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new smantle now
I'm into the spoiler stuff
@Neil Thanks, that's the best solution. m90 pointed it out earlier.
new mantle soon
@user They're still destroying the world?
after 40 guesses of very slowly accruing stuff behind a 14.16 guess #2 i just tried something else and happened to hit 905 lmao
I have a 19ish
@Jonah yeah I was still in scrollback and hadn't seen his reply yet
912 at 4th try
my top has been 920 for the last 30 guesses
and i've only gotten 4 more top 1000s
I have 88 guesses and nothing top 1000
I too, take my thermometer and weighing scale to fast food restaurants, precisely measure the temperature and mass of what I am about to consume, then scientifically adjust the temperature of my beverage
I'm literally just guessing random words
@allxy Hint
Guessing random words is a great strategy for Semantle
Am I missing something? I see nothing when I hover
Try again
I solved Semantle #58 in 123 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -2.23. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #41. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 45.80 (983/1000). semantle.novalis.org
bruh I got one word in the top 1000 and none of the words that should be related to it are anywhere close
this was my fewest top 1000s in a while
@user ikr lmao
@user this does in fact not have hover text
:60750583 [Hint](https://www.example.com " ")
inspecting the html shows title=" "
you can also view it by manually going to the message history page (even though the button doesn't exist for messages that haven't been edited)
or just be a mod and click "edit" ez
I solved Semantle #58 in 142 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.47. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #98. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 28.86 (783/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@user I typically have 10 or so ice cubes in my coffee :P
Who else golfs in ed? After all, no well-golfed program in any real programming language is going to use up more than a line! Why waste the RAM to fire up a horribly bloated editor like vim? Perish the thought.
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Overlay the Ukrainian Flag
@UnrelatedString hehehe
How long dif it take you?
half a second after i solved the semantle and wanted to check what the fuck that was all about
I solved Semantle #58 in 149 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.21. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #96. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 9.50. semantle.novalis.org
lol my first top 1000 word was 345
I solved Semantle #58 in 21 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 4.77. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #4. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 54.02 (995/1000). semantle.novalis.org
should have been 10 if i have thought of it
being short of vocab sucks
2 hours ago, by Unrelated String
Hypixel Zombies is so ridiculously fun. We mortals do not deserve it.
(Actually, bye, since I'm going to sleep now :p)
Waiit, you're being responsible???
Everyone knows golfers don't have sleep schedules
Rainbow road irl?!?
What is that
Mar 12 at 2:51, by lyxal
Whoa wearing polarised sunglasses in a car with tinted windows makes everything look trippy
That's what I was referring to
@lyxal wow look the road, its so clean...
@lyxal imagine this but less blurry and happening to cars, windows and basically anything with a somewhat reflective surface. That's what sunglasses + tinted windows looks like
@PyGamer0 all roads look like that here
i assume specifically polarized tinted windows
not that i'd expect non-polarized tinted windows
Idk what kind of tint
I'm a code golfer, not a motoring enthusiast for goodness sakes
"We are cubers, we cube numbers."
"We don't solve rubiks Cubes"
I solved Semantle #58 in 43 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.11. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #27. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 36.54 (912/1000). semantle.novalis.org
took a bit but we got there
#27 was 995 lmao
my final exam starts tomorrow
tomorrow is math
and after that is history.
Wordle 282 X/6

Nice lol
@hyper-neutrino lmao hard mode does fuck you over like that sometimes
it's not hard mode i'm just stupid B)
ok i sorta self-impose hard mode most of the time lol; yesterday I guessed a word that couldn't be correct because i was stuck
is hard mode only guessing words that could be correct
@UnrelatedString ye, in hard mode u have to use hints from ur previous guesses, so u cant guess intentionally wrong words to eliminate letters
1 hour later…
@lyxal did you dox yourself in the past?
No, I didn't
If you're referring to my username change to Lyxal in 2020,that was to suit my philosophy of cool usernames
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
oh boy i used k to read elements.txt for flax and got the element glyphs:
i just need to figure out how to convert that back to unicode...
well it's just hex
so you can either convert the whole thing to an integer and go from there or chunk it into bytes of two hex digits each
35 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 94 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 108 110 111 114 -31 -71 -103 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 -62 -84 -62 -79 -30 -128 -94 -61 -121 -61 -112 -61 -105 -61 -73 -60 -126 -60 -118 -60 -117 -60 -96 -59 -125 -59 -121 -59 -102 -59 -96 -59 -69 -59 -68 -56 -90 -50 -96 -50 -93 -31 -72 -126 -31 -72 -124 -31 -72 -118 -31 -72 -116 -31 -72 -115 -31 -72 -98 -31 -72 -97 -31 -72 -78 -31 -72 -73 -31 -71 -124 -31 -71 -102 -31 -71 -96 -31 -71 -94 -31 -71 -86 -31 -70 -
it gives negstive values..
u can use decode in python 2 to convert hex to unicode
python 2 is ded
@PyGamer0 well it works for what u r trying to do :P
the awful way i did it was str(bytes(eval(f'0x{a}{b}')for a,b in zip(s[::2],s[1::2])),encoding='utf-8')
so it's just a matter of finding the equivalent functionality in k
oh u doing it in another language, didnt read that part
im asking in the k tree
i forgot to :sort the element list in vim lol
@UnrelatedString you have done program coding.
@emanresuA da hell is happening there?!?!
ಠ_ಠ good flash emulators are hard to find
@emanresuA wt**f*(
ooh, this is interesting
i got the 6th most similar word
I just got rickrolled
@allxy E
@Mayube give me 1 hour to build a brute forcer
ಠ_ಠ spent a couple of hours playing Run 3, realised the HTML5 version was incomplete and I needed the flash version, spent ages messing with ruffle before finding a working emulator, and just realised that all my progress is gone.
@SegFaultPlus4 E rolled lol
@allxy sad
K's cool
Although it'd be nice if ngn/k had as good docs as oK
@UnrelatedString i just needed to print it properly
and the program is very simple too
@allxy and if it supported windows, although i guess i can use wsl or cygwin...
but i dont want to
Wdym? Isn't it written in everything-compatible C?
i cant compile it on mingw
TIL factor is open source
i am stuck on semantle after finding the 6th closest word
find a number such that x^6 + 1 = x^4 + x^2 AND x^5 = x^3 + 1
Wordle 282 3/6

Heh opposite of usual
first 3 in a while
normally i get 6s
@SegFaultPlus4 tio.run/…
@PyGamer0 ok gotta find a new one
@UnrelatedString do you have any plans to switch back to your pfp of the earth like thing
i forgot the name
find a number such that x^3 +1 = x + x^2 and x^5 = x^4 + 1
@SegFaultPlus4 there are none
@SegFaultPlus4 why dont you use my program to check if such a number exists?
@allxy why are you still using your sock?
@PyGamer0 how do i do that
@SegFaultPlus4 e1 and e2 are the coefficients of x
llke: 3x²+x-2 -> [3,1,-2]
there are three real solutions to x^6 + 1 = x ^ 4 + x ^n2
in Vyxal, Aug 13, 2021 at 13:25, by exedraj
HN is going to come back to this and have so many questions
in Vyxal, Aug 13, 2021 at 13:26, by Aaron Miller
nah, he'll see it and just be like "oh they're just being six-year-olds again"
in Vyxal, Aug 13, 2021 at 15:45, by user
We Vyxal users are not known for our maturity, so we can't expect the spamming to stop
Man those days were absolutely wack
given there are three real solutions to x^6 + 1 = x^4 + x^2, how do i distinguish between them
What do you mean by "distinguish between them"
create an equation such that one of the three solutions is a solution to both of them
maybe ask in the math room?


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
@SegFaultPlus4 ^?
I'd say for every pixel's rgb values, 0.3*a+0.7*b
a is the base image, b is the overlay image
yes that makes sense
@mathcat I just added that comment ! hah
@AncientSwordRage I just added that edit ! hahah
@Ginger I am also not stackexchanging left handed ! Hahahaha
image not found
yarn.co must be blocked for you
Stack exchange is by far the easiest way to upload to imgur
I've come up with a name for my automaton language thing
presenting Makina
@Ginger also, probably mention overlay with 70% opacity using RGB color-coding, not HSV, RGBA, or other stuff
@AncientSwordRage but i am left handed
as am I
imagine having hands
BTW happy Tuesday everyone
> yalprs!
Ah, my favourite word.
I do love a little yalprs!in the morning
And the exclamation mark is part of the word
it seems that yalp.rs is unregistered
how about bea.ns?
invalid tld i think
hey because of TNB distraction I just have a minute now to complete some harry potter quiz
Sometimes I like to come up with stupidly long urls. For example, https://www.joejoejoe.com.au/joe.html.pdf.txt/h/socks.docx?yes=no&thing=https/::www.www.www.com.gov.org.eu////file.sb3.dat.java.py
> socks.docx
Just the fact it has multiple extensions on a single thing makes it look funny
@Ginger consider it tactical research on Linux users
55 mins ago, by Ginger
Linux users who also program in Rust
9 secs ago, by Ginger
55 mins ago, by Ginger
I may say "wot" too often
U wot m8
code out of context:
class Result(Enum):
    CONTINUE = 0
    HALT = 1
Cool beans
if (!child) {
self.state = DEAD
out of context code: self.poop()
this.sentence = False
this.sentence is False # returns True
that.paradox = True
good morning :3
*cricket noises*
steps on crickets
*silentium est*
Okay I'm getting pretty tired of writing things on my mental to-do list, doing them in a dream, and then realizing I did them wrong. Planned to go in and add my microsoft account password to the giant unencrypted txt file I use as a password manager, but in a dream I checked and it was already there
And I wish this was starbait
Yo @Ginger did you ever resolve the issue with RTO's bash/zsh?
@RadvylfPrograms working on it
1 hour later…
He really do just be saying "we live in a society"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenWords with Easy Letters in a Word Search Tags: code-golfgridword-searchstringnumber Introduction: Apparently I keep coming up with word search related challenges lately. :) When I do the word search in the Dutch news paper, some words are very easy to find because they contain letters that aren't...

@UnrelatedString can't you use (i or 2)-1 instead of (i-1,i+1)[i<1]?
it can just be i<1or~-i
Q: Calculate the overlapping line

xiver77(l, r) defines a line whose left end is at l and the right end is at r, on a 1-dimensional space. Given 2 lines b = (0, bz) and f = (i, i + fz), v = (l, r) is the overlapping part of these lines. When b and f do not overlap, v = (0, 0). (input) -> (output) bz, fz, i -> l, r The data type for e...

i can use enumerate....
shit forgot tio doesnt auto update links like ato
i see...
if we can assume the string only contains brackets, then: ato.pxeger.com/…
tfw replit locks up and you have to reload but when you do you lose the last 10m of work
<function InstructionRegistry.p.<locals>.<lambda>.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f228c5f23a0>
3 hours ago, by mathcat
*cricket noises*
what the HELL is that
@pxeger VTC as unclear
my automata are sticky
send help
Q: Batt to the Basics

Sylvester KruinOne of your acquaintances has a hobby of making make-shift electrical gadgets using various types of batteries. However, since they're thrifty, they want to use as few batteries as possible for their projects. This challenge uses several types of batteries; your job is to output the fewest number...

you guys wanna play complex irrational o-fish
@NewPosts there's probably a dupe of this but in the context of making change
also maybe I'm being stupid but aren't codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/223314 and codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/223518 dupes?
But posted literally 3 days apart
Oh I see, the second one allows reverse change
Did anyone else notice that the vote count and answer count and view count of questions on the summary page are now bold?
@ophact link to summary page?
more like questions page
wrong word usage
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Radvylf ProgramsWash clothes as quickly as possible It's laundry day, and you have lots of clothes that need to be washed. Wanting to have as much time left over for code golf as possible, you hope to optimize how quickly you wash and dry them all. You have three types of appliances: Washing machines: Take dirt...

hey guess what
I am a dumbass
me: wondering why these two automata are using the same position
my code: child = Automaton(self.world, self.position, direction)
Plot twist: emanresu crash landed 14 years ago in a flying saucer and was collecting supplies to go back to his home planet
You may want to vote in the Proof Assistants moderator election: proofassistants.stackexchange.com/election
@RadvylfPrograms Plot twist: emanresu crash landed 14 years ago in a flying saucer and was collecting supplies to destroy the world and then go back to his home planet
Plot twist: The flat earthers were right and Australia/NZ don't exist, or at least they didn't, but 14 years ago two asteroids collided, forming the two nations, and everyone who lives on them is from the planet Zorp-2122.
That's why Australia was able to control COVID so effectively, it took time for it to mutate to be able to infect Zorpians
Now, Australia (Zorp Prime I) is at war with New Zealand (Zorp Prime II)
Huh, gpt was right about lyxal being a different species
@RadvylfPrograms lol
Prime 2
Kinda an oxymoron
I can't wait to get home and play Hypixel Zombies
@RadvylfPrograms Put my parents in your sample--it'll be three times as big, and the conjecture will be conclusively disproven. (They've mostly been communicating with their friends via technology, and they are also each other's friend.)
(Weird thing I just noticed: Firefox's dictionary thinks "proven" is a word but "disproven" is not)
Still better than google's dictionary
Cutting: a small piece cut off of a plant for the purpose of planting or grafting it elsewhere
i will never stop being bothered by dictionary phonetic notations
That too. I get what they're going for, but if you're doing to conflate the American flapped d/t sound with d, why use a non-ASCII symbol for schwa?
... Not to mention that that isn't actually a schwa, because schwa doesn't occur in stressed syllables. >_<
not to mention they're using the schwa symbol for /ʌ/
Took me a minute to realize that, lol
also the raw caps to indicate a digraph make it unduly emphatic where they should just not have digraphs if they're going to not use pure ascii
I'm officially revoking the Radvylf Worst Natural Language award from English and awarding it to Latin
poet.ae              N      1 1 GEN S M
poet.ae              N      1 1 LOC S M
poet.ae              N      1 1 DAT S M
poet.ae              N      1 1 NOM P M
poet.ae              N      1 1 VOC P M
poeta, poetae  N  M   [XPXAX]
poeta has a locative? That's news to me. When would you even use that form?
I'd assume the dictionary is just copying the pattern from words that do have locatives
But...four separate meanings for one word. What's the point of adding all sorts of endings to words when all they do is make things more ambiguous
How hard is it just come up with a few more endings
Or, better, instead of merging everything into a massive table of endings, just put two endings on stuff
@RadvylfPrograms It's the other way around, generally--they used to be distinct and got merged. English is the same way, we're just a lot farther along in the process.
coming up with new endings is generally harder since paradigm leveling is way more consistent than grammaticalization
TBF I'd probably be able to tell more stuff from context...if I wasn't currently both using the worst latin textbook ever and doing so essentially without having taken Latin I
note how case is mostly dead in most of latin's descendants
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, your learning circumstances haven't been doing you any favors
Q: Make a +-= Interpreter

BowlingPizzaBall+-= is a language created by Esolangs user Anonymous in 2017.The language consists of only three commands: + increases the accumulator by one. - decreases the accumulator by one. = outputs the accumulator and a newline. Rules This is code-golf, all usual golfing rules apply. Standard rules app...

@RadvylfPrograms lol are you a marketing person for Hypixel Zombies?
Of course not. Hypixel Zombies's excellent gameplay speaks for itself, and it can be played free at mc.hypixel.net on any minecraft version from 1.8 to 1.18.
@RadvylfPrograms hey wait gosh dang it you can't go sharing classified government information like this!
That would explain why I don't remember much of my first 5 years of existence
My grade on an assignment: 100/100
My english teacher: "You do have time to submit a revision for a better grade by April 6th, 2022."
I feel like this is a threat
Sometimes I forget schools exist, so the concept of people going to a building 5 days a week for 6 or more hours now sounds odd
@RadvylfPrograms Thanks
6 or more?! I have to go to school for 8 hours
Literally spend a third of my day there
Another third is spent sleeping, so only one third of my life is spent actually having a life
I love how the people on Explain XKCD overanalyze it and get into such deep discussions about what Randall meant and what each bit might be a reference to
My English teachers would be proud of them
oh dear
@DLosc "proven" is a legal term in Scottish law; a verdict can be "not guilty", "guilty" or "not proven"... but never "disproven"
not not disproven
@user they're over there writing essays on comics, while I'm just like
Wheatley crab
Wheatly crab
hehe turned in an english assignment 2 minutes before deadline becuz of procrastination :P
just in time for new semantle

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