fair enough
1 hour later…
95/100 for fanatic, i can feel it
almost there
also will the sandbox be deleted when the staging ground is released
if staging ground works out we'll probably archive sandbox
though deleting could work just as well as closing for that given this is se lmao
Deleting it probably isn't a good idea - there'll be challenges in there that people may still want feedback upon, and we'll need to keep it open for a while
maybe adding a disclaimer that the sandbox wouldn't be actively checked anymore would be more appropriate
Maybe also make the sandbox protected so that new users are redirected to the staging area
Alright StackOverflow, I get it, I need to do my Computer Science assessment
no need to remind me to do it dumbnuts.
@UnrelatedString @AidenChow @anyoneelsewhosemantles solve this: semantle.novalis.org/?word=Y29kZTU4NDEwODk4ODQ5NzEzODY=
CMQ: Should I change my name to mns :p
shoot its taken on github
What if i append a random number to it
ok cool mns4 404s
btw mns is my real name with all vowels excluded
bcs vwls mst b htd
actually because if i remove all consonants from my name it becomes aaa lol
@PyGamer0 you say that despite the fact that you used vowels in that sentence.
@lyxal wdym :p
@lyxal what do you think about changing my name
good idea but not the number part
although it could be an exception to the numbers != cool rule I seem to believe in
ok what about the number part (which is randomly chosen) only on github?
i think i should keep it everywhere since the number was randomly chosen by a fair dice roll :P
i will take that as a yes for the first one
for both
if you're going to have the number, be consistent
^ how does that look (F12'd)
hmm not as good as I thought it would
i asked my brother to randomly smash the keyboard: hufh
totally unrelated, but
go forth and let your ears enjoy the sorting
uh guess i will keep it PyGamer0
@lyxal beep beep booop beep beep BEEP beep beep
Q: Convert the type modifiers from prefix to C-fix

xiver77Given a base type T, this can be augmented with * or [], each meaning pointer and array. For example, []*T means "array of pointer to T" and *[]T means "pointer to array of T". Let's call * and [] type modifiers. C has a way of ordering these modifiers tied to the evaluation order. []*T in C-styl...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PyGamer0Give me the electronic configuration. As simple as the title. Input will be a number denoting the atomic number. The output will be the electronic configuration of the element of the given atomic number. There are 2 rules for electronic configuration: The maximum number of electrons each shell c...

^ feedback?
Anyoen else find it annoying how infinity bows still require an arrow?
it sort of makes sense though but yes it is really annoying
Mumxal just made cookies and they taste great
Just thought I'd flex that on y'all
it took me a couple of frames to understand what mumxal meant lol
tomorrow is my last exam
its chemistry
@hyper-neutrino you must have been late for the bus
Or early actually if it took few frames
Do you only explain what mumxal means every 21 frames?
lyxal is mario confirmed?
it's a me, lyxal Mario!
What's cool is that it's written in CSS
now how many browsers can run it right
Works for me
I've almost beaten it but I can't find the fuses.
(Yes it's written in scss / haml but those compile to css / html)
@UnrelatedString Probably anything more recent than internet explorer
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ feedback?
the chatiquette is outdated, it says Doorknob is a mod
pushed a change; give it a few minutes to update
Who owns that aside from you?
nobody lol
also is this doorknob? github.com/tckmn
In python, what is a golfy way to replace every instance of fred in a string with wilma?
E,g, “123fred.ghytf” -> “123wilma.ghytf”
Ah…. .replace exists
Copilot understands my pain
* { box-sizing: border-box !important; } supremacy
If that works I'll be amazed
CMQ: Would y'all mind going to canvas-1209.surge.sh on your phone and telling me what you see?
(Doesn't matter what kind of phone)
(try pressing some of the coloured buttons?)
@allxy if you don't have it from the start, and try to add things afterwards, it might break things
@allxy The first thing I got was an alert with some numbers in it
Ignore that, it's debugging
It's more that ios safari doesn't respect box-sizing:border-box (even with vendor prefixes)
what why??
It appears not to at least
One moment, getting photos off my phone is pain
@allxy mine looks mostly like that, but there's about one button's width of horizontal scrolling
Are the buttons all the same width or is the selected one slightly wider?
all the same width
although they're all slightly wider than they are tall, not exactly square
@pxeger Add that to my growing list of problems to fix. I'm starting to wonder if mobile support is worth the effort...
@pxeger What's the first number in the alert, and also what browser/os are you using?
also when I pinch to zoom in, it places a pixel in between my fingers
@allxy 34.5, Firefox 100.0b3 on Android
@pxeger Yeah touch support for the canvas is really janky. I've found something that may work...
Thanks for helping with this
@pxeger That makes sense with your display resolution
(34.5, the first number in the alert, is screen width / 12 or the expected button width, and they're 30 pixels tall)
Why not just make them constant height and width, and have some margin on the edge
I'll try that... probably won't fix the border problem though
Alternatively, I could yeet away the positioning CSS and use javascript
Q: Please simplify math for me by implementing super operation

talexI did lot of math recently and get tired of using those different operations like +, *, and pow. I want one operation to replace them all. What if I have one that can do everything? Can you please implement me operation op(n, x, y) that can do it all. For example: op(1, x, y) = x + y op(2, x, y) ...

you could use an inset box shadow
box-shadow: 0 3px 0 red inset, 3px 0 0 red inset, 0 0 3px red inset, 0 0 0 3px red inset;
@NewPosts Damnit cast a vtc as needs details or clarity, dupe
@pxeger Box shadows are black magic to me, but I'll try that...
@cairdcoinheringaahing i reverted the change
its better to have separate builtins
Fixed width didn't fix the border problem, I'll try box shadow black magic now
so yeah fold and scan on monads
basically does what caird's fork does
@pxeger IT WORKS!
Thank you :)
#Worldle #79 6/6 (100%)
#Worldle #79 1/6 (100%)
You clearly didn't spend enough of your childhood staring at world maps
I thought it was pakistan
it's obviously an island
yeah borders can be funky but you don't usually get little exclaves floating around out there
heavily suggesting islands
@mathcat spoiler
Oh wait I'm getting mixed up with yesterday's
@allxy there's no spoiler text on that
try to click the link
#Worldle #79 1/6 (100%)
how did i guess that
@mathcat looks nothing like Pakistan lol
9 mins ago, by mathcat
I'm only good at Europe geography
I feel like my programming style is evolving towards radvylf's
and i feel like making a k dialect in c++
with good docs
I have returned!
what have I missed?
@allxy being?
reading over the transcripts... jeez @RadvylfPrograms really sorry about your family issues
@AidenChow oh yes, there have been a few convos like that
take that mathcat
@Ginger ᗡ:
@lyxal what the foka
I did not come here to see that
Too bad.
...oh wait you're Australian nvm
as of now makina is the only lang I've made that is 100% original
I know of 0 others that use the same principle
also I have gotten myself a fancy new LIDAR sensor
@Ginger Hard to verify due to lack of documentation
well sorry, not everyone can be vyxal
(I don't have access to the computer with my planning info on it rn)
I don't mean anything extensive
I will make docs ASAP
I just mean some sort of description of it in a readme
At least tell us how it works kekw
ok, ok
makina readme
@Ginger nice
what are you planning to do with it?
slap it on top of a robotics platform I got a few years ago to make a ROS-powered auto-navigating robot army MUAHAHAHAAAAA
@Ginger Lyxal in Direct Air Range sensor? :p
Because it's always handy to have one of those
it beeps loudly whenever Lyxal approaches your location
...why is it beeping
oh no
Nice computer you got there
Nice furniture too
Mar 7 at 12:39, by Ginger Industries
yesterday, by Ginger Industries
Feb 3 at 23:32, by lyxal
@GingerIndustries Dang bro don't doxx me like that
It'd be a shame if someone was to come in and stand on it.
why is there a [LYXAL] headed towards my [SERVER]?
Because it looks cool
you fool, I also have a Lyxal Infrared Defense Automated Robot
It hurts
[Ginger Technologies] would like to know your location.
@Ginger My mom says I'm not allowed to tell people my location, sorry :P
@Ginger Earth, probably
[Ginger Technologies] already knows your location.
hi all
hi @graffe
anyone here have any interest in algorithms?
I have a question :)
It's recommended to just ask - don't bothering "asking to ask" :P
we are listening
always listening
given a bipartite graph, I can compute a maximum matching using en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopcroft%E2%80%93Karp_algorithm
or just by calling a function in networkx or igraph
aaand it's over my head
but there will be a lot of maximum matchings typically. How can I find more than one?
@Ginger :(
@Ginger lel same
I am very square brain, sorry
lel ?
lol but Radvylf hates it
lol but with an e instead of an o
laugh even louder?
@graffe Might be worth asking over in the math.SE rooms, or the CS.SE ones
There isn't a meaning to it
@graffe ^
@lyxal there is now :)
To find all maximum matchings:
First find one maximum matching.
Recursively: Check if any matchings with sufficient size exist at all. If so, pick one vertex, and try using every edge of that vertex, recursively checking the graph with that edge's two vertices removed.
lul: Laugh Uproariously Loudly
@Ginger loudly! Got to pay respect to the adverbs
@m90 interesting... let me try to understand that
@m90 if you remove the two vertices then you may miss another matching. I mean let's say there is a perfect matching. If I remove two of the vertices I can't then find another perfect matching. Maybe just remove the edge in the matching?
@graffe Yes, then that particular recursive call will fail. That is normal.
@m90 let's say we have a bipartite graph with 4 vertices a, b, c, d. a is connected to c and d and b is connected to c and d.
the first matching gives me (a, c), (b, d)
I don't want to remove a and c because then I can't find the matching (a, d) (b, c)
similarly I don't want to remove b and d
@Ginger ಠ_ಠ
o no
Then, say A is picked. It will do as follows:
Use AC, recursive call on {B,D} and find a matching BD, creating a full matching {AC,BD}.
Use AD, recursive call on {B,C} and find a matching BC, creating a full matching {AD,BC}.
btw I designed this bookmarklet: javascript:!function(){text="ಠ_ಠ";navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function(){console.log('Yah');},function(err){console.error('Nah',err);});}();
sorry wot
@m90 oh I see... interesting
do you know that this is correct?
tfw your 3d print fails because you forgot to put glue on the bed
@graffe I'm pretty sure it is.
(the printer bed, not your bed lyxal)
@cairdcoinheringaahing cs.se is useless if you actually want to write code :)
@m90 cool. I will have a think about it
@graffe what kind of lunatic actually wants to write code? :P
imagine wanting to write code
it's not like site.name.startswith("Code") or anything crazy like that
imagine imagining
imagine dragons?
imagine imagining imagine dragons imagining imagination
> my two brain cells cannot comprehend the amount of information you just gave
@Ginger ^
yk you can just paste the link to the message
@Ginger I don't write code, I copy paste weird symbols and click "Run" :P
tfw about.google single-handedly makes your RPi start using swap
ಠ_ಠ My uni's lecture notes are super well typed out, full on LaTeX etc. but they constantly reference earlier parts ("The proof follows from (7.3) from Theorem 7.8" etc.) but don't have the hyperrefs package, so you can't click the references to go back to refresh your memory, you have to scroll for years to go find them
Like, section 9.1 has this: "Or if we use the isomorphism \$T_{\mathcal B} : \mathbb C^n \to V\$, introduced in (7.4), we can rewrite this as ...". Like I remember some function introduced as an example 10 weeks ago ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing a very good point!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I feel you need to pose a challenge to fix this :)
"Given my lecture notes, make the references clickable. Shortest code wins" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing exactly!
@m90 maybe I could ask a fastest algorithm question for the max matching question?
We don't have that many of those
@cairdcoinheringaahing are you studying math?
> A computer scientist is someone who fixes things that aren't broken.
@cairdcoinheringaahing cool. What is your favourite topic?
@Ginger but they have the wrong type! :)
@graffe Good question :P
How many years in?
1st year undergrad
Ah...the start
Are you at a fancy uni?
define "fancy uni" :P
I don't know :)
Im at a uni that's considered to be a good uni, but not the "best" uni :P
Sounds good!
So Bristol uni it is :)
How did you know that? lol
:) that's how they all describe their uni
Also, I think I've said I go to Bristol here before :P
People at Warwick don't say that
Wow! Did I really get it right :-D
I must buy some lottery tickets :)
I reckon graffe knows me IRL, but I don't know they know me :P
We used to have a Cambridge graduate here but he has gone sadly
@cairdcoinheringaahing :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I believe graffe's real name is Anush, if that helps ;)
There have been some geniuses at ppcg
Christian Seviers for example
Ah, are you Anush, @graffe? Didn't realise you'd changed your username :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing not any more :)
I don't know any Anushs irl, but I'm awful with names :P
I self identify as a graffe
@cairdcoinheringaahing They're two separate accounts of the same person, not a username change IIRC
@pxeger the Anush account was deleted
@graffe Christian Seviers?
He got too big for his own boots and had to go
I love it when I'm writing up a challenge, and the wikipedia page for the thing has multiple times, "No general method is known", "It is an open problem" and "There are several unsolved problems" :P
@pxeger yep. He is amazing
@pxeger One of the users on the site, solved some crazy challenges
what's his username?
I can't find him in the Users list
In number theory, friendly numbers are two or more natural numbers with a common abundancy index, the ratio between the sum of divisors of a number and the number itself. Two numbers with the same "abundancy" form a friendly pair; n numbers with the same "abundancy" form a friendly n-tuple. Being mutually friendly is an equivalence relation, and thus induces a partition of the positive naturals into clubs (equivalence classes) of mutually "friendly numbers". A number that is not part of any friendly pair is called solitary. The "abundancy" index of n is the rational number σ(n) / n, in which σ...
I made a thing: amd2.pxeger.net:8000/edit. I'm looking for feedback on its usability
@pxeger No stealing my challenge
I would never be so rude!
Are fastest-algorithm questions acceptable these days?
If no one says no, I am going to pose one
Yes, but you should go through the Sandbox
Last answered one was September 2021....
Maybe fastest code is better? Views please
@pxeger wait a second, are you making that to fulfill this
@Ginger w...why are we putting glue on my bed? Do y'all want me permanently stuck there?
best method name ever
@PyGamer0 possibly...
programmers: good at solving algorithms
also programmers: bad at naming things
@pxeger so are you going to make the programming language also? :P
Q: Join my exclusive friendly club!

caird coinheringaahingTwo or more positive integers are said to be "friendly" if they have the same "abundancy". The abundancy of an positive integer \$n\$ is defined as $$\frac {\sigma(n)} n,$$ where \$\sigma(n)\$ is the sum of \$n\$'s divsors. For example, the abundancy of \$30\$ is \$\frac {12} 5\$ as $$\frac {\sig...

@PyGamer0 eventually, probably
@NewPosts I promise, it's not a cult
@RadvylfPrograms @JoKing Just to remind you, there's three bounties left in the Best Of that you've said you'll award that haven't been started yet
I think -1490 rep in one day might be my biggest single day rep loss :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing lemme just delete my account so that can be even bigger
Interestingly enough, even after losing that much rep, my position in the overall rep rankings hasn't changed
made a codeberg account codeberg.org/PyGamer0
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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